Chapter 28

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Michelle had gone by her salon in Tampa before she went back to Clearwater, she needed to do some housekeeping and figure out how she was going to tell Grant that Bexley was back. She headed to her office and looked through the books. Satisfied with what she saw she made the 45-minute drive back to Clearwater.

When she arrived home she noticed that Grant's car wasn't there so she headed into their Meditteranean style home. She headed put her stuff on the table by the door and headed to the kitchen where she poured herself a glass of wine and decided that she would make baked chicken for dinner tonight.

She headed into the bathroom and grabbed some clothes for her after her quick shower. When she was done upstairs she headed downstairs and started to prepare the meal. She was taking the chicken out of the oven when she heard Grant enter the house.

"Hey, honey," Grant yelled out as he made his way to the kitchen blowing out a tired breath.

"Hey love, how was work?" Michelle asked as she gave him a quick kiss and went back to the meal she was preparing.

"Long, how was your day?" He asked as he headed to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water and sat down on the counter.

"Um, it was a day. Um, I saw Bexley today," Michelle revealed.

"Ok, she didn't try anything did she? Remember what I said last year."

"Trust me that was all going through the mind, but when I saw her she looked happy and she was genuinely happy for me even after everything we have been through. She was different I thought when I saw her again it was going to be like some type of scene out of movie where she kidnaps me, but when she saw me she wasn't phased at all," explained Michelle.

"What do you want to do?" Grant questioned.

"I don't know she hasn't given me any type of hint that she might try something, even when I took a jab at her she just laughed and shrugged it off."

"Being in another country away from friends and family can change people. I just say that we keep her arm's length." Grant remarked.

"Yeah, you're probably right, dinner is ready can you get the plates." 

That night Grant and Michelle talked and did their usual routine but they both knew that their minds were somewhere else. Thinking about any and every possibility that could go wrong with Bexley. That night when Michelle drifted off to sleep Grant made a call. A call that could change everything.

Bexley had brought dinner over to the dealership with Bay and they were currently in his office eating since the dealership was closed. Bay was so happy that Bexley was back his life was miserable without her, he missed the times they shared, he missed holding her, kissing her, and just being around he was so happy that she was back in Florida with him. They had finished the dinner and were cleaning up their mess so that they could leave, they left the dealership and headed to Bay's car so they could go home. 

They stopped by the car when the noticed a dark figure was standing a few feet away from them.

"Excuse me, sir, can we help you?" Bay questioned but the man stood still not moving at all, "Are you lost?" Again the man didn't move it wasn't until Bexley saw out of peripheral vision a man walking toward her with a gun did the man across the street turn the other way.

"Bay!!" Bexley screamed, but the armed man fired off three shots at Bexley and he ran off into the night. Bay rushed over to her and noticed the wounds and blood, he took off his jacket and pressed down on her wounds to keep the pressure on them, and called dialing 9-1-1 giving them the information.

"I love you," she whispered as she felt herself slipping away.

"No don't say that you are going to be ok, the police are on the way, they are going to help you, baby, I promise. I can't lose you again."

"Bay," Bexley whispered, she couldn't finish it she slipped away her eyes closed, and that caused Bay to lose it.

"NO, BEXLEY I LOVE YOU TOO, OK I SAID IT NOW I NEED YOU TO WAKE UP. Please, Bexley, don't do this please baby wake up." Bay sobbed. 

Bay couldn't breathe, he didn't breathe when the paramedics pulled him off of Bexley to aid her, he didn't breathe when they were in the ambulance and they were trying to stop the bleeding, he didn't breathe when they made it to hospital, and he did not breathe when he heard the unmistakable sound of the monitor flatlining. He didn't breathe.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Is Bexley dead who knows at this point, so many maybe deaths in the book that I can't even keep up.

As always I will see you guys in the next chapter. ;)

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