Chapter 22

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Derek P.O.V

I walk down the street to Alex's house to pick her up so we could go to the movies and have a good time.

I knock on the door and Scott opened the door and looks at me confused.

"Hey Derek what are you doing here?" He asked letting me in.

"I come to pick up Alex" I reply looking in the living room.

"Wait she isn't with you?" Now I look at him confused.

"She's not with me I told her I was going to pick her up at six"

"Derek what are you doing here?" Stiles walks in from the kitchen.

"What's going on where's Alex?" I was getting worried.

"Allison come here" Scott yells and Allison comes from upstairs.

"Tell Derek what you saw at school" Allison looks at me confused and point from me to Scott.

"I was walking towards the parking lot when I saw a blonde tall guy talking to Alex and then she got in looking very scared  oh no it can't be him.

"Fuck he found me" I say opening the door and walking towards my car.

"Wait where you going? What do you mean he found you?" Scott runs behind me with Stiles.

"When I left town I met some really bad people and got into problems with the leader" I unlock my car and wait for them to get in.

"So that person has Alex?" Stiles asked looking worried. I knew that was Carter at the caravel. He found me and instead of going after me he goes for someone I love.

"How are we going to find him?"

"His hangout is out of town,in a warehouse." I remember a few days before I left his group he showed me the warehouse. A few of his friends were terrible. One of them killed a man with a single stab in the heart.

I know Alex isn't safe with them. Especially Jake. He hates me for being Carter best man. I'm not proud of what I did with them but I never thought he was going to come back. I drive out of the highway and into a little pass way. I see a few cars in front of the warehouse. Sam was standing at the door guarding. He was okay, he tried leaving the group but they were his only family.

"Well if it isn't my buddy" Sam smiled but it disappeared when he sees I wasn't in the mood.

"Follow me" he whispers opening the door with a key. He leads us to the basement where Carter has fights with other groups.

Carter was in the middle of the room smirking as I come in.

"Hello again Derek" Carter says fixing his tie. I quite don't know why he made this gang when he comes from a rich family. 

"Where is she?" I clench my teeth together to relax me from grabbing him from the neck.

"What kind of thoughts are those?" He smirks. I forgot he can read minds just like me and Scott.

"Where the fuck is she?" I yell making him laugh again.

A door opens to Jake and Donny holding Alex by the arm.

"Alex!" I yell.

"Derek" she tries to say but Jake covers her mouth.

"Let her go Carter" I say angrily. Carter laughs throwing his cigarette across the room.

"Oh Derek so naive."

"If you hurt her I'll fucking kill you" I yell moving a step forward but I see Jake wrap his arm around her waist and a hand on her neck with a knife.

I stop looking at her scared face. This is all my fault. I froze giving Carter a death glare.

"Let her go Carter!" I say really loud. I was beyond mad.

Carter smirks lifting his hand up.

"Afraid I can't do that" he snaps and Jake smiles before cutting her neck. Carter claps as Alex falls to the ground trying to grab her neck but it was hard when your tied up.

"Alex!" Stiles runs to her and puts pressure on her neck.

I crack my neck turning into my werewolf self. I look at Alex she was staring at me with confused eyes. I didn't want her to find out like this.

I grab Jake from the neck and kill him.

I wanted Carter. I want to feel his neck crack in my hands.

I look for him leaving Alex with Stiles and Scott.

He runs to his car and drives away. Scott carries Alex to my car. She was passed out.

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