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         Siana looked really nervous, when she saw her mother have an angry look at her face.

Bloom: (drags Siana inside) Where were you Siana?!! We've been worried sick about you!!

Siana: (sad) I was taking a morning jog, I swear.

Bloom: (questions) And what happened to your arm?!!

Siana: (sad) It was bleeding.

Bloom: (concerned) How did your arm get hurt Siana?!!

    As Siana tries to explain, she gets interrupted by Jake.

Jake: (confesses) It was me!! I made her arm bleed.

Bloom: (angrily came towards Jake) You made my daughter's arm bleed?!! Why would you do that?!!

Siana: (shouts) Because I told him to!! And he was trying to help by wrapping my arm around with his tank top!!

Bloom: (gasps) What?!! (looks at Jake) So you were trying to help Siana.

Jake: (explains) Yes I was.

   After Siana gets inside, Bloom gets a better look at him, and asks what his name is.

Bloom: (curious) Do you mind telling me your name??

Jake: (calm) Not at all. My name's Jake.

Bloom: (gasps) Jake?!! Your the guy that my son Soren and husband Sky were talking about?!! Your no good, you're pure evil!! Your after the sword of dragons aren't you?!!!

Jake: (explains) Look, I mean no harm. I don't care about the sword of dragons, I swear!!

Bloom: (grabs him by the hand) I don't believe you Jake!!!

  As Siana finished getting dressed, she saw her mother and Jake arguing and didn't know what was going on??

Jake: (sad) Trust me, I'm telling the truth, I have no intention on getting the sword of dragons!!

Bloom: (angry) I don't believe you and you should stay the hell away from my daughter!!! She shouldn't be with a bad influence with you!!

Siana goes to her mom and Jake and stops her mom from accusing Jake of being evil.

Siana: (angry) He's not a bad influence!!!

Bloom: (angry) Siana please stay away from this mess, let me handle it alone. You have no idea about what's going on here!!

Siana: (angry) Believe me mom I do!! And Jake's not evil, he's the most sweetest and caring person I've ever met!!

Bloom: (angry) Siana, please stay out of this mess or else I'm going to ground you for 6 months!!

Siana: (goes to Jake) I don't care if you ground me, I love Jake and he loves me!! He's been through with me ever since I've left Euraklyon!!

Bloom: (frustrated) Siana That's enough!! I don't want you to be near Jake anymore!! You don't deserve him sweetheart, you deserve better!!

Bloom drags Siana in the House, and slams the door on Jake. Bloom goes in and sees Siana crying, and starts regretting the way she behaved with Jake, but Bloom just had to protect her daughter from him. Siana had no idea about Jake's true origins.

Bloom: (goes to Siana) Please don't cry Siana, I did what's best for you.

Siana: (angrily gets up) Don't touch me mother!! You judge people too easily and then you end up making their lives miserable!!

Bloom: (explains) Siana you need to understand Jake's true origins. He isn't just some regular boy, he's an evil reincarnation.

Siana: (confused) An evil reincarnation of what exactly?!!

Bloom: (explains) Jake is the evil reincarnation of the wizards of the black circle. They were the most crucial villains we had to fight in order to save the Magic dimension and bring magic back to earth. A lot of fairies died from fighting the wizards, and Jake is evil. He will try to kill you, and get the sword of dragons no matter what.

Siana: (argues) Jake's Nothing like the wizards of the black circle, he's innocent and good!!

Bloom: (sad) Siana honey, I know that's what you think right now, but Jake isn't what he seems. He's pure evil and he'll get his hands on the sword of dragons no matter what.

     After Siana hears what her mom says about Jake, she runs off to her room.
Bloom tries to stop her, but couldn't. In the meanwhile, Arabella sees Siana slam her bedroom door super hard and starts to worry about her.

Arabella: (concerned) Siana?!! Is everything okay?!!

Arabella keeps knocking on the door, until to the point where the door breaks.

Arabella: (relieved) Siana?!!

Siana: (sadly) Go away, I can handle this on my own sister.

Arabella: (serious) But we're sisters and we're supposed to help each other!! So tell me big sis what happened??

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