"WELCOME TO THE WINTER DANCE!" shouted a voice through a microphone.
The winter dance has finally begun... and I'm still here being a scaredy cat UGGGHHH.
"Hey, look, it's fine. You look amazing- OK let's not get too confident here... JUST GET OUT THERE!" I tried to pep talk myself but sadly it wasn't really working at the moment.
I was in a lonely bathroom staring at my reflection trying to tell myself to get out there to the party but for some reason a part of me wanted to run outta there like a bat outta hell.
"UGGGGHHHH!!!" I groaned and looked down at myself with disappointment.
"Hey... I heard screaming in here is everything OK?" said another voice.
I snapped my head towards the voice and found a girl my age standing by the door in a white dress laced with snowflakes. She looked GORGEOUS.
"Oh, hey... Sorry I'm having a bit of issues trying to get out there to the party..." I truthfully said to her. She nodded her head understandingly.
"Well you don't have to worry! You look beautiful!" the girl said with a small smile. Somehow her simple statement gave me the courage to step out that toilet door.
Once I stepped foot into the party all eyes were on me. I adjusted my dress and proceeded to walk forward in my most confident matter(which mind you wasn't really that confident but let's not talk about that)
I took attention to a pair of eyes intensively staring at me with shock, it was you...
I kept my gaze forward and gracefully walked up to Ace who looked at me in awe.
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"Wow... You look beautiful." said Ace while staring at me. "Don't I always?" I joked and laughed and he chuckled in return.
He wrapped his left arm around me and we made our way to Jake and his date, Nina.
"Hey gurl, you are looking stunning!!!" exclaimed Nina as she winked at me. "Heh... Thanks Nina." I replied with a embarrassed grin.
"She isn't wrong though..." Ace murmured under his breath. "I heard that." I whispered to him and hugged him making him jolt in surprise.
Suddenly a romantic song came up and couples started making their way to the dance floor. "May I have this dance?" said Ace as he gestured me to take his hand.
"O-Oh... I don't know how to dance though." I said apologetically but Ace grabbed my hand and pulled me in with him anyway.
"Just follow me." he said reassuringly in my ear and held me closer to his chest. His voice somehow calmed me and we started slowly swaying to the music.
In the dark I could feel someone staring, I looked up and saw you gritting your teeth looking at me and Ace dance.
I smirked and you saw my face, your expression immediately dropped and for a moment we just looked at each other in the eye.
The music went faster, me and Ace danced the night away with me making quick glances at you throughout the night.
How do you like it now asshole? Hope you felt what I felt that awful night. I finally have someone who truly loves me and I don't need you anymore-
My thoughts got cut off when the music suddenly stopped. The lights turned off and everyone started murmuring, "What happened?" said a guy "A blackout maybe?" said a girl.
Suddenly, a bright light was shone down near the entrance of the party. It was none other than Sarah in her quite revealing dress.
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A few boys were staring at her, a lot of them with disgust but a few of the pervy ones were already drooling.
She walked right past them and came to me and Ace. She literally shoved me off from Ace and let me fall helplessly on the floor.
"Hey!" I yelled at her but she didn't even glance at me. All her attention was on Ace, her eyes greedily eating up his frame with her intense stare.
"Baby~ Let's dance~" she cooed at him while leaning closer to his ear. I could feel the shock and uncertainty radiating from Ace's expression.
I gritted my teeth and stood up from the floor. I brushed myself and left being too pissed to deal with her. As I left I could see Ace reluctantly agreeing to dance with her because she wouldn't stop begging him.
I went to grab some punch at the table and munched on some of the snacks served there. As I went to grab more chips a hand stopped me.
It was you, but there was something different. "C-Can we talk..? P-Please..." you pleaded, tears were running down your face and you had a pained expression.
"I... Fine." I agreed hesitantly, I already knew this would happen. But I didn't know you would break this bad.
"What do you want?" I asked in a cold tone. You were looking to your hands as they fidgeted in your grasp.