Chapter 14- Everything is messed up

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"I bet that if we try to even hang out for 5 minutes we'll get back to wanting to kill eachother. Do you get me?". Something broke inside Russia. He couldn't believe what was happening. "No, I don't get you. We didn't even have a chance to talk to eachother since we got out, so how do you know things won't be the same?". America eyerolled "You think I don't know what happened with you and Greece the MOMENT we got out? Face it, you were being nice this whole time we were trapped only because we were trapped". Russia felt butterflies in his stomach, but not because of love but rather sadness. "That's a completely different thing". "It's not a different thing man, it's the same. Do you think i would like you if you acted that way to me?". America was being really defensive. "Well you did! And I can't believe you'll throw all that away just because you think it didn't exist." America huffed and turned around to not face him "Just shut up." That hit Russia really bad, right in the feelings. He did as America said and sat two seats away from him. 'I shouldn't have been so harsh on him. Maybe he hadn't realised it yet and thought that what we felt was real. Well yeah it could have been nice and all if it was, but let's be real here, it isn't. I guess if I just avoid him as much as I can maybe he'll get over it, like dad said. I feel sorry for him though..' thought America, still not facing Russia. At that moment a policeman got out of the room the two were supposed to be in and asked them to come inside. As they were walking in, they tried to keep as much distance as possible. They got in and sat on the two chairs that were infront of another policeman's desk. Once they sat down the policeman gave them two papers and a pen each. "Please fill your personal information in this paper". They read the paper and filled in their name, last name, family, date of birth, address and phone number each. When they were done they gave the paper back and the policeman quickly checked if everything was okay and nothing was missing. He then put his signature on both papers and put them in the desk's drawer. "Now I would like you to follow me to the next room to begin the interrogation." He said, stood up and started walking to the door that was behind him. The two countries got up too and followed him inside. The policeman opened the door and inside was waiting UN. The two countries looked at eachother in slight shock. They didn't expect UN to actually go to jail. They felt nervous and knew that UN was death-staring them. "Take a seat" said the policeman. Russia sat as far away from UN as possible, he didn't even want to look at him. America didn't really care that much since UN couldn't do anything to him. The policeman took a pen and paper and sat on his chair to start asking questions. "So I want you to relax and think clearly. Answear the question honestly or else you might get in trouble yourselves. Is that clear?" "Yes". And so the interrogation began. The policeman asked them stuff like "When did the incident happen?" "Did you sense any signs of the stracture immersing on perpuse?" and "Were there enough supplies for you to survive longer than the time you were trapped?". After about an hour and a half the policeman was done asking questions and let the countries finally leave.

While they were walking out there was akward silence. Russia expected America to say something so there wasn't silence, since he usually felt really uncomfortable, but he didn't. So Russia made the first move. "This took long, didn't it?". 'Oh God don't do this. I can't talk to you!' thought America. "Yeah". A few moments a silence followed. "Do you think UN'll go to jail?". America was getting a bit annoyed. "Maybe." "Do you have to do anything else today? If not we can go get some coffee or something." America held himself from yelling at Russia. "I have stuff to do. We can't hang out." Russia finally got the point and stopped asking questions. He wouldn't give up on him though. When they got out of the building they went the opposite direction to their house. They didn't say bye or nothing, they just left.

America got home after almost 10 minutes. He opened the door and got greeted by his father, Great Britain. "How was the interrogation son?" America eyerolled "Dad I just got in the house. Give me a minute" Britain didn't say anything and just let America do his thing. America put off his jacket and set his phone to charge. All that with Britain just staring at him, waiting for him to finish what he was doing. Once he was done he sat on the couch." Okay dad, we can talk now.." "Great!" Said Britain enthusiastically and sat next to America. "So first of all, was the slav there?". "His name is Russia and yes, he was there." "Yes, yes, whatever his name is. Did you talk to him?" "I didn't, but he tried to talk to me." Britain got a little concerned. "What for? What did he say?". "He just asked me if I was doing well and if I was glad to be out. Nothing to worry about." Britain raised an eyebrow. "And did you answear him?" America tensed up slightly. "I didn't want to be mean dad. But I told him i didn't want to talk."Britain looked disappointed. "I thought I told you not to talk to him! Why do you never listen to me?" America backed off a few feet. He was almost touching the couch's armchair. "I swear I told him I didn't want to talk to him! I trust you, I know it's not a good idea to do so!". Britain came a little closer to him "Well I don't see that! He was just not thinking straight, like you, while you were underground!" "I-I know! You told me and i believe you! I'll never talk to him again!". With that sentence Britain finally backed off. "Good." He said. America was scared, ha hadn't seen his father act like that in years. Last time Britain punched him in the face and blacked his left eye, so he didn't want it to happen again. Britain got up slowly, not looking at America. "Me and your mother will be getting out of town for a few days. If I learn that you even said hello to that commie you don't even know what's coming. Capish?". America nodded panicked. "Our luggage is already ready so we'll be leaving in a few minutes." "Where will you be goi-" "None of your business. Now go upstairs and finish your work." "Y-yes dad". America quickly got up and headed upstairs. He stopped in his room's doorstep. He touched the door's handle but didn't want to get in the room. He just wanted to cry. He wasn't sure why, not just because of what happened, but he really needed to. He stopped infront of the door for about a minute. Canada who had heard the situation noticed that America wasn't doing very well so we went over to him to comfort him. "Hey Ame..". America jumped when he heard Canada's voice. He looked over at him slowly without saying a word. "You don't need to listen to what he says, he's just being hysteric." America turned around fully to face him. "What do you mean..?". "Like now for example. I'm going to Germany's to hang out. Remember back then when dad didn't want me to be around him because of the whole WW2 thing? Well look at me now, half the time I'm with him and I'm doing just fine. Dad even got used to it too. What I'm saying is if you want to be friends with Russia or anybody else just go do it". America thought for a second. "And what if what he says is real? What if we just became friends because we were trapped underground?". "Well give it a shot and if it doesn't work out, well nobody's going to die." America smiled at the thought that he could talk to Russia again. "Thanks bro, appreciate the help" Canada patted America on his shoulder and waved goodbye at him. Then he left to go hang out with Germany. America finally got the power to get in his room. He opened the door slowly and immediately fell head-first on his bed. He was full of thoughts. Who does he has to listen to? Canada or his dad? What will be the consequences? Will Russia want to have anything to do with him after what happened today? He wasn't at his best.


What's this? 3 chapters in a row and all with 1k+ words? Yes people you heard right! But let's be real here the quality in the last two-three chapters is crappy. Anyways the reason I posted so early is because I have exams and I won't post for weeks so I'm making up for them now. Okay that's all for now, see you on the next chapter!


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