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And just like that, it was the next day. Monday. The day everyone dreads to go to school. Or at least, most people dread Monday. Right now, most were now on their walk to U.A, but one specific person was a bit early to get to class. Bakugou.

Bakugou sat in his seat, with his head rested in both hands. He tapped his foot impatiently, waiting for someone to arrive, the feeling of anxiety resting in his chest. He didn't know why he cared so much, but he just couldn't help it. Despite the night before, even after that, he couldn't forget about his dearest best friend. Kirishima.

He's like the best friend you've never had. With his bright spirit around you, you could never feel down ever again. He's like the one shining star in the ray of other stars, that you just can't reach out to in time. And that's how Bakugou felt right now. He felt like Kirishima was that one shining star miles and miles away, that just couldn't be reached out to, no matter how hard you tried. It's like-

Hearing footsteps, Bakugou quickly turned his head to look at the doorway. He saw Aizawa walking in, holding his bright yellow sleeping bag, which was now neatly rolled up. Unusual, but okay.

"You're early." Aizawa commented, walking behind his desk and lazily dropping the sleeping bag onto the floor, probably for later.

"Yeah, and what's it to you." Bakugou grumbled, running his hands through his hair and dropping his head onto his desk, with a quiet thud.

"One, sit up. Second, let me guess...you came early, to be able to catch Kirishima here...?" Aizawa almost emphasized Kirishima's name a bit too much, sounding a bit different saying his name. Like there was something...wrong with it.

Bakugou, responding with a mumble that could barely be understood, sat back up in his seat and crossed his arms, looking away, towards the door.

And just at the right time, other students began to go into the room, sitting at their desks in their normal assigned seats. Bakugou sat in silence, only giving a slight grin to Todoroki and Midoriya as they walked by him, followed by a wave. Even in despite of last night.

But once everyone was sat down, it really wasn't everyone. Just as Bakugou predicted, Kirishima wasn't there. His desk was empty, and it would be for who knows how long. But that didn't mean Bakugou would lose hope. After school, he decided he would attempt to visit Kirishima. He wanted to make sure he was okay, he wanted to be able to relieve the terrible weight on his shoulders. It didn't help that he knew nothing about Kirishima, ever since the last time he saw him.

But now wasn't the time to be thinking about such a thing. 

Aizawa looked to the class with his normal look, except really, it was possible to see that he was planning something terrible to do on a Monday morning. 

"Alright, I know you all just settled down, but this morning you're going to be training. For someone, this is going to be easy, but for others...not so much. As a little update report, each of you are going to partner up with someone you think you'll work well with. Quirk wise. For the next few hours, you're going to be training to make a special move using your quirks." Aizawa paused, before continuing, "Meet me outside. In your hero costumes." 

Everyone immediately shot out of their seats and ran down the halls. Bakugou almost completely forgot about what he was thinking about once this was mentioned. 


A few hours later, the progress reports were over. Some did better than others, since of course, not all groups would be perfect. Depending who already had a group. Bakugou ended up partnering up with Todororoki. It shocked some people, but the abilities they were able to achieve were impressive. Almost too impressive.

With Todoroki's ice, and Bakugou's explosions, at just the right time Todoroki could freeze the explosions and make ice. And if it was made at the right time, it would shoot at a fast and far range, which could do some damage if you were hit in the head with it. 

As it was performed, the ice almost hit Kaminari in the head. Of course, he wasn't paying attention. Luckily he was pulled out of the way in time by Mina, but instead of seeming panicked he just laughed it off. 

"YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" Explosions immediately crackled in his hands once again, but not to show off the impressive move between him and Todoroki again. Todoroki put a hand on Bakugou's shoulder, without any words, telling him to just forget about it, and to calm down. It wouldn't do any good to end up hurting Kaminari anyways. 

The explosions slowly died down, and Kaminari's laughter slowly faded off as Mina shook her head in disappointment. 

After that, it felt like the rest of the day went by like a blur. Just like that, Bakugou was now walking back to the dorms, once again all alone. He wanted to hurry, to be able to visit Kirishima, to prove himself wrong about the feeling of worry in his chest. Walking slowly began to turn into running, and running slowly began to turn into sprinting. 

Opening the doors of the dorm building, he slowed down and started walking again, only slightly out of breath. The nervousness only built up as he stepped into the elevator, and as it slowly lifted him up to his floor. The same floor with Kirishima's dorm. 

And as he even arrived to his own dorm, the feeling only seemed to get even worse. Bakugou took a deep breath, then put his hand on the door handle and almost hesitated to open the door. Like there was something there holding him back. But he did it, the door flinging open almost immediately. But right when he was about to step in, a terrible sight hit him like a train going at full speed. 

On the floor, a few feet away, was a flower crown. Made from marigolds. A few petals were scattered around the floor as well. They were also from marigolds. Nearby the flower crown, there was a letter, sealed off with a sticker, in the shape of a bright red heard. Red


Bakugou built up the courage to slowly step into his room, and close the door behind him immediately. 

"Kirishima, don't fucking tell me..."

He slowly crouched down to pick up the letter, grabbing the flower crown with it, a shiver being sent down his spine as he picked it up. For some reason, the flower crown got to him the most. It sent the worst flashbacks possible.

He stared at the handwriting on the front of the envelope. The specific handwriting. The handwriting that belonged to only one person. Eijiro Kirishima. But it wasn't neat, it was really a bit messier than his usual handwriting. Like he struggled to write this letter. 

"To: Katsuki Bakugou."

That's what it read. That's all, but it almost meant so much more than that. It was Bakugou's name. His name was written, as Kirishima fought for the time to be able to write this. It didn't send any hope to Bakugou. 

Instead, it was more like false hope.

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