Chapter 12 Team Bonding

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As I exit the Zeta-tube I see Tim pacing around the Batcave. I notice that the Batcomputer is currently running a live feed of Aria's traffic cams. Either Tim had been trying to find Scarecrow, or he'd been trying to keep an eye on me. I dissolve my bike back into magic and toss my backpack onto a chair by the Batcomputer. "Tim?" I ask hesitantly, walking towards my boyfriend.

His head snaps in my direction at the sound of my voice. Relief floods his features for a moment, "Em!" I reach him and he pulls me into a hug. He pulls back and studies me, "Are you okay? What took you so long?"

"I told you, I had to make sure my friends were safe before I returned," I reply. Hesitantly since I'm unsure if he's mad with me.

He sighs, "Alright, well, since your trip to visit your friends was cut off early do you want to practice your ground maneuvers?"

"Sure," I grin, "but we should change into workout cloths first."

"Of course, I'll meet you back down here in a few minutes," Tim says and starts to climb the ladder to his room.

I nod and grab my backpack. Taking flight, I shoot up the chute and open the hidden door into my room. I put the now empty backpack into my closet and, with a little spin for fun, transform into my workout cloths. I slide down the railings of the ladder and before I reach the bottom I push off and do a backflip, landing on the floor with a soft thump.

I look around and notice that Tim isn't back down yet so I walk over to the Batcomputer and open up Scarecrow's files. I start to read in more detail about what he had done in the past. After several minutes I hear the metallic clang of the ladder to Tim's room. Closing the files, I spin the chair around and stand up, shivering slightly at what I had just read, and watch as he jumps off the ladder onto the floor.

"Ready?" I ask.

"I should be asking you that, this is mostly for you anyways," he replies with a smirk.

I roll my eyes and laugh, "Yes, I'm ready."

Tim leads me to the tumbling mats, "I'll show you a maneuver and then you copy me, alright? I'll help you if you need it."

I nod, "Okay, let's go for it."

Tim nods then runs forward. He jumps up and does a front flip, when he lands he tucks and rolls. Finishing the roll, he stays crouched and launches a birdarang at a target near the edge of the mat. He hits a perfect bullseye. He stands up and turns to me, "Your turn."

I nod once and walk to the starting position on the mat. Running forward, I perform my own front flip. As I finish my roll, I raise both wrists to shoulder height with my fingers curled into fists. Golden energy surrounds my hands and I let that energy fly at the two targets on either side of the one Tim had hit. They aren't bullseyes but they hit.

"Not bad," Tim says, walking over to me, "Looks like you need to work on your accuracy while moving." He reaches down and helps me up.

I shrug, "Probably, even if it's a glancing blow my powers can still do quite a bit of damage so I never really paid attention to accuracy."

"Hmm," Tim frowns, "Well, we don't have the means to train you for attacking accurately while under fire here but Mount Justice's holographic training systems should provide you the challenge you need."

"Let's go then," I grin, and run for the Zeta-tubes.

Tim follows me and programs the Zeta-tube. We enter the training room to see Conner sparing with a lady with flowing blond hair and a pitch black uniform. "Who's that?" I ask.

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