#6 : Jennie?

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Jennie's POV

I made plans to start looking for a job today. At least, I want to begin my search rather than sit around doing nothing. I've always been restless, I like working and being occupied. It gives my mind a break from overthinking.

According to the internet, there are three shops at the beach that are hiring. The drive is less than twenty minutes away and I'm okay with that. Rosé tried to convince me to not worry about any of the rent or bills. But if I'm staying with her, I refuse to do it for free.

She's been extremely kind in letting me stay with her, I wouldn't take advantage of that. Which is why I'm currently here, determined to find a part-time job. The beach isn't as crowded as I expected it to be. I did come, before it supposedly gets packed.

We have an appointment tomorrow for our first ultrasound. But I doubt it has anything to do with that. I called him back, getting comfortable on the couch.

"What's wrong?" I immediately asked.

"Nothing serious, I have a quick question though." I heard beeping and papers rustling, wondering why he's calling me at work. I nod though he can't see me.


"Before you say no, hear me first." More rustling and cabinets being open and closed. I hummed to let him know I'm listening. "The company is having their annual party tomorrow and my parents can't make it. Do you mind joining me?"

I stayed silent, I knew about the party already. I really want to say no but Kai would say yes for me in a heartbeat. I hesitated but exhaled before asking. "What time do you want me to be there?"

I can heard him smiling. "Seven, we'll drive from my house because parking gets bad."

Again, I completely know what he's referring to. And while I'm aware that my parents will be there all I can think about is being there for Kai. I also have to buy a dress before tomorrow or borrow one from Rosé. I don't realize how late of notice it is until I check the time. It literally is last minute but I can always figure that out tomorrow. It's really no big deal.


I had a lot to do today and so little time. Kai, unfortunately, had to miss my first ultrasound appointment which he's still apologizing for. I get it though, my dad wants tonight to be perfect so they have a lot to prepare for.

Luckily, Rosé got a day off just for me. She's excited and she even sent Kai a message about how she gets to replace him. It was a joke and he handled it well by sending her a picture of him flipping her off. After the appointment, we have to look for a dress. I was planning on just searching through Rosé's closet and wearing one of hers. She was certain that I'd hate them all but I was stubborn and looked anyway.

She was right though, I hate them all.

Anyone can go with a valid pass which Kai has because he works there. My sister, Jisoo and her boyfriend will most likely attend. They go every year to support my dad. It's a big deal since it determines if the company grows in the future. If you're uninterested in the whole world of business, such as me, then it means absolutely nothing.

I finally arrived, stepping out of my car. My legs are cramped from driving. I fix my dress, making my way to the front door. Ringing the doorbell, I wait for Kai to come to the door. I hear his footsteps nearing, smiling when he pulls the door open.

"Hey good looking." He said with a boyish smile. I rolled my eyes with a smile. "Let's go?" I nodded towards his car. We get going in my car because despite Kai having a flashy car, it has always made me feel a little claustrophobic. The nerves start settling in when we near the venue. I'm not sure what to expect with my parents. Hoping that they don't even notice I'm there. It'd make things a lot easier.


Kai circled the parking lot, attempting to find a spot. My palms become sweaty and my throat dry. I've been here multiple times, I know what to expect. But I haven't seen my parents in a week and I'm nervous to be in the same room as them.

When we finally find a parking space, Kai and I make our way inside. More people arrive with us, a line forming at the entrance. We're good to go and follow everyone else in front of us. The party hall is a huge part of the company. The tall ceilings make it appear even more spacious. And it's beautifully decorated each time. With creme colored tablecloths and a centerpiece adorning each table.

I made my way in, checking my phone for the first time all night. I text Rosé, pleading her to save me before I hide in here all night. Putting my phone back in my purse, I set it on the counter. Once I'm done, I wash my hands and fix my hair. I respond to Rosé a few times, wishing that I could be in a pair of sweatpants and lounging on the couch.

Kai said we would leave soon because I still have to drive back. I'm not going complain about it because I knew what I agreed to. So I'll just wait until he's done before we leave.

With one last look in the mirror, I get ready to leave when the door opens right as I'm about to push it open. I stand aside, letting them walk in. My eyes are set on the floor until I a small surprised gasp. Lifting my head up to meet my mother's brown eyes.

My mouth falls open, a similar reaction on her face. She's definitely more shocked than I am. I knew she was here obviously.

She straightened up, her brows creasing.

"Jennie?" I gasped.

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