Chapter 11

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After Bexley left she hopped on her motorcycle and rode to her dad's. When she got there she headed down to his office where he was sitting in his chair and watching a basketball game.

"Tell me what happened," he said in a soothing tone. Bexley relayed the whole story to him explaining everything to him.

"I could leave but that's gonna make me look suspicious, and even if I do leave I'm going to be followed."

"I wish I could tell you what to do but I can't. You won't be able to leave because like you said, you will look suspicious. You won't be able to kill Grant, for obvious reasons. The best thing I can tell you is to lay low at your dorm, and halt the opening of the dealership, and stop all new openings of your bar. So it won't give the police a reason to look at you. They'll take as you rubbing it in there faces that you can still open your bar without being scared." he explained.

"I'm moving out of the dorm, Grant has somehow turned Michelle against me, He got in her head and now I am losing my friend because he created some puppet. He's trying to put me in Bay in jail." Bexley huffed running her hands through her braids.

"Ok you can stay here until you find a place." Johns stated as he took a sip of his whiskey, "Well I am going to go to bed sweetheart. Johns got up and walked towards his daughter dropping a kiss to her forehead and giving her a hug. It was his way of saying "Everything will be okay," without speaking words, and it still comforted Bexley after all this time. As they walked out the hallway and walked towards the grand staircase the doorbell rang. Bexley went to get it and there was Ana, Delilah, and Sam, Bexley let them come in.

"Sam, Delilah and Ana, what a pleasant surprise," Johns said as he went to hug the girls.

"Hey uncle Johns," they responded in unison. Despite public opinion Bobby Johns was actually a giant teddy bear. He stood tall at 6ft 8in and he had a harsh demeanor when it came to business, but when it came to family and close friends he was everyone's favorite person.

"Uncle Johns do you still have Little Debbie Snacks?" Sam asked.

"For you Sam I sure do i'm gonna head to bed night girls." He spoke as he went to his room. When he left the girls just stood there until Bexley lead them to the kitchen.

Ana cleared her throat,"Soo... um what do you want to talk about.?"

"Nothing," Bexley answered in a short tone.

"You know Michelle didn't mean anything that she said. She was just angry." Sam muttered as she grabbed a zebra cake and sat on the counter.

"Why shouldn't she mean it. I mean it is the truth after all. I killed her uncle I am a murderer it as simple as that," Bexley sighed.

"Oh c'mon Bex. She'll get over it I slept with Grant, and she might be over it." Delilah replied.

"You slept with Grant two years ago I killed her uncle about a few days ago. Of course she forgives you. Dee I just don't want to be around her. I'm moving out and her and Grant can be madly in love without me being there."

"Ok, now Bex you don't mean that." Ana stated.

"Oh, but I do. Tomorrow I'm getting my stuff and moving out." Bexley acknowledged.

"But where will you stay?" inquired Sam.

"Here. Frankly if I am being honest I have been looking at studio apartments for awhile. I saw one that I really liked so tomorrow I will fill out the paperwork and move out." Bexley sighed.

Ana began,"But you and Chelle's dorm is one of the many platonic places in our group. That's where some of our best memories are. It won't be he same if only one of you guys lives there.

Delilah finished,"C'mon Bex, this will all blow over in the morning. You know Michelle doesn't mean anything that she said.

"And Dee maybe she did. I'm not staying there. Her and Grant can live happily if she is going to trust Grant over me. Look I... I know you guys mean well but I just can't be there for obvious reasons." Bexley narrated as she walked out the kitchen and headed to her room.

"God, why does Grant even have to be in the picture?" Delilah fumed.

"Who knows but let's go. We can be there in the morning to help her move, mediators if you will," Ana replied as she grabbed her purse and headed towards the door.

~The Next Day~

Bexley had her braids in a high ponytail as she started putting her stuff in boxes. Delilah and Sam were currently helping while Ana sat in the bed.

"So if you are moving out I wonder what Michelle will do with your bedroom," Sam asked.

"Oh, I'll probably turn it into a gaming room for Grant since he's moving in." Michelle answered as she leaned against the doorframe while Grant held her waist,"Oh and Bexley ell your criminal boyfriend that he should probably move out too."

Bexley began packing faster,"And why would I do that?"

"Because we aren't safe around him," Grant replied," And I want him gone. It is a very easy thing to do Bexley but of course you can't follow the rules. Just like your mother." The way Grant talked about Bexley's mother had her infuriated she grabbed the pocket knife on her dresser and started to walking towards the door when Grant pulled out a gun causing her to stop. Ana, Delilah, and Sam started standing beside Bexley

"Take another step Bex, I dare you." Michelle hissed.

"This is crazy we are supposed to be friends," Ana protested.

"You all LIED to me. You think I don't know about your secret jobs. Delilah you sell drugs also and you slept with Grant, Sam you're father did it for quick money. Ana you're father killed my cousin Kopplin. "

"Kopplin died because of a car crash Michelle," Delilah stated.

"No that's not what happened. Kopplin mistreated Ana's dad and you're father killed him. Ana even had the nerve to come to his funeral like she was actually said. The final nail in the coffin is my uncle Bexley you killed him with no trace of blood. You let him die slowly. He wasn't supposed to die. He was supposed to grow old with my aunt and be happy that he lived his life without any issues but your ruined that. You ruined everything. And I hate you. I hate you all of you. Ana, and Bexley ruined my family!" Michelle shouted.

""Chelle top it. This sin;t you don't let Grant get in your head," Sam pleaded

"Oh but this is me," Michelle replied. Michelle grabbed Grant's gun and fired off shots.



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JESUS who got shot. I have a feeling you all will be heated when you find out. Spam the comments and tell me who you think got shot.

As always I will see you guys in the next chapter. ;)

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