Chapter 42 December 3rd

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The next morning came and Draco still held Natasha in his arms. He looked out the window and saw the first snowfall of the season. He knew Natasha would be excited to see the first snowfall of the season. Today was Saturday though and he planned on taking care of his witch cause they had such a rough activity last night. He knew her arms would be sore from being tied up in the ceiling restraints for four hours and also her vagina would be hurting.

He saw the healing and contraceptive potions on their nightstand. He had Willy bring them when he woke up in the middle of the night for Natasha to take when she woke up. Severus and Hermione were coming today so Natasha and Hermione can discuss what their plans were in decorating the manor. They are staying the weekends until their Christmas break starts which is the fourteenth of December. He's having Natasha stay in bed all day cause of their rough activity from the night before so if Hermione and Severus want to see her they have to come upstairs to see her.

He felt her stir in his arms and heard her moan in her sleep. He figured she'd sleep in until she couldn't sleep anymore. Today it's meals in bed and being in bed all day. The color of the healing potion is green so it's not as strong as the red one is but it will heal some of the pain she's gonna feel today but not all of the pain. He heard her mumble something in her sleep but didn't wake up. He assumed she must be dreaming about him. He's eavesdropped on her dreaming before and even spoke to her when she was sleep talking he's never seen her dreams. He didn't want to know how sexual they really are cause then he'd have to make it come true for her.

He's gonna propose to her sometime between Christmas Eve and Christmas Day but he wants the proposal to be so memorable for her. He wants to know what kinds of music she likes. Even if it's muggle music. He knows she loves the Beauty and the Beast theme song cause it was so beautiful between the original and the remake of the song and of course How Does A Moment Last Forever by muggle singer Celine Dion. But he also wondered what other songs she likes listening to. He knows that she's spent time with Hermione over the course of the last two summers before the war happened in their seventh year he hopes that once the Grangers come he can get some information about her music choices from them.

He's gonna buy her a ring but not from his mothers store. No he wants it to be the most beautiful engagement ring ever. The peacock ring he's giving to her for Christmas and he's gonna have to find some kind of ring for their bonding something that connects to the two of them. He's noticed over the years she likes dragons cause of her love for him. So he's gonna get her a dragon ring cause it connects them both. He's thinking maybe a silver dragon with black eyes or red to signify his love for her. Once he's out today sometime he's gonna go ahead and order them her dragon ring and her engagement ring.

He plans on decorating the ballroom so it can be beautiful. It's gonna have roses in every color of the rainbow and red petals in the shape of a heart. Maybe some floating red candles in glass jars all lit up. He smirked at the idea of planning his proposal to her around Christmas. He often wondered who picked Natasha in the secret Santa drawing they had in September. The thoughts been bugging him for a while now. He hopes its not Blaise cause he knows that Blaise will give her Draco's memories starting from the first memory he's ever had of her. Starting after work on Monday he's gonna do his Christmas shopping for Natasha. He's got his mother and father done already as well as his secret Santa which happens to be Hermione.

He needs to shop for his significant other now. He's gonna buy her a beautiful dress for the New Years Eve party and of course some matching heals to wear for the occasion. He's gonna buy her some very expensive tops and of course a custom order tee shirt. It's meant to be Slytherin green with Quidditch on the front of the shirt and on the back its gonna have his last name on it in white letters and his old Quidditch number which is 07. He knows she likes reading mystery books to. He discovered that during their Hogwarts days. He's gonna have to buy her some good mystery novels while he's out shopping. He heard her moan while she still slept he heard her talk in her sleep again.

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