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Sophia takes both Siana and Arabella home through a magic portal she created with her scepter.

Siana: (confused) Why didn't we ever go home this way before??

Sophia: (explains) We did, but Laphina always told you two to close your eyes.

Siana: (in realization) Oh no wonder we always had to close our eyes. It was a surprise planned for us this whole time right??

Sophia: (sad) Sure you could say it like that Siana.

Siana: (concerned) Is everything okay Sophia?? You seem sad.

Sophia: (tries to be happy) I'm not sad Siana, look don't you see me smiling (fake smiles).

Sophia and the girls arrived at Domino at one piece, and took both Siana and Arabella home.

Sophia and the girls entered the palace of Domino, and found both Bloom and Sky, along with Daphne and Thoren standing by the door angrily like they knew something.

Sophia: (gasps) Mom?? Dad?? Is everything okay??

Daphne: (angry) Where did you and your sister go this whole time??

Sophia: (scared) Mom, please don't be angry I can explain!!

Bloom: (upset) Siana, did you also plan on sneaking out without telling us??!!

Siana: (tries to be funny at the moment) Well, if I was sneaking out, what would be the point in telling you mom, huh (awkwardly laughs).

Sky: (angry) It's not funny Siana, you girls could've gotten really hurt out there!!

Thoren: (angry) Where's your sister Laphina??

Sophia: (explains) She's fighting the witches at Magix with the others.

Thoren: (gasps) Witches??

Bloom: (concerned) What happened to Arabella????! She looks super hurt???

Bloom carries Arabella to her room, while Sky, Daphne, and Thoren try to reason the situation out with Siana and Sophia.

Bloom puts Arabella on the bed, and puts the blanket on top of her.

All of a sudden, Arabella gets up, and Bloom gets shocked.

Arabella: (gasping) What just happened?!!! Where am I?!!

Bloom: (immediately runs to Arabella) Don't worry sweetheart, everything will be okay.

Arabella: (panicking) But how mom?!!! (Upset) I just discovered something completely strange!! Am I a Fairy??!!!!

Bloom: (speechless) Arabella, I can explain.

Arabella: (feeling hurt) So what you're saying is that you knew the whole entire time, and you didn't tell me?!!!

Bloom: (sad) I had to keep it from you sweetheart, I didn't want you to face the dangers out there just like today. You could've died today.

Arabella: (angry) Well, I didn't die. These two nasty witches stole my dragon flame that I had for a moment. And I don't know how to feel about it.

Bloom: (shocked) They took your dragon flame???

Arabella: (angry) They did, but I don't care about that anymore. I'm still angry at you, for not telling me the truth. (Cries) Why didn't you tell me the truth?? Am I not that important to you mom??

Bloom: (serious) Don't say things like that Arabella!! You and Siana are the most important girls in my life, without you two I'd kill myself.

Arabella: (sad) Then why didn't you tell me the truth?? I would've been happier if you just told me the truth no matter what happened.

Bloom finally confesses to Arabella why she had to keep it a big secret.

Arabella: (sad) So Why didn't you tell me mom???

Bloom: (explains sadly) A long time ago when your sister Siana was born, we expected her to be a fairy just like me. We dreamed that one day she'd have a destiny to save the magic dimension from evil, but unfortunately the doctor informed us and told us that Siana had a disability.

Arabella: (gasps sadly) A disability??

Bloom: (explains) Yes, a disability. She was never born a fairy, and she won't ever become one. Her body is immune to any type of fairy magic, and for that she relies a regular human being. However, when you were born, you were what we expected. You were a fairy, and you have the destiny to fight evil and save the magic dimension. But despite all that, we love both you and Siana equally so I couldn't tell you the truth.

Arabella: (asks) How's Siana going to feel after she hears this.

Bloom: (asks Arabella for a huge favor) Please Arabella, don't tell your sister what I just told you. I need you to do me a favor as my daughter and as Siana's sister and not tell her, no matter what.

Arabella: (angry) So your telling me to lie to Siana?!! I can't lie to my own sister, our trust is unbreakable. That lie can ruin our friendship and sisterhood forever.

Bloom: (begs Arabella) Please Arabella, just do this favor for your mother. I promise I won't ask anything from you again.

Arabella: (sighs) Fine I'll do it because you're my mother and I must obey you. (Warns her mother) But if Siana figures out the truth on her own, it won't be my fault!! Just remember that mother!!

Arabella angrily walks out the door, and goes to the courtyard for a while.

Bloom: (tries to stop Arabella) Wait!! Arabella!! Please don't run off like that!!

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