Chapter 13

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It had been two days since I'd heard about the stable boy. Every day I would tell myself that today is the day I would venture into the city and search for him. But each time, courage failed me.

I sat with Father over lunch. I picked at my food. Father spoke to Fatima about me as she poured wine as if I wasn't there. I don't blame them; I'd stopped contributing to conversations.

"She sits like an obelisk moping into space," said Father. "Do you think something is wrong with her? Where is Mustapha when you need him? He would know what to do. When is he coming back?"

"He said he'd be back in two days, your highness," said Fatima.

"I'm worried about the princess," said Father. "Some terrible illness eats at her mind and doesn't let her do anything." The Sultan sighed. "Should we send for the physician?"

"Your highness...I...I don't think..." Fatima stammered. Her voice trailed off.

"Speak up, woman!" Father's voice bellowed.

I turned to look at them.

Fatima looked around. She seemed unsure of herself. "Please forgive my boldness, your highness." She lowered her head, turned and bowed. "It's for your own good, princess."

Father raised an eyebrow and let out a deep breath. "Is the word hard to say? Speak!" His tone was sharp.

"Yes, sir," said Fatima. "Sir, it is not a terrible illness...but love."

"what?" said Father. He rubbed his white beard. "Love?" He sat quietly for a second. "What type of foolish love is that? She hardly knows the boy!"

I cocked my head.

Fatima's eyes widened. Her gaze darted from me to Father. "It''s love at first sight," whispered Fatima.

"Explain!" Father bellowed.

"Yes, yes sir," said Fatima. "A few days ago, the horse you bought for the princess took ill, and we had to find the owner." Fatima wrung her hands together. "It turned out the horse was lonely and homesick. The boy came, and the horse became whole. But...but it's unfortunate..." Fatima's voice trailed off. Fatima was shaking and trembling. "It seems like the princess's heart had been stolen by the lad. The princess has fallen in love!"

The silence could be cut with a knife. Love? Me in love? Father broke the silence.

"Does this lad have a name?" asked Father.

Fatima bowed her head. "They call him Aladdin, sir."

An amused smile spread across Father's lips. He wiggled his eyebrows at me. "Aladdin, the thief of Aisha's heart."

My heart beat faster. I had this immediate urge to bail. Can this be true? I tried to speak and come to my defense. But all I could do was stutter and stammer. I took a deep breath and then found my voice. "Excuse me," I whispered and pushed my seat back. I headed for my room. My whole body was shaking. What was I going to do about this? I took deep breaths and closed my eyes to calm myself. I was giddy. A bark of laughter escaped my lips. Could Fatima be right? I must find out; I must see him again.

What was the saying? Sometimes your destiny is out there, you just have to reach out and grab it. Could I be missing a big part of who I am? Should I disobey Father and the protected life I've always lived? It was time I ventured out into a whole new world. At least visit the market where the horse was bought and see if I can locate the seller and perhaps find Aladdin.

I should go under cover of darkness. But wouldn't that be dangerous? Right now might be the best time. I looked at what I was wearing. It would not do. It would give me away as the princess.

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