Bloom and the girls went to the court room, where everyone was standing. Daphne and Thoren were sitting down, and as soon as Bloom came, Daphne got up from her seat.
Daphne ran to hug her little sister, she didn't see for a very long time.
Bloom: (hugs Daphne) Oh Daphne, I've missed you so much. It's been forever since we last saw each other.
Daphne: (hugs bloom) I've missed you too little sister. I guess when we get married, life changes for us forever. So how are your daughters Siana, Arabella and son Soren doing??
Bloom: (tells Siana and Arabella to come) They're doing great. And here they are.
Daphne: (amazed) Wow, they've grown up so fast.
Bloom: (looks at Siana and Arabella) Girls say hello to your aunt.
Arabella: (politely ) Hello Aunt Daphne. It's a pleasure meeting you after so long.
Daphne: (happily) It's a pleasure meeting you too Arabella.
Siana: (swag) What up Aunt Daphne, meeting you after so long feels dope. (Fist bumps her)
Daphne: (confused and happy) It's dope meeting you too Siana. (Fist bumps her back)
Bloom: So where are your girls?
Daphne: (brings both of her daughters) Laphina and Sophia are here. Daisy couldn't come because (whispers in Bloom's ears) She's busy studying for her upcoming exam at Alfea.
Bloom: (whispers back in her sister's ears) Got it.
Siana and Arabella feel confused by what's going on between Bloom and Daphne.
Bloom: Anyways, why don't you girls spend time with your cousins Laphina and Sophia.
Siana and Arabella: (feeling awkward) Okay??
The four girls went to the balcony in Bloom's room so they could spend time together.

Not Born A Fairy
FantasyBloom and Sky are now finally together, and they have two daughters Sianna and Arabella. Arabella was born a fairy just like her mother , however Sianna isn't. Can there be chaos between raising two different daughters? The girls experience everyday...