20. legend says

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"May I have your attention."

Professor McGonagall stood from her desk, the sound of birds rattling in their cages were the only other sound as she stood, all students still on edge from last night

"We will be learning how to turn animals into water goblets." McGonagall stood beside the bird, tapping her wand lightly while speaking a quick "Vera Verto" while the bird turned to a beautiful golden goblet.

I watched in amazement, the goblet had light bouncing off the sides and causing the room to light up from the front. I felt Ron tugged on the sleeve of my robe and pointed to McGonagall who approached our table.

"How about you give it a try Mr. Weasley, one, two, three, Vera Verto."

Ron pulled his taped up wand from his pocket, smiling as he looked at Scabbers who sat on the table before him. He tapped the rat lightly with the tip of his wand, the tape slowly moving but still holding it together.

"One, two, three, Vera Verto."

I watched Scabbers slowly blending into a goblet, one covered in hair and had a tail trailing off to the side. I heard Malfoy try to hold in a laugh as he watched Ron hurry to fix the problem but it was no use.

"Might need to look into a new wand Mr. Weasley," McGonagall nodded at the goblet and moved back to her desk at the front of the room.

I watched Hermione hand shot up from beside her, waiting for Professor McGonagall to turn around.

"Yes Ms. Granger?"

I watched McGonagall, her eyes watched Hermione look at her book before finally speaking.

"I was wondering, could you tell us about the Chamber of Secrets?"

Mumbling filled the class, each student turning to their partner with something about the writing from the wall. Imagines of the blood dripping down the wall, that stupid cat handing from her back legs as her lifeless body swayed in the wind from the open windows.

"Very well."

McGonagall broke me from the nightmare, watching as she sat on the front of her desk watching over us silently.

"As you know there were four founders of Hogwarts."

McGonagall looked over all our faces, finally pushing off her desk and walking around the class.

"Helga Hufflepuff, Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin."

My eyes followed McGonagall as she walked around the table, her finger gripping her wand.

"Salazar believed witches and wizards under muggleborn heritage shouldn't be allowed in the school, the others didn't agree."

I saw Malfoy quickly look at Hermione before looking back at the professor.

"There is a legend that Salazar built a chamber underneath the school, known as the Chamber of Secrets," McGonagall tapped her want to the palm of her wand while she walked the desk, her lips drawn tightly together.

"After he left the school it's said that he sealed the chamber so only the Heir of Slytherin could open it. Alone they could unleash the horror of the chamber."

McGonagall fixed her glasses and looked down to Hermione, a sad smile on her lips and as she walked back to the front of the class.

"The school has been searched for said chamber but it was never found."

"Professor? What is said to be in this chamber exactly?"

McGonagall carried on, filling in every missing piece we had left.

"A monster is said to lay waiting, only the Heir of Slytherin can control."

Different eyes slowly drifted to Malfoy's smirking face, but I played with the little craving in the center of my desk. The small heart with "LE+JP" was comforting to drag my fingers over as McGonagall carried on with class.

I zoned out waiting for the sound of the bell to ring though the room, once it did I quickly packed my bag and left the room.

I was halfway down the hall when the sound of Harry and Hannah calling my name caught my ear.

"(Y/N) wait up," Ron said, their footsteps running to keep up with me at this point.

"So what I'm hearing is we might die again this year?"

I turned, my eyes focused on the floor, their shoes coming in the view but no one spoke just watching me.

"I thought this was over," I let a shaky breath out, gripping the bag over my shoulder.


I felt a hand grab my elbow, looking up to see Harry's neutral face looking into my own eyes.

"No one is going to die, this is Hogwarts. We are perfectly safe here."

"That's crap."

Ron moved beside me, throwing an arm over my shoulder like always.

"We don't even know if this chamber is real, you heard the professor it's never been found."

"Well Ronald I happen to think it's real. The teachers are worried and if it was a legend they wouldn't be," Hermione said, pulling her bag closer to herself.

"Maybe they are just concerned where the blood came from," Hannah spoke, reaching a hand over to me which I gladly took.

"What if the chamber is real, that means?"

"The Heir of Slytherin is here," Hermione said, all of us slowly turning to continue down the hall. Ron kept his arm around me while Hannah's hand was still wrapped in mine.

"So who is this kid?"

"Isn't it obvious, it's Malfoy," Ron said from beside me.

"No way, it can't be Malfoy," Hannah said, leaning slightly to look Ron in the eye.

Hermione nodded, her eyes flowing as the kids who walked quickly passed each of us, in a hurry for class.

"I think he might be right, Hermione, I mean look at the family and how he hates muggle-borns. It's not that crazy to think."

"Last time I checked Harry you thought Snape was trying to kill you and you were off by a landmine."

"Burn," I out held my other hand for Hannah to high-five, which she happily did.

"If he is maybe Crabbe and Goyle know," Ron jumped it, ignoring Hannah and I completely at this point.

Harry nodded, looking to Hermione for more.

"Maybe they'll tell us."

"They might be, special, but they aren't dumb like some of us are acting," I butted in, Harry looking at me deepened before Hermione spoke again.

"But I might have a way, it would be going against about 50 school rules and be incredibly dangerous."

"Sweet, I'm in," Hannah said, nodding her head with a large smiling playing at her lips.

greyheart; year 2↳h.potter x readerWhere stories live. Discover now