08.three blonde ignorant males

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"You know we should receive a record for how many times we've lost him if you want my input," Hannah said, looking under a small rock. Hermione looked at the blonde girl. She quickly shook her head and walked away.

Ron was saying something about Hannah's idea when I saw a saw a tall hairy man come around a dark corner. Beside him was a small boy, a scar printer across his forehead. I took off running.

Harry must have not seen or heard me coming because as soon has my body made contact with his, he had falling on the cobblestone path.

"(Y/N), we just saw each other 5 minutes ago," Harry said with a laughing tone.

"I didn't know where you went, for all I know you could have been in America," I finally picked myself off the ground, putting my hand out for Harry to take. He took my hand without a second thought.

Once Hermione and Hannah had hugged Harry and updated everyone on Hannah current family problems, we headed to the bookstore to grab our textbooks for the years.

"So they called you a freak?" Ron asked Hannah, still confused on how it happened.

"Yep, they told me that it wouldn't be a surprise if I didn't have a place to stay next summer," Hannah walked into the bookstore, the bell going off above her.

"You know you can stay with my family," Hermione said. She placed her hand on the poor girls shoulder, her sad blue eyes looked over at Hermione.

I looked around at the book shop. Books were up against every wall, the middle was cleared for all the people to stand. A tall stood at the end of the store, a sign with a man face on the floor.

"What's going on in here?" We all looked around the book store.

Suddenly all the women in the room started pushing all of us around.

"My lord, what is this madness," Hannah looked bewildered, her hair sticking up in the back.

I looked at the front of the shop. A blonde man came into view. His gold robes shimmered in the light and his smile was almost blinding.

"Oh this isn't good." Harry looked at me questioning my words.

"That's Gilderoy Lockhart, he knew my dad from school and they were decided friends, until he tried stealing some of my dads work. He never came back to my house after that," Harry nodded in understanding.

"Welcome witches and wizards, I know you must feel blessed to be in the present of the Great Gilderoy Lockhart." Hermione and Hannah were standing in the front, giving the man puppy dog eyes.

"Why aren't you up there with the rest of them (Y/N)?" Ron asked.

"Because my baby sister doesn't think losers are attractive," Noah put his arm on the top of my head, using me as a stool. I pushed his arm off the top of my head.

"Is that- It couldn't be-" Suddenly the spotlight reach beside me. Harry's eye were wide, looking over at me for help.

"And I see he made friends with a Greyheart." His face dropped at the front of the room. He quickly ran to Harry, grabbing his arm and pulling him to the front of the room.

"I'm proud to say that no only will you can say you've been in the same room as me, but also Harry Potter," the smile quickly finding space on his large head. 

"Now Mr. Potter will be leaving with a free collection of my new set of books for the school year." He threw the books in Harry's arms, the man quickly snapping a photo before Harry was pushed off the stage.

Molly ran up to Harry, taking his book. She said something about getting them signed I believe.

"How did that feel?" I gave him a silly smile, him shaking his head.

"Don't give me that look," he walked to the door, Ron close behind me.

"What lo-" my words were cut off my Malfoy stopping in front of Harry.

"Look at Perfect Potter, can even go to a book shop without be the center of attention." I couldn't help but rolled my eyes.

"Says the kid that told on a group of kids having tea with Hagrid," him gave me a nasty look then looked back to Harry.

"Move Malfoy."

He just stood there.

"I was hoping I could go this year without seeing you." Hannah voice gave me a scare from behind. Malfoy normally blank face, dropped. He quickly regained himself, I would doubt anyone else saw him.

Malfoy went to open his mouth, but suddenly a snake cane was place beside his head.

Mr. Malfoy stood tall beside his son. His bleach blonde hair stood out with his all black attire.

"You must be Mr. Potter." He gave Harry a once over.

"I see we can use context clues." Hannah's comment with unnoticed by the older man in front of us.

"Draco has told me much about you, but that scar of your," he moved his cane to touch Harry's hair. The scar now stood out against his skin.

Anger bubbled in my blood. How much of a coward do you have to be to mess with a 12 year old boy.

Before I could stop my actions, I slapped the cam away from Harry's face. The older Malfoy looked at me in shock.

"I see Potter got himself a girlfriend." Draco smirked at his comment until his father looked at him.

"I see no need to tolerate you," I looked the man up and down. His power didn't scare me.

"I can see the Greyheart in you, how does your godfather feel about this?" He looked down at me like dirt.

"I hate to tell you sir but I don't have a godfather," I looked into his stone grey eyes.

H just smirk at me, looking over my shoulder. Ginny came around the people, a small cauldron with a book in it.

"Don't talk to her like that." Ginny walked the older man, a small amount of fear on her face. Nevertheless she had her head held high.

Mr. Malfoy pulled the book out of the cauldron, saying something about being a Weasley. I looked at the girl quickly, looking back at the man again.

He placed the book back in Ginny cauldron. Right after Mr. Weasley came over, took us to wait outside so he could talk to him.

All of us wander out the shop. The twins and Noah headed over to the small shop over on the other side of town.

"That was-" nobody even tried to finish Ron sentence.

"I think (Y/N) scared Mr. Malfoy abut," all Hannah could do is laugh.

hi everyone!!
im back again and i'm actually updating. i would like to say thank you all for the love and support on these books. i love it when y'all comment, it makes my day.

i will be trying to update more i promise.

also sorry for this sucky chapter..

love y'all <3

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