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It's been hours since the training arena, and the sun is no longer in the sky. Mostly everyone's gone to their dorms, except for two. Bakugou and Todoroki. Even Kirishima.

Bakugou sat in Recovery Girl's office, sitting in the waiting area. Even if it was late, he didn't want to fall asleep so he could immediately see Midoriya was okay. He wanted to see him smile again.

He quickly tapped his foot, constantly feeling like sobbing into his hands, but he wasn't like that. He was going to be strong about this, even though every few hours he would start crying, but stop himself. 

His feelings were so mixed up, it was so confusing. His odd addiction to the nerd was something confusing, since he never planned to just fall in love like this.

But when he saw Midoriya so beat up, he hated the sight. Even after all of the times he's hurt him himself, but that was taken one step too far. He just wanted to...cuddle him, and make him feel better. 

Bakugou was so focused in thought that he didn't hear Recovery Girl, until he quickly raised his head up from the floor and looked at her in front of him.

"I'm sorry you've had to wait here for so long, his injuries were quite serious. But you may see him if you like. Just be careful, he's still asleep." 

She smiled kindly, Bakugou managing to grin back and stand up from the seat and wipe his face with his t-shirt before walking out of the waiting area.

One he got to the right place, he slowly grabbed onto the curtain around Midoriya's bed where he was kept and slowly pulled it open, peeking inside.

Midoriya had a few pillows behind him supporting his back so he sat up, along with his arms wrapped up in bandages. That meant his arms were going to be fine. Good.

And as for his leg, it was also wrapped up in bandages and elevated on a few pillows, with an ice pack rested on top of his leg where it was wrapped. It looked like it was meant to help swelling.

But as for all of that, Midoriya looked quite peaceful sleeping after everything that happened. Bakugou almost felt as if he was overreacting. But that wasn't important. He knew he shouldn't stay for long, knowing Midoriya would find it strange if he was there. 

Especially since it was this late. 

Bakugou slowly slides the curtain a bit more before stepping into the space and then closing the curtain again. He steps closer and closer, until he was right to his bedside, looking down at Midoriya's sleeping face. The feelings were coming back again, he couldn't quite explain it.

It was like...butterflies in his stomach, as someone would put it. 


I feel my vision blur once again. 

"Don't cry...he'll think you're weak..."

But it was already too late. Bakugou felt his face scrunch up, blinking the tears in his eyes. They slowly dripped down his face, collecting at his chin and dropping onto the floor. He shakily brought his hands up to his face and turns around, constantly wiping his eyes and breathing heavily.

"K-Ka...cchan?" Midoriya manages to speak, his eyes widening, feeling shock. He had already seen Bakugou crying. He didn't know what to say, he could barely even speak out. 

"W-What do you want, nerd." Bakugou snaps, wiping his eyes one last time before turning back around towards his bed. His eyes were red and puffy, smeared tears still left on his cheeks.

"K-KACCHAN! A-ARE YOU OKAY? WHY WERE YOU CRYING? I'M SORRY I-" Midoriya began to ramble, only to have Bakugou's stare interrupt him. He slowly closed his mouth, staring back. The only sound left was the beep of his pulse read on a machine. 

"You're asking if I'm okay, Deku?" Bakugou began, leaning down and getting closer to Midoriya, without realizing it. "Look at you. I'm fine. You're not. You're injured." 

Bakugou couldn't believe his choice of words, he felt like his new, sprouting feelings were so obvious, it hurt. Midoriya could feel Bakugou's shaky breath on his face. 

He slowly began to frown, letting out a quiet, yet cute type whine.

"B-But I'm fine! I don't even feel it! I-It really just hurts when I move...I'll be out in no time, I promise!" Midoriya smiled.

Bakugou crossed his arms and huffed, turning away from Midoriya.

"You don't understand."

The words rang through Midoriya's ears. What didn't he understand? Well, overall he was still confused. Mostly because it was just...not likely for Bakugou to care so much.

"W-What don't I understand?"



Bakugou just stood there, turned away, keeping his arms crossed. 

"Kacchan, please talk to me!-"

"Why does my stomach turn every time I think of you, Deku? It never stops. Surely you know how to stop it, right?" Bakugou finally spoke up.

Bakugou's red piercing eyes glared into Midoriya's graceful green ones, locking eye contact as he slowly turned back to him.

"H-Huh?- W-Wha...Kacchan...what..." Midoriya pushed himself up more than what the pillow's support gave, his hands holding him up. It didn't seem to bother him.

"If I understand what you're saying, Kacchan, I...I'm with...Todoroki...besides, don't you hate me? When we were kids-"

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, DEKU. Recently you've just seemed so...beautiful. Graceful. Your smile's gorgeous. WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SO PERFECT?!" Bakugou yelled, looking away and closing his eyes tightly, starting to pace back and fourth. 

"God dammit...I should just leave. I messed this all up. I don't even know why I'm here." Bakugou mumbled, turning around to leave, but just as he felt Midoriya grab his hand in a firm grip he stopped, at least it was enough to stop Bakugou.

He slowly looked back to see Midoriya. He still seemed shocked, but he looked...understanding? It was hard to tell.

"I'm happy you told the truth, Kacchan. I-I...c-can't you stay, and we can talk about it? I want to tell you about something, too. I...don't want you to be upset at all." There it was again. That smile. 

"Dammit, whatever, Deku."

"Alright! You can sit right here!" 

Midoriya patted his blanket covered lap, moving his arms to his sides, waiting, but surprisingly Bakugou obliged and sat down in Midoriya's lap, his legs propped up so he could wrap his arms around them.


It was now around 1:35 AM, and Bakugou and Midoriya had discussed everything about what was to come. It really came down talking to Todoroki about it all, though.

And neither of them knew how he'd react.

"Well, I guess it was nice to talk about that...I feel a lot better now. But I think I'm gonna head off now, I should've been asleep already." Bakugou yawned, sliding off Midoriya's lap and walking toward the curtain.

"Oh, alright! I-It...it was nice talking to you too, K-Kacchan! S-See you tomorrow! Hopefully we can sort this out..." Midoriya sighed, laying back into the pillows behind him.

"Yeah, I hope so. If not, I'm kicking that icyhot bastard's ass."

Without anything else, Bakugou walked away from the curtained space and out of Recovery Girl's office. 

You could guess what was thought about the rest of the night, even for poor Kirishima who was right next door to Midoriya's space.

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