#10 : Serious about you

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Jennie's POV

We all watch her cautiously as Lisa flicked her brown hair over her shoulder. To people around or the outsiders looking at us, we look like four friends hanging out. Little do they know that she has caused all of us to be miserable.

"So, hm, alright." She starts, standing in front of me. "I met Kai when I went to visit my aunt. We talked, exchanged numbers and went out for a few times. I never realized that you two had anything to do with each other until you texted him and your picture popped up." Her smirk caused chills up my spine.

"It was perfect because Kai here is still in love with you. So, I took the opportunity to use him to get Y/n back."

My eyes drift to Y/n watching her reaction. Her hands are in her pockets, eyes on the ground. Then, I took a look to Kai who is already watching me with his jaw clenched.


It's embarrassing but I've learned that some of us aren't as good at things that others are great at. I decided to ask Rosé about her opinions on this.

The kitchen smells great as we wait for it to be finished.

"Do you think she sees me differently?" I asked Rosé.

Rosé chews on her lip before replying. "I think it's hard to fully know. She definitely likes you or she wouldn't have freaked out."

"I mean we're friends so I'm sure that's why." Lie.

She rolled her eyes. "We all know you two would be dating if it weren't for the drama."

My cheeks heat up because she's right. Even if I had told her sooner, I don't think much would have changed. It's still extremely difficult for someone to date a soon to be mom.

I sighed in defeat understanding that I'll have to accept things. I can't be mad at anyone. Maybe, a little at Kai and I for being careless, to begin with.

And of course at Lisa for being obsessed and wanting to ruin my life. Anyways, whatever happens, is out of my control. One thing for sure is that I need to talk to Y/n.


It was silly of me to think that I could come to work on Monday and everything would be fine. That night, I finally confessed to Y/n and told her that I was actually attracted to her from the first day we met.

And now, Y/n didn't show up and it got worse when she ignored my texts. I gave her space, deciding to wait and see if she shows up today.

She didn't, and I tried to justify her reasoning. Telling myself that it had nothing to do with what happened on Friday. My manager helped with the cash register because I can't work with two positions. It's a lot different after getting used to being around Y/n. Instead, our manager was very quiet and worked with only the radio on. It just didn't feel right.

Tomorrow, it's like my dreams come true, Y/n was actually shows up and told me her sorry for ignored my messages last day. She even told me that she also attracted to me and ready to date a girl that soon to be mom. I'm so happy. My dreams really come true.

When she was kept apologizing to me, I wrapped my arms around her neck,

"Let's talk about this later and please stop saying your sorry." I suggested. She nodded, on board with my idea. I leaned in pulling her down with me. Our lips finally meet and I savor every second of it greedily. Running my fingers through her hair as her hands explored my body.

Her touch is gentle and it makes me want more. My entire body heats up when she pulls me closer. Kissing for a few seconds longer until my lungs beg for oxygen. Our lips barely touch as we catch our breath.

We come to the realization that this is it. Pulling away and getting into serious mode. Yea, I'm serious about this, serious about this relationship with Y/n.

I Love You ; Jennie KimWhere stories live. Discover now