9. The Warrior Revealed

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Thorin took a deep breath and kissed Kaylea's neck, waiting for his mind to catch up with his body. He felt as if every inch of his body was vibrantly alive, like sparks were dancing over his skin, the sensation intense and sustained. After a moment he moved to lay beside her, she too was breathing deeply, her whole body flushed. They lay together for a time, feeling the sweat start to dry on their bodies. Thorin took Kaylea's hand in his and brought it to his lips.

"I have missed you so much," she said. She shifted to settle herself in his soft bed, the light from the fire bathing her naked body in red light.

"Then why leave again, my love?" Thorin asked quietly.

Kaylea shook her head, she pushed herself up to sit back against the pillows. "We have talked about this."

"And we have not yet reached an agreement," Thorin scowled at her. "I have done all you asked of me. My line is secure, my kingdom prospers, the alliances of Erebor are strong." He moved to kneel on the bed beside her, taking her hands in his. "Every time you ride away I convince myself that you are right, that we should wait, but as soon as I have you in my arms again I know I will never be complete until you are with me always. Will you marry me?"

Kaylea met his gaze, her face pleading. "Thorin, do not tempt me! You know I cannot."

Thorin's face went dark. There was an edge to his voice as he spoke. "If it is true you love me as much as you say, then you must tell me once and for all why we cannot be together. I am tired of all the secrecy, I am tired of waiting. I will have an answer. You owe me that."

Kaylea looked at him for a long moment. Thorin could see she was weighing something in her mind. At length she spoke. "Very well. You are right, I have put it off too long. But it is easier if I show you. We will need to go for a ride."

Thorin frowned at her. "You cannot just tell me?"

She shook her head. "It would be just words. If I show you, it will make better sense."

Thorin bent over to kiss her gently. "How long then must I wait for my answer, my love?"

"A half day's ride. We must go to the north, toward the Misty Mountains." Kaylea ran her hands up over his chest. "We can leave now, if you wish."

Thorin grinned. "The morning is soon enough."

It was mid-morning the next day before Thorin and Kaylea set out from Erebor. Thorin felt such a rush of nostalgia when she mounted her horse and reached down to pull him up behind her. This was how he remembered falling in love with her all those years ago, that wild night chasing orcs through the forest, his arms around her waist, that smell of sage and pines in her hair. He remembered how badly he had wanted to kiss her on the neck then, now he could do it. Kaylea felt his lips on her neck and turned her head to look at him.

"Feel like old times?"

Thorin chuckled. "Better than old times," he said. "I do not have to worry where I am putting my hands." He reached around to put his hands inside her coat. Kaylea put a hand on his and clicked her tongue to her horse.

"If you bite me, I bite you back," she said. Thorin chuckled.

"I hope that is a promise."

Her horse trotted out the gate and across the bridge, Ajax loping ahead. As Kaylea had said they continued north around the feet of the Lonely Mountain then turned west to the foothills of the mountains. Once they were on the open road Kaylea gave her horse his head and he ran like the wind. It still astonished Thorin how fast these black horses were, this one seemed the fastest of any Kaylea had brought. Watching her grey wolf run ahead of the horse made Thorin think of Hector, and all the time they had spent together so many years ago. He still missed that black wolf, though Ajax was much friendlier.

The Warrior Queen. The Warrior and The King - Book IIWhere stories live. Discover now