Mistress of Hellfire

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Zeth and Xadia both grab on to Arabella and take her to a lab, before Xavier has the chance to stop them. Xadia, really liked to get on her brother's nerves, and wanted ultimate power of the sword of dragons before he had the chance to acquire it.

Zeth: (flirts) So darling, what should we do with this fairy of flames you say??

Xadia: (thinks evily) Let's take her good energy of the flames, and use it for something dark you know??

Zeth: (thinks) Why don't we turn this little fairy into a dark being, known as the mistress of hellfire. Then when this evil mistress of hellfire activates the sword, all energy will flow right into us, since our energy levels will be linked with that sword.

Xadia: (evil laughs) Excellent idea sweetheart, (frustrated) I already told you something like that a few minutes ago?!!

Zeth: (calm) Now, now calm down dear, our ultimate plan is now into motion.

Zeth, and Xadia got started on their lab work to form a new being known as the Mistress of Hellfire, an evil being that bleeds your heart our and tears your soul apart. She is the start of world destruction and no one can beat her, no even Xavier. They took her heart out and replaced it with a new one. A 70,000 heart radiation amplifier that is indestructible. It was a dark, pure evil heart replaced inside Arabella. They replaced her with a new heart so no one would have the ability to bring her back to being the good, pure hearted fairy she used to be.

Finally, Zeth finished his last work touches, and booom.....the Mistress of Hellfire is now awaken. And her sudden search was for the sword of dragons.

Mistress of Hellfire: (angry) I need the sword of dragons!!

Xadia: (annoyed) No need to demand about it.

Zeth: (reassures her) Don't worry you're highness, we're going to bring you the sword of flames.

Mistress of Hellfire: (evil laughs) Excellent.

As the Mistress of Hellfire stood up, Zeth stared at her blindly. He found the mistress of Hellfire quite attractive and hot, and that didn't make Xadia happy.

Xadia: (frustrated) Will you quit staring at her Zeth?!! I thought I was your love.

Zeth: (looks at Xadia) You are my love Xadia. (Kisses her).

In the meanwhile, at Gardenia, Siana and her friends all arrived at Jake's house.

Siana: (assumes) Arabella's got to be here, I just know it!!

Bella: (questions) What makes you think Arabella is here out of all the places??

Blake: (annoyed) Can't you just trust Siana on this one, after all it's her sister so she out of all people would know where her sister might be.

Harmony: (suggests) Me, Siana, and Sunflower will go inside that apartment to search for Arabella, while you guys search the other apartments.

Zirconia: (serious) Got it Harmony. Cmon let's go search the other apartments for our friend Arabella.

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