Chapter 32

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Alex P.O.V

Since Derek came into my room last week he has been acting weird.

I don't know what happened to him but it's starting to get to me. He doesn't want to hang out much. Maybe it was something I did.

I just don't know. Maybe he got tired of me.

"Where we going?"

"Where we had our first date" he half smiles. He didn't look like he was having fun. He had a pain look in his eyes.

I nod and look outside. He drives through the pass way that leads to the cliff.

He parks the car and stares straight ahead.

"Derek what's wrong?" I look at him. He sighs rubbing his jaw.

"I'm leaving town"

"What?" I look at him surprised. He grabs my hands and looks straight in my eyes.

"I can't see you get hurt again because of me"

"But no one is going too if your with me" my eyes filled up with tears.

"No don't you understand he will hurt you no matter what" he yells. I flinch taking my hands away.

I open the car and slam it shut.

I walk to the cliff crossing my arms. He never screamed at me. It felt like old times with my dad.

"Alex I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell" I felt him touch my shoulder but I walk away from him.

"I'm doing this because I care for you" I turn around to face him.

"This is your bright idea? Leaving alone? I've been alone all my life and I finally found someone who took that away." I yell wiping my face.

"I'm doing this because you are my everything and I don't want Carter to hurt you that's why I'm leaving town so they can follow me and stay away from you" he looked in pain.

"So this is it" I breathe in and out so I won't cry.

"I need to protect you and if it means you hating me then yes this is it"

"Fine" I take one last look at him and run away him.

"Alex!" He yells but I just kept running. I was out of breath and my chest started hurting but I just want to go home.

Stiles and Scott were coming out of the house. I bump into Scott and he grabbed my arm.

"Alex why are you crying?" He said with concern. I just grab him and hug him tightly.

"Shhh it's okay" he says rubbing my back.


"I'm not hungry Stiles" I shake my head at the plate of pasta.

"Come on open wide" he makes train noises. I chuckle opening my mouth.

Scott had to help Mrs.McCall with work and Stiles stayed with me. They didn't want to leave me alone.

I told them about the breakup and said nothing. I guess they kinda knew this was going to happen.

I take the fork away from him and start eating on my own.

"What do you want to watch?" He lays beside me changing the channels.

"Anything but romance" I finish half the plate and put my head on his shoulder.

"What if he gets hurt?" I look at my hands.

"He won't. I know Derek he is strong" Stiles says smiling. What if he isn't fine? He's alone with no one to help him.

You shouldn't be worrying about him. I just can't help it, Derek is the one who keeps me sane.

I love him.

Wait? You love him? When did this happen?

I laugh to myself. I fell for him the first time I saw him.

I'm in love with Derek but I was too late to realize it.

Maybe if I told him he would have stayed?

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