Chapter 11 Friendly Visit

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The next morning I eat breakfast and tell everyone I'm going to visit Mia, alone. I grab my Pokemon themed backpack and slip the sketchpad into it. I walk down to the Zeta-tube and warp to Aria. From there, I fly to Mia's. I walk up to the front door and knock, "Mia? It's me!" I call.

An annoyed Mia opens the door, "Em? Why are you here so freaking early?"

"Sorry Mia, I need to talk to Thunder and Spirit," I explain apologetically.

Mia sighs, "Go ahead. They're in the stable."

I nod, "Thanks Mia." Then I run for the stables. Pushing open the giant doors, I walk through the stable listening to the quiet sounds of the horses while breathing in the smell of fresh hay and horse manure. I reach Spirit and Thunder's stalls and call out, "Spirit? Thunder?"

Both of them immediately put their heads over the stall doors. "Hello Emily," says Thunder.

"Hey, how are you two doing?" I reply, petting Thunder's neck.

Spirit shakes his mane, "Very well, actually. Your friend Mia is quite skilled when it comes to horses."

I smile, "I'm glad to hear that, but I'm afraid I didn't here for just a social visit. I need to ask you two something."

"What is it?" asks Thunder.

I pull out the sketch pad, "Before I was taken in by Mr. Wayne I had horrible nightmares about everything and everyone I know being destroyed. This sketch pad holds images from those dreams. I was hoping you guys could help me."

I hear Spirit paw the ground with his hoof, "You say they've stopped now, correct?"

I nod, "Yeah."

Thunder uses her magic to take the sketch pad and flip through it, "Spirit, these look almost like what happened to Avion."

Spirit sighs, "Emily, now that they've stopped don't dwell on them."

I nod, "Okay. Should we just destroy that sketch pad then?"

"That would be best," Spirit agrees, "Go ahead Thunder."

Thunder nods and sets the sketch pad on fire with her horn. We watch as the pages dissolve into ashes. I sigh in relief, "Thank you both."

"You're welcome, Emily," they reply.

I open the stall doors and lead them out to the pasture. They quickly hide their horns and wings as they trot out into the wide open space. Thunder boosts me up onto her back, "Thunder? What attacked Avion?" I ask, "When I looked at some of those images I thought of the capital buring below the castle."

Spirit looked over at us and Thunder hesitates, "In all honesty, Emily, we don't know. It was some sort of monster but that's all we know."

I open my mouth to ask more when I hear Mia calling my name, "Em!"

Thunder gallops over to where Mia is standing by the fence, much more awake than when I first arrived about twenty minutes ago. "What's up Mia?" I ask.

"Skylar's here," Mia explains.

"Oh, okay. I'll return Spirit and Thunder to the stable and meet you back at the house," I reply.

Mia nods and jogs back towards the house. Thunder canters back towards the stable while Spirit gallopes from the other side of the pasture. "We can return ourselves to our stalls, Emily. Go catch up with your friends," Thunder says, letting me down from her back.

Nodding, I jog over to the back door of Mia's house and knock. I'm slightly surprised when it's Skylar who opens the door instead of Mia but I greet her anyways, "Hey Sky. How have things been?"

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