Chapter 23

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Alex P.O.V

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" Mrs.McCall comes in the room. Scott was holding my neck with a towel.

I was numb and angry. Stiles was pacing the room in circles.

"We were at a party and someone pushed her on a rusty fence" Scott sounded scared, hell everyone was scared.

I don't know what happened to Carter or Derek. I just know Derek is a werewolf or half man half wolf.

I wasn't freaked out by him.....but he just didn't trust me enough to tell me his secret. I thought he would tell me anything no matter what.

"Right...... I'm going to pretend that's what happened" she slowly takes Scott's hand from my neck and lifts my head up.

"This is gonna need 15 stitches" she puts the towel back on and takes out a needle.

"It's gonna hurt a bit but it will numb half your face." I close my eyes and feel a pinch and instant numbness.

"Both of you out" she says opening a bag with a needle, sting and bandages.

"So you going to tell me the truth?" She tells me to lift my head up and not to move.

I felt the tears threatening to fall but I hold it in. You already cried in front of her once you won't do it again!

"Thats the truth" I hate having to lie to her but it was for her own good.

"There" she dabs something on it and places a big bandage on it.

"I'll bring you some painkillers for later" she smiles before leaving the room. I get off and put my hoodie on. I wanted to go home and sleep.

"Can you take me home?" I whisper to Stiles. I don't know how I look but Stiles becomes worried. He nods debating if he should touch me or not.

I try to force a smile but failed miserably. He holds my arm walking outside to the parking lot. He opens the door and I climb in and put my hood on.

"Scott is just finishing with his mom.... Do you want to wait for him or leave?"

"Leave please" I whisper placing my head on the window. He starts the car and drives out the hospital.

About 40 minutes we got home. I don't wait for him and get out and walk in the house slamming the door behind me.

I walk to the kitchen and grab a bottle of water. I walk up the stairs to my room. I carefully take my hoodie off.

I just can't hold the tears and fall to the bed crying nonstop.

I've cried many times all due to my parents but it didn't hurt much because I knew they hated me. Derek was the only one I trusted. It hurts me a lot he couldn't tell me.

I cover myself and roll in a little ball hugging my legs.

I just let the tears fall because eventually I'll get tired and fall sleep.

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