#15 : I love you // The end

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Jennie's POV

Y/n has been acting strange all day. She would constantly check the time and couldn't seem to sit still. I figured that she was stressed with work or something although she's normally good at handling it.

Thankfully it's Saturday and we have plans for tonight. I'm in the middle of doing my hair, unplugging the curling iron. I smiled at the feel of a firm chest behind me and hands at my waist.

"Baby, you're distracting me." I said, turning my head to give her a kiss. Her face buries in my neck, mumbling something about how good I look. I'm wearing athletic shorts and a tank top.

Y/n is always complimenting me every chance she gets. Instead of attempting to do my makeup while she's kissing my neck, I turned around to fully face her. She looks exactly the same except for more mature.

One of her hands lifts to the back of my neck, kissing me sweetly. It quickly shifts into a heated kiss. Our hands exploring each other. I leave kisses at her jaw, trailing them down to her neck. Her low moan makes me want to have a quicky here. We've mastered those by now. She seems to have the same idea. "We have an hour we ca-"

She's cut off by a loud squeal. "Mummy! We were playing Barbies." My three-year-old stomped into the bathroom, glaring at her.

Her light brown hair is in pigtails that Y/n did this morning. She only likes when Y/n does her hair because in her words, she doesn't pull her hair out.

I'll try to redo them before we have to leave. I bite my lip, giving her a glance before letting her drag Y/n away. She's definitely frustrated right now because I am.

I finished getting ready, slipping on a dark red dress. Y/n wanted to take us to the beach, there's a fancy restaurant that opened up and she's been wanting to try it.

I asked her if she wanted Kai to take Stella for a bit but she persists to have her there. I'm still very hesitant due to how picky she is. I entered our bedroom, picking up one of Y/n's jackets. I feel something heavy, feeling the pockets but my phone rings before I can check. It must be her keys or something.

I answered after seeing it's Rosé.

"Hey." I smile.

"Hey, have you left yet?" She sounds out of breath.

"No.." I answered. "Why?"

She laughed nervously.

"Sorry, wrong number."

I pulled the phone back to see that she hung up. Why is everyone acting so weird today?

I ignored it and go save Y/n from Stella before she tries to paint her nails again. They're in the playroom, building with blocks.

Y/n lifted her head up, noticing me in the doorway. Her eyes light up before she eyes my dress. I tell her to get ready, blushing when she discreetly brushes her hand on my waist.

"Ma, what's a propose?" Stella asks when I sit down to play with her. I frowned, shrugging.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm not sure." She must have heard it on tv or something. I eventually get her ready, being able to fix her hair. We walk into the living room, Y/n waiting for us. She's wearing black dress pants with a button up tucked in.

She winks when she sees me staring. I rolled my eyes with a grin. She gets us all out the door before we're late. On the drive there, I noticed her becoming nervous again. All I can do is hold her hand, hoping this would relaxes her.

We listen to Stella sing the entire soundtrack to a Disney movie. Who wouldn't become less stressed at that.

"You're so beautiful." Y/n whispered, I turned around after getting Stella out of her car seat. Even after four years of being together, her words still make me blush. That's how I know that I made the right choice to give us a try.


The restaurant is packed and filled with wealthy people. Y/n made reservations a few days ago, after being on a waitlist. That's how bad it is.

We're seated in a corner and away from everyone else.

"What?" I asked, wondering why she keeps looking at me like that. Y/n sighed.

"Because I love you." She says in an obvious tone.

"I love you too."

Stella tugged at my arm, gesturing for me lean down. She whispered in my ear about how she wants chicken nuggets. I laughed explaining to her that they don't have those here. Luckily she's past the whole throwing tantrums in public phase. She simply pouted and glared at the table. She understands that she can't always get what she wants.

We managed to order after waiting for fifteen minutes. The food arrived fairly quickly and Stella actually ate most of hers.

We pay for our dinner and decided to walk around the beach. It was Y/n's suggestion or plan since she already had mentioned it to me. I heard someone behind us, turning at the familiar voice of my best friend.

Rosé grins as she nears us, immediately lifting Stella up.

"Wow, what a surprise." She said. I nodded, although I don't know why she would casually be at the beach at night. Y/n takes my hand after greeting Rosé.

"Let's go for a walk."

Stella shakes her head, clinging onto her favorite person besides Y/n. Rosé waves us off.

"You two go, I brought toys for us to play with." She pulled out two barbies from her bag. I eyed her suspiciously. "Do you normally bring toys to the beach at night?"

Her bottom lip is tugged between her teeth, giving Y/n a brief look.

"Yes?" She answered nervously. I gave her one last look and lead Y/n away from them. Rosé has been a big help since the second I told her I was pregnant. Never once, she has left my side or asked for some sort of payment.

Three months ago, Rosé and Dahyun broke up. Yes! They have been dating after Lisa and Nayeon dated. They've been off and on so I thought it was temporary until Dahyun left the next day. She's been a wreck but tries to hide it from everyone.

I hope they both figure things out. I hate seeing them so distraught. The soothing sounds of the waves pull me out of my thoughts.

I wrapped my arms around Y/n, inhaling her scent. "Can you tell me why you're so tense?" I asked.

She visibly swallows staring so intensely at me that it makes my insides heat up. I waited for her response, confused when she pulls back before kneeling in front of me. It's not until she pulls out a box from her pocket that I realized what's happening. My heart thumps loudly in my ears.

"What are you doing?" My voice comes out very soft almost in pleading way.

"Jennie Ruby Jane, I love you. I've been wanting this for so long now but it never felt right. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I can't wait to have kids with you. And, to spend the rest of my life loving you." Her voice cracks making my breath hitch. "Will you marry me?"

I nodded, although my vision is blurry.

"Yes. I love you so much." I practically sobbed. She slips the ring on, standing up to wipe my tears. I wrapped my arms around her neck, kissing her softly.

I heard cute giggles coming from behind me. Turning around to see Rosé wiping at her own eyes. Stella runs to Y/n, squealing happily.

"You knew!" I gasped, pointing at Rosé.
She nodded, giving me a hug. "I'm so happy for you, Jen."

I give my beautiful daughter and fiance a hug. I never would have thought that this would be my life. I love every bit of it, from my friends to my family.

My life feels perfect and almost unreal. I'm not complaining though. And here I am, I never thought that I would love to have kids, marriage happens til I laid my eyes on her.

I love her. Very very much.

I Love You ; Jennie KimWhere stories live. Discover now