Chapter 4

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From a distant I hear someone knocking.

Now awaken from my nice dream, just opening one eye, the light from the window burns my eye.

"Alex its time for school, wake up!!" Mrs. McCall yelled from somewhere in the house.

"I have to go to work, Scott will give you a ride to school, there's breakfast on the table. Hurry before Scott gets out of the shower" I sat up so fast, it made me dizzy. I thought this was all a dream that I was back at my house alone with all the horrible memories.

"Alex wake up, you have 30 minutes to get ready!!" Scott yelled from downstairs. Shit 30 minutes.

With that in mind, I got up and took a shower and continued worrying about this new school.

After I finished, I grabbed a blue long sleeve shirt, my old converse and a pair of washed out jeans.

When I glanced up at the mirror, I saw a girl with dull, life less hazel eyes, a small nose, full lips, a small scar above my eyebrow and chocolate brown hair pulled in a bun. Grabbing my bag and iPod I head downstairs.

Seeing Scott with his black T-shirt, blue jeans and jacket.

"Morning Alex" Scott greeted with his mouth full.

"Good morning Scott" I said laughing.

"What? Hurry up Stiles is coming to pick us up "he said, huh? Who's Stiles, it must be the dude from the hospital.

Beep beeeeeep a horn from outside snapped me out of my daydreaming.

"Come on let's go" grabbing a piece of toast I ran after Scott.

Locking the door behind us, I see an old jeep and a boy rocking away with the radio, walking to the car, he turns off the radio and looks at me weird.

"Hey you're the chick from the hospital right?"He questioned.

"Umm she a family friend, Stiles meet Alex, Alex meet Stiles" Scott said opening the door for me.

"A family friend?" Stiles looked lost.

"I haven't seen her in years, so I didn't remember her at the hospital" Scott sounded convincing.

He backed out of the driveway and he and Scott started talking.

I just stared at the passing houses wondering where my parents were and if they missed me.

"So Alex you have a boyfriend? Stiles said looking at me through the rear mirror.

"No I don't" I felt my cheek blush.

Scott turns around smirking at my red face.

I start to get nervous as Stiles parks the car. I see so many teens talking,laughing, having fun without any worries.

"You okay?" I look up at Scott, he seemed worry about me. I quickly force a smile and nodded.

I get out the car and follow them inside. A few people turned to look at me whispering who am I and why I'm following them.

"I'll meet you guys upstairs" Stiles says walking down the hall. Scott opens a door for me. A lady was behind the desk typing fast.

"Morning Mrs.Janice, this is Alex the new student"

"Oh right your mother called yesterday." she smiles at me before printing out my schedule.

"Here you go..... Welcome to Beacon high" I smile following Scott to the halls.

He looks through my schedule. I look around the halls. A lot of students were looking at us. I started getting nervous. I look at my shoes shyly and started biting my nails something I do when I'm nervous or scared.

"We have every class together expect math but you have Stiles with you" he hands it back to me and puts his hand on my back. I felt a little better knowing I have someone to hang out.

"Scott wait up" a voice yelled from behind me. I look at the girl walking towards us. She had brown long hair in a bun. She kisses Scott. I'm guess he has a girlfriend.

"Allison this is a family friend Alex, Alex this is my girlfriend" I half smile and she smiles back. She seems nice.

"I love that band!" She points to my shirt. I was wearing my favorite foster the people shirt.

"Uh yeah one of my favorites"

"You're my new best friend" she chuckles holding my arm.

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