6. Lothlorien

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Kaylea Wolf floated in a warm dream. It was very pleasant there, peaceful and quiet, like floating in a tropical sea. When she started to focus on where she was she saw hooded figures, long swords in the dark, foul creatures running towards her. It was much more pleasant to just lay in the warm water and float. But she kept hearing a voice. It was deep and resonant and familiar. There was something about it that drew her to it, she loved to hear it but could not remember why. She drifted in her dream, but there was that voice again. She realized she was in love with that voice and when it drifted away again she began to seek it out. It felt like it took ages to push past the robed figures with their long knives, past orcs and tall white trees. It was like trying to reach the surface from deep underwater, but she kept pulling herself upward. Then the name came to her: Thorin. The realization of who that voice belonged to hit her like a kick to the head. The man she loved, with his soft smile and quick temper, beautiful hair and amazing blue eyes, and that voice. She had to get back to him, it was much more important than any cozy dream.

Kaylea came to herself slowly. She could feel a soft bed beneath her, hear the wind in the leaves of the mallorn trees, the scent of athelas from the dressing of her wound, she knew she was in Lorien. The next thing she became aware of was Thorin. He was lying next to her on the bed, on top of the coverlet, head on the pillow next to hers. He was holding her hand, his fingers interlaced with hers and he was talking. Kaylea did not listen to what he was saying at first, just the sound of his voice, taking in his frankincense and vetiver smell, the feel of his hand on hers. Was it really possible to love someone as much as she loved this man? His words slowly started to come into focus, he was telling her about the battle of Azanulbizar. A story she had heard many times. Kaylea let him talk for some time, enjoying the sound of his voice, the feel of him next to her. Finally she gave his hand a squeeze.

"Will you just shut up and kiss me," she said. Her voice came out as a husky whisper and she wondered how long she had been down.

Thorin gasped. "My love!" He kissed her hand, holding it between his. "You have come back!"

"I told you I had no plans to leave you," Kaylea attempted a smile, turning her head toward him. "How long have I been asleep?"

"It has been more than two days since the Lady Galadriel removed that blade tip from your wound, you slept five days before that."

Odin's beard! Kaylea thought to herself. Seven days? She looked at Thorin, she could see the fatigue around his eyes, and the relief in his wide smile. She wanted to kiss him so badly. "Are you going to kiss me, or not?"

Thorin smiled wider and leaned forward to kiss her. He tasted so good, earthy and warm, the reason she had fought her way out of that dream. He pulled back to smile at her again, still holding her hand. "I thought I was going to lose you," he said.

"I heard your voice," Kaylea replied.

"Lady Galadriel said your mind had travelled far. I thought it would help if I talked to you," Thorin said shyly, he seemed a bit embarrassed.

"You were right. I followed it back to you, my king," Kaylea said. She willed her hand to move up to touch his face, her thumb running over his beard. Thorin put an arm around her, drawing her close to kiss her again. Longer this time, and more passionate. At length he drew back, knowing she must still be very tired.

"You must rest," he said. "You still have much healing to do."

Kaylea rolled her eyes at him. "I have already been out for seven days." She was fully in her body now, she could feel the tightness along her neck where the wound was still healing, her muscles stiff and sore. She started to push herself up, but Thorin stopped her.

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