11. The Answer is Given

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As they traveled back to Erebor that afternoon Kaylea remembered how much she enjoyed having Thorin ride behind her. The last few times they had traveled together he had his own horse, she had forgotten how much she enjoyed the feel of his arms around her, his breath on her neck. She smiled remembering that first ride they had taken together, how she had to constantly bring her mind back to tracking that pack of orcs when she was so conscious of Thorin, his body under his clothes, the smell of his leather bracers. After all these years she still did not understand why he affected her this way, but she had long ago given up worrying about it. She wondered if anything she had shown him in the last day had come close to changing his mind about marrying her. At least he knew now what he was signing up for.

It was a beautiful early summer day, warm sun and cool breeze coming off the mountains. They took a bit more time coming back, Ajax ranged off on either side, hunting smells in the grass. When they came to the road to Erebor it was just turning dusk, the sun already down behind the mountains. They had only gone a short distance when Kaylea halted her horse, she turned at the sound of bells on the wind. Coming down the road from Dale were two riders, one wrapped in dark green clothes, his black hair streaming in the breeze. The other rider was cloaked, but his white horse seemed to glow in the evening light, his tack flashing with gems, bells jingling as he trotted down the road. Both riders seemed surrounded by silver light, looking almost unearthly in the dying light. Kaylea let Thorin down and dismounted her horse. When the riders stopped in front of them she bowed low.

"My lords," she said. "What brings the lords Glorfindel and Elrohir to Erebor?" Thorin regarded them curiously, wondering the same.

Both the Elves swung off their horses. Glorfindel threw back his hood to reveal his fine, regular features, his silver hair topped with a circlet of silver. "We are here to see you, my lady," he said. Kaylea looked up in surprise. "We have much to discuss."

Thorin stepped forward. "My lords, you look as though you have traveled far. Will you not stop and enjoy the hospitality of my house? When I was a weary traveler I was welcomed in the house of Elrond, I would not wish to miss an opportunity to return the favor. Please allow me to welcome you to Erebor."

Elrohir smiled, Glorfindel looked down the road at the huge gates of the Dwarf city. "We had not thought to stop. But I have never passed the doors of your great city, perhaps now is the time." He looked at Thorin, then at Kaylea. "I remember well meeting you in Rivendell, Thorin, son of Thrain. Curious I should again meet you in the company of Kaylea Wolf."

"Not as curious as you may think," Thorin said. "Please my lords, will you not accept my offer?" And I will not even blindfold you, he thought to himself.

Glorfindel nodded. "Our horses could do with a rest, as could both of us. We will accompany you to Erebor, your majesty." He turned and mounted his horse, both Kaylea and Elrohir did the same. Kaylea pulled Thorin up behind her. Elrohir fell in beside them with an amused smile.

"I had no idea you two were still a thing," he said to Kaylea in Galactic Standard, then fell back to ride beside Glorfindel, ignoring Thorin's scowl.

When they reached the gates of Erebor, the guards swung them open seeing the King returning. Ajax trotted ahead, heading for the stairs. The party dismounted and Thorin led the two Elves into his city. Kaylea took the reins of their horses and led them to the stables. After caring for her horse and seeing that the others were properly taken care of she went up to Thorin's apartments, he was there getting changed.

"The Elves want to have a council right away," he said. "I thought we could change and meet with them, then go straight down to dinner." He looked over at her with his best pleading face. "Do you still have that silver dress, my love?"

The Warrior Queen. The Warrior and The King - Book IIWhere stories live. Discover now