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Jake then sits next to Siana on the stairs outside her door, and Robbie gasps in confusion.

Robbie: (thinks to himself) I thought he didn't want to help?? Hmmm, is something going on between them that I don't know about??

Siana: (upset) What are you doing here Jake, don't you have somewhere to be??

Jake: (sad) Actually no, I don't.

Siana: (sad) Is everything okay Jake??

Jake: (sighs his head) Honestly no, and I don't know why I'm telling you this.

Siana: (sad) You know, you could leave right now anyways. You don't have to sit next to me to expect me to feel better by you or something because it won't work!!

Jake: (confused) What won't work?!! Can't a guy like me be nice to a girl like you for once because he feels guilty in the inside??

Siana: (sad) I know what your doing Jake, and it won't work. You can't make me your friend no matter what you do.

Jake: (questions) Did I say I want you to be my friend??

Siana: (confused) I don't know?!! But whatever reason you're here, make it quick.

Jake: (confesses) I felt bad for the way I treated you and I want to help you.

Siana: (sad) You do?? But why all of a sudden??

Jake: (frustrated) That's the thing?!! I don't know why I feel bad for treating you horribly and why I feel like I need to care about you!! I don't know why I need to do anything before.

Siana: (guesses) Maybe you just feel guilty for treating me horribly, and I don't blame you. I'd also feel guilty if I treated a girl like me horribly.

Jake: (sighs) Probably, but I feel like it's more than that.

Siana: (confused) What do you mean by that?? Wait, why do you feel something more, (realization) (gasps) wait do you care about me in a more affectionate way???

Jake: (frustrated) I don't know. That's the thing I'm confused about?? Why do I care about you all of a sudden?? I bet you think this is all weird, don't you Siana??

Siana: (confesses) No actually. I don't find it weird.

Jake: (gasps) You don't?!! But why don't you??

Siana: (holds his hands) (confesses) Because I care about you too!!!

Jake: (shocked) You do??

Siana: (explains) It all happened the day we were dared to kiss each other Jake. When our lips touched each other, I felt a warm feeling inside my heart.

Jake: (confesses) Me too. Ever since that day, I saw you differently. I felt that I had to care about you, no matter what.

Siana: (questions) Do you still care about me now??

Jake: (turns back) (holds her hands) I do.

As Jake turned back, his hands touched Siana's hands and their foreheads were together, and their noses touched each others'.

Siana: (blushes) So what's going to happen next??

At that moment, Jake holds the bottom of her face, and the two of them kissed.
As they kissed, Robbie gasped in shock.

Robbie: (thinks) So they do like each other after all?? Huh??

     After they finished kissing, Siana and Jake both blushed, and stared deep into each other's eyes.

Robbie: (goes over to Jake) Umm, Jake, it's getting late!! Can we get going?!!

Jake: (in realization) Right?!! (Gets dragged by Robbie) Umm goodbye Siana!!

Siana: (waves goodbye) Goodbye Jake, it was nice seeing you.

Jake: (air kisses) It was nice seeing you too Siana.

      After Jake and Robbie left, Siana started to feel really confused about what just happened. She felt really happy and confused at the same time. But above all, she felt lovesick towards him.

Siana's POV:
I actually can't believe it?!! Jake and I kissed each other and this time it was a true love kiss!! But now I'm desperately confused about all this. I don't know how to feel about him, or us being a thing. Sure we didn't get along in the past, but now it's different. We just admitted our true feelings for each other, and I just hope nothing turns out wrong.

Jake's POV:
Why did I kiss Siana?? I am so confused as well, but I bet Siana's more confused than I am. I mean we just admitted our true feelings to each other, and I feel like this won't end well. I feel like things went too fast, and I should've waited to see what happened. But also it took us forever to get along as well. But despite all that, I hope nothing bad happens to her or me.

Robbie's POV:
I still can't believe there was something going on between Jake and Siana?!! And I can't believe they both made out with each other?!! Jake's job was to charm her little sister, not her?!! But unfortunately we all went over the fact that he failed on charming her little sister!! I mean what was wrong with Arabella?!! She was a nice , sweet, and gullible little girl!! She would've been more easier to charm, but he just had to admit the truth?!! Is Jake trying to charm Siana, or is he really in love with her?? I know that activating the sword of dragons is important for us, but with out Arabella we can't do it!! Maybe if he convinces Siana to tell Arabella to help activate the sword of dragons, we might be able to impress Xavier. And Xavier's still counting on to our little plan.

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