09.late night glass of water

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After getting the rest of our materials from the shops, we said our goodbye to Hermione and Hannah.

Once we got back to the burrow, Noah wanted to fly around outside with the twins and Harry, saying something about practice for the upcoming year.

Sage and Ginny day on the couch, Oden in a small chair and Ron laying on the floor. They were all in a small conversation about Hogwarts.

"What is it like?" Oden asked the red haired boy. Ron only smiled at first.

"It's like a home away from home."

I only gave a small laugh and walked over to sit on the arm of Oden chair.

"Are the boys any cute at Hogwarts (Y/N)," Sage giggled and Ginny's face got red.

"Well Sage, depends on what type of guy you are looking for," Ron only double over laughing.

Everyone looked at the boy in question.

"We currently have stalkers, don't we (Y/N)." I could help but look away at the thought of Wyatt.

"Who?" Oden looking up at me, a small fire behind his eye.

"Don't worry your little heart Oden, he just some kid who has a small crush on me," Oden only looked down at Ron. I ruffled his hair, laughing at my cute little brother.

"Every time we all turn a corner, he is there," Ron had tears falling from his eyes.

"Are there any bully's at Hogwarts?" Ginny looked over to me then Ron.

"Well there is Malfoy-"

"-but Hannah scares the living daylights out of him." I finish Ron sentence, him nodding his head.


I looked down at Oden.

He had a point, Hannah wasn't scary. She has a lot of sarcasm but nothing Draco Malfoy couldn't handle. Why was he so scared?

"How did y'all all meet?" Ginny looked back at me. I let the question leave my brain for now, but it definitely was one I couldn't but together.

"Well (Y/N) met through Noah, Lee, and the twins." Ron answered, pointing over to me.

"The Harry came at sat with you," Oden for us, him asking this question millions of times over the summer.

"The Hannah and Hermione came in looking for a toad. I went back with them to change robes and then-"

"A troll attacked us and be became the best of friends," I jumped at hearing Harry's voice. He gave me a small smile, Sage and Ginny giggling from the couch.

Molly then called us all to dinner, all of us sitting around the large wooden table. Noah talked about Oliver and how he had already mailed him letter about practice while Oden went on and on about what house he wanted to be in.

Once dinner was over, everyone headed up to their rooms. Since the room got so tight with Sage now wanting to sleep with Ginny, Molly told me to stay in Bill old room.

Once I walked in the smell of mint hit me like a train. He had a large red blanket throw over the bed lazily. Poster hung from the wall of famous wizards everywhere. On his night stand was a small stack of chocolate frog cards. For someone who hasn't stay in this room in 3 weeks, it felt like they were there yesterday.

I walked over to the soft bed, my jumpsuit I wore was slightly to long for my body so I was stepping on it. I let my head hit the pillow and I felt sleep take me away.

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