Chapter 33- Antisocial

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' _ToxicSweetheart_ I allow you to kill Ukraine'



"Canada is coming over"

"I don't care"

"Yeah right"

Russia layed his head back down after yell-talking with Ukraine, who was downstairs. She has been inviting Canada over very often lately. 'And then she teases me about Japan, wow'. He looked at the clock to make sure he wasn't late to Japan's party. She said it was staring at 8, showing that it would probably last until late. Three-to-four am. Now it was 6:49, he had time to spare. But then again, did he really want to go? He didn't want to get super drunk and do some really weird shit, with the fear that the other countries wouldn't like him even more. "I'll.. I'll just leave early."
. . . . . . "On second thought, I'll come late. If I go late I hopefully won't drink as much, and get tired and leave at 12 or 1. Yeah, sounds better." He got his phone from his pocket and texted Japan. She had given him her number so she would inform him about the time, place etc of the party.


J<はい (yes)?

Ill come late to your party>R

J< Aaw.. Why?

Personal issues>R

J<Will you tell me at the party?


J<See you there~!

He closed his phone and put it back in his pocket again. He would probably go there at 22:00, so he had a lot of time ahead of him. Too much to be good. He rolled to his side since he was laying on his bed and closed his eyes. 'Why did I agreed to come? It'll probably be just me staying in one corner and drinking until I'm dead.' He sighed. 'If America was there it'd be bette-' he stopped and mentally slapped himself for thinking about him right now. It wasn't the right time. He knew he would end up crying again, but he couldn't stop now that he thought about it.

'He'd drink too much again, make a fool of himself.'

'He'd be the life of the party. He would make everything so much more interesting.'

'He would meet me to new people, but never leave my side. I would love his company so much'

He sniffed.

"God, I miss him so much" he whispered. "And yet I can't go fucking see him because I'm too scared".

"I don't call him. I don't want to see him. I don't even want to talk or think about him because I know I'll cry".

He moved his legs close to his chest while still laying down. He buried his face in his knees and begun sniffing. If he cried, his sisters would hear him.

He stopped being 'so pathetic' and got up from his bed. He looked over at his desk. He quickly walked to his desk and opened a drawer while getting the bandages from his arms off. He reached inside and took the sharp part from his pencil sharpener.





He finished tying his shoes. He was wearing a stripped shirt and dark blue jeans, not his usual choice of clothing. He decided to go at 21:30, not wanting to sit around and be a 'crying bitch' for much longer. He looked at the clock on his phone once again. 21:16. He had to hurry a little, Japan's house was somewhat far. He straighten his ushanka since it had slipped to the side a little, grabbed Japan's present, his phone, keys and wallet and went downstairs. "I'm going out". Ukraine smirked. "With Japan?". "Yeah, to her birthday party. Didn't I tell you?". Belarus was confused, nobody told anything to her. "Okay have a good time with your girlfriend!". Russia eyerolled and Belarus was about to ask him about 'his girlfriend'. "She's not my girlfriend, we're not even friends. Also when are you and Canada getting married?". That shut her up. She was red. Belarus was chuckling, but she just death-stared him. "Be back before 3, okay? You need sleep" Exclaimed Belarus. "Noted". He said and left.

After 15 minutes he was near her house. He went there by foot, no need to call an uber or get a taxi. Music could be heard from outside. It sounded fairly normal, which Russia was glad for. He wouldn't be able to stand there, listening to some weird anime-BTS crap Japan normally listens to for more than a few seconds. Once he stepped a foot in, his heartbeat increased by 100. The house was full of people. He tried to at least look normal on the outside though. He looked around to see anyone who could talk to. There was Germany making out with Poland, Australia talking with Scotland, Brazil, Afghanistan and Austria, Greece having a strong argument with Turk- wait, Greece. Greece! Russia remembered the last time he talked to him, he was really rude. 'Maybe I can apologize when he's done' he thought to himself. Now that he took a second look though, they didn't really seem like they were arguing. They looked like they were about to punch one another. Yeah, the idea of apologizing isn't happening anytime soon.

Then, he heard someone coming towards him from behind. His anxiety kicked in. Who could it be? What do they want? Are they about to stab him in the bac- okay, no. He turned around. "Oh, hi Japan"


Sorry for posting late, but this chapter is pretty long 😅. The marathon is still going, as expected. I hope this doesn't look too rushed, I'm trying to make them look good.

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