#11 : My heart race

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Jennie's POV

Despite of yearning for her affection, I will admit that I'm not ready. My body is adjusting to carrying another human and it's already started to wear me out.

While I can't put my feelings on hold, I can accept that this is how things need to happen. I went home a lot happier than when I left this morning. I know better than to get too comfortable due to how much has happened everytime things feel calm.

I nodded, while I tell Y/n. "I have to help plan my sisters's engagement party. I'll be back on Sunday afternoon."


I haven't seen her and I'm just hoping that Jisoo doesn't throw a fit. She's the last person I have to talk things over with. It isn't as easy as it seems. Jisoo is stubborn and loves to make a huge deal out of everything.

It's her day to shine, I'll just go for support.

Y/n takes one of my fries with a grin. "I didn't know you had a sister."

I nodded, "She's twenty- six and a pain in the ass."

"Unfortunately I know that pain."

"We can trade?" I asked, wishing that my sister was as supportive as her. Y/n thinks about it before tilting her head. "How bad is your sister?"

I smile innocently. "She's the sweetest actually, loves hugs and walks on the beach." If only. She sticks her hand out.

"K, deal."

Laughing, I shakes her hand. I love her playful side, which is what makes her more hot.

I didn't realize how much torture it is to be friends with someone you want so much more with.


Since I agreed to help my mother prepare for Jisoo and Jungkook's engagement party, I will be staying in my old room for the weekend. It's exactly the same, nothing touched except the bedsheets that smell freshly washed.

I brought a bag with a change of clothes and a few other things. My mom is already in the family room ready for me to help. Leaving my things on the bed, I make my way downstairs.

There are boxes of decorations on the floor. My mom sits on the couch, wearing a casual outfit of jeans and a v-neck shirt.

"Your grandparents are driving down here, I need to get the guest room ready." She told me. "You can go ahead and unbox the decorations that go on the table."


"You need to stop letting your emotions do the talking." I tell Kai. "You tend to do things that sounds good in that moment and it ends up blowing up in your face."

"I know." He nodded.

"I'm working on that."

I smile and hold my pinky out. "Promise that you'll tell me when it's too much. I don't want to feel like I'm pressuring you into being there if you're not ready."

His attention is fully on me, a brow raised.

"I'll be there the entire time, there's no way in hell that I'd back out. Not when you do all the hard work and I have to watch you struggle for seven more months."

My smile gets bigger at his words. "You're gonna be such a good dad." I said honestly while laughing at my last word.

It's a curse that I forgive people so easily. I'm bad at saying no and I fantasize too much about everything being perfect. But if there's anything that I've learned it's that some people do change.

I've seen it happen with my parents. It must take a lot of realization and for something to happen before they do finally wake up. Kai is clearly ready to become a father and he's gonna have to do a lot of breaking old habits.

I can't change him or the past but I can be there and watch him mature on his own. The party is definitely not as bad as I thought. My sister and I never even crossed paths and she didn't even glance my way.

I watched with a smile as she laughs at something my aunt said. Jungkook stares at her with that cheesy smile, and I find myself being happy for her.

I want that type of love. The kind where none of my flaws matter and I'm appreciated for who I am.

Only one person comes to mind, making my heart race, and it's Y/n.

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