Chapter 13

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Alex P.O.V

I close my locker and walk down the hall to the parking lot.

It was Monday which meant practice for the boys.

It's been two days that I haven't seen Derek. Friday was the best day I ever had with someone. We watched movies and walked for hours in the forest talking about anything.

I know that Derek has a fear of spiders.... I know very manly. He gets out of town a lot. I asked Scott how long his gone for. He said for 8 months and he only stays here for about 2 months. He said It was weird he hasn't left.

"Hey Alex didn't see you at my party" I turn around and smile at Isaac.

"Uh I'm sorry. I went for awhile but wasn't feeling well"

"Oh that's too bad it was pretty awesome. How about you come this Friday?"

"Another party? Don't your parents get angry?" He chuckles shaking his head.

"My mom died when I was small and my dad is gone. So I have the house to myself" he half smiles sitting on the bench. I do the same but sit very far from him. Still not okay with men. Only Derek.

"Oh I'm sorry.....mine are died too" I lie to him. They are dead to me. They were since I was 10. I still care for them but the love I had for them started fading away.

"I see Derek likes you." Isaac smirks pointing across the street. I look over there but he wasn't there. Maybe Isaac is playing with me.

"I gotta go.....promise you'll come on Friday?" He begs with his eyes.

"Sure" I smile and he smiles big. He leaves the parking lot walking away. He seems cool.

I feel weird not talking to Derek. He disappears every two days. Maybe he's getting annoyed by me.

*beep beep*

A car horn startled me from my thoughts.

Stiles was in his car in front of me. I get in and put the seatbelt on.

"Where Scott?"

"He went somewhere with Allison"

"Can you do me a favor?" I needed to ask Derek something. This wasn't normal for me to talk directly to a boy.

"Sure?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Take me to Derek's place please?"  I half smile and he rolls his eyes but nods. He takes a short cut to his house. It was a 10 minute drive to Derek's house.

"Wait here" I get out and walk up the few steps. I knock and nervously bite my nails.

The door opens to a shirtless Derek. I take a step back looking at his chest and abs.

Holy shit he is a god.

"Hey Alex" he smirks checking me out. For the first time I was wearing tight skinny jeans and a tight long sleeve shirt. I felt my cheeks burn.

"I-I uh um" I stutter looking at the floor. I can't do this. I don't know how to ask him if he likes me.

"I was um wondering if you want to go to Isaac's party on Friday with me?" I smile putting my arms behind me.

"How about we go on a date then go to his party afterwards?" He took me by surprise. A date with me? I never been on a date, I don't even know what to do.

"A date?"


"Really? With me?"

"Who else would I go with? I only like you" My eyes widen at his words, and I smile.

"I would love too" His eyes light up and he begins to smile like a kid on Christmas Day.

" I'll see you on Friday "he said he doesn't stop smiling.

I wave goodbye getting into Stiles car.

"how did it go?"he asked me before starting the car.

"Great.... Really great" he looked freaked out but I didn't care for the first time I'm happy.

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