#13 : Gender Reveal

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Jennie's POV

We've been meaning to hang out and actually plan something to do, everyone especially Nayeon and I will be busy during the week.

Dahyun's girlfriend flew here to spend the weekend with her. It was perfect for all of us get together and go do something. I thought they'd both want to be away from everyone else but apparently, Sana doesn't mind.

I have yet to meet her, just now arriving at the carnival. Lisa was eager to spend time with Nayeon. They finally got together and I'm happy for her. Even Y/n, finally Lisa already moved on from her.

I told her to go ahead and I drove my own car. I pay for my entrance and walk to where my friends stand at.


I barely eat, pushing my food to Nayeon who happily takes it.

"I'm gonna walk around for a bit." I stated.

They plan on going on a few more rides. We've finished eating but to prevent them from getting sick they're going to take a break.

I almost slip out of their view until I feel someone right beside me.

"Jen." Y/n breathed out. I pressed my nails into my palms, not knowing what to say. I continue walking repeatedly telling myself to keep my expression neutral. Y/n doesn't let me go that easily.

"Let's talk for a second." She pleaded.

I stepped aside silently agreeing. We stare at each other the air thick with tension. I sigh, chewing on my lip. Her eyes drop to the ground.

"Jen, I thought we were set on waiting." She exasperated. My mind continues to battle with my heart.

No, I can't, I repeat to myself.

"We are." I said , not convincing her at all.
She nodded, stuffing her hands in her pockets.

"Because we can change that if that's what you want." She begged.

I want that so much, and I was willing to try but then we saw Lisa. I can't be selfish about this and I have to think about how it could affect our relationship in the long run. I mean I'm ready but, I don't want to do this without thinking far like I'd with Kai.

I shake my head.

"We should wait, Y/n." I said more confidently.

"As much as I love kissing you, it contradicted your words." She teased, raising a brow.

My cheeks heat up, hitting her arm. "Okay, no more of that." I laughed. Now, I have to convince myself of that.


Work is a lot more exhausting when you're pregnant. It's almost humorous if you're not the one taking five minutes to stand up after kneeling to stock shelves.

I sighed, lifting the empty box and carrying it to the back room.

Y/n eyes me when I enter the room again.

"Jennie, just let me help you." She exasperated. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"I'm fine. We have a deal, you carry the stuff in and I do the rest." I said with a tight smile.

I'm done for the day, physically and in every other way. Y/n always lecturing me to take a rest, but I don't want.

I want to find more money to buy or rent a apartment for me and my baby.


I take a water bottle from the fridge, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl.

Joining Rosé back in the living room. She already has a show playing. I bring my laptop to the couch and begin my endless search for an apartment.

One that doesn't cost my entire savings for one month. I wasn't in a rush to move out, but every day I feel the need to have a room for the baby ready.

Especially once we find out the gender, there's no way that I can contain myself from buying things. I have to keep myself from becoming frustrated all over again.

I shut my laptop, averting my eyes to the TV. Rosé has passed out, college and work both draining her. I turned the volume down and pull a blanket over her.

My closet is empty since I don't have many clothes in there. It takes me longer than I thought to put everything she bought in my closet.

With an audible sigh, I get comfortable on the bed. My hand cradles my stomach, feeling movement with a smile on my face.


Nayeon volunteered to keep me out until it's time to drive to Rosé's parents home for the gender reveal.

They gave her permission since they won't be back for another week. It's been hard for Rosé to keep it to herself for the past week. She had to plan everything and wanted to make it perfect. I have to give her credit though, she's not giving in.

She had set up tables in the backyard with food, drinks, and more snacks. We eat and talk to each other until Rosé announced that its time.

She counts the papers first, most thinking that its a boy. I try to find something in her expression but she's good at keeping it neutral.

Y/n and I stand at the front, her arm wrapped around my shoulders.

We all listen to Rosé explain how she decided to do it. She hands us a confetti cannon each as we prepare. She tells everyone to count down, my heart thumping even louder.

This is it.

The countdown starts and my palms are sweaty. When they get to one, Y/n and I twisted the bottom of the confetti cannon.

All I see is pink, everything feeling like it's in slow motion. I gasped, taking it all in. Everyone cheers as Y/n gives me a hug.

I smile up at her.

"We're having a girl." I said in disbelief. Her eyes are glazed over but she swallows hard with a nod.

Then, I realized why she was acting weird and suddenly blushed, I said to her that we're having a baby girl. Hm. How I wish that this baby was from her. Not Kai.

"I'm sorry Y/n, I'm the one that having a baby girl, it's not ours. I'm sorry."

"It's okay Jen. Your child is my child too. Plus, you're gonna be a future mother to my child someday. Coming soon huh." She said playfully, I hit her chest. Now, I'm the one that blushed like crazy.

We celebrated with our friends and family, feeling grateful to have them here, even Kai came.

My reaction would have been the same regardless, it's knowing that makes me emotional. And now that I know it just makes it all so real.

In just four months, I'll have a baby girl.

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