Chapter 30- Business

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'I decided to enjoy my holidays rather than be anxious all the time about posting. I hope it wasn't too much of a wait'

Russia was confused. Japan? Calling him? Why? "Hello Japan, what are you calling for?". "Eeeh.. It's a little complicated. I'm going to just get to the point. I called because you weren't picking up on America. He's right next to me, do you want to talk to him?". America was really excited and slightly bouncing up and down, like a little kid. Russia on the other hand, wasn't. He felt uncomfortable that Japan did such thing and he wasn't emotionally okay to talk to him after what happened. "Japan, I don't think this is a good time for th-". Japan just handed the phone to America even though she knew Russia didn't agree. "Oh my God, hi Russia!!!". He hung up. America heard the beeping sound a phone makes when the other person hangs up, and he looked at the screen. "He said he wanted to talk to me..". Japan rubbed her arms. "A-actually he said it wasn't a good time and I just gave you the phone" "Why would you do that?!" "I just wanted him to talk to you so you'd be happy". America growled. Philippines reminded him to calm down, and he did. "I-I just want to see him again..". Japan knew his one leg was paralyzed, but didn't understand what kept him from walking. "Can't you visit him? You do have crutches, right?" she asked. America eyerolled. "Do you think I'd be here if I could get out of my room, stupid? I don't know why, but for some reason I can't use crutches until my wound is healed because APPARENTLY it will cause it to bleed. F*cking excuses." "Why would they be excuses?" "I don't know! They want to drive me crazy!". "America nobody wants to drive you crazy, damn. Also when will your wound heal exactly?" Said Japan. America closed his eyes and lifted his head a little. It was a way for him to show that he's thinking. "I don't remember. Should I ask my mom?". "I don't think you can do it Ame, me or Japan should do it since you can't walk downstairs". "What are you talking about? HEY MOM!" Japan and Philippines jumped since they were not expecting America to scream. "Yes honey?!" They a voice heard from downstairs. "WHEN WILL I FULLY RECOVER?". "If I remember correctly on Saturday! Remember that today is Tuesday!". It was really awkward for Japan and Philippines, because they just had to wait for them to finish. "OK THANKS!". America turned to them. "You heard it right?". Philippines nodded and Japan said yes. Then a smile started appearing on his face. "I get to see him on Saturday!!". Japan chuckled. "Are you sure he'll be okay with it?" "I don't care." "I think you should, he might close the door in your face and not let you cume in.". America huffed. "Well what am I supposed to do?!" "Maybee... I could tell him you'll be coming over?". America raised an eyebrow "Will that work?" She shrugged "Why not?". America looked at Philippines. "What?" "Do you think it'll work?". Philippines huffed "I don't know, maybe? Don't get me involved in these stuff, I just came here to hang out". America seemed a little pissed and mumbled something. "I can tell him tomorrow, okay? We have a meeting again so we can chat then". America's eyes widened. "I can't wait to hear what he says!!" "Me too America, me too..".

The next day Japan was looking around desperately to find Russia. She couldn't find him. She was standing outside the parliament and was searching repeatedly for around 10 minutes. She searched around the building, asked a few countries if they had seen him and even tried to call him again. No luck. Eventually the meeting had to start and she finally got inside. She looked around to find a seat, but got surprised when she saw Russia sitting alone in one of the seats. Apperantly he was there before Japan, even though she came pretty early. She approached him without thinking and tried to get his attention by standing almost infront of him, but he didn't seem to notice. After a few useless attempts, she decided to tap his shoulder. He jumped. He looked at her, looking startled. She tried to seem friendly and smiled at him. "Sorry to scare you. Can I sit next to you?". Russia seemed to not realise she was talking to him, because he looked around him to see if she was talking to someone near him. "I'm talking to you, Russia." "Oh". Japan waited akwardly for Russia to 'accept her offer' of sitting next to him, but he just stared at her. "So, can I?" "Ssssure" he stretched the 's' to show that he was weirded out. Japan happily sat on the seat next to him, while Russia tried to keep a small distance. Yes, he was trying to be more open and extroverted, but what just happened was so out of the blue and sudden that he was afraid that he was in trouble, or that Japan was trying to murder him. They both kept quiet for a few minutes until Japan whispered something to him. "I called you yesterday, remembered?". Russia nodded and let out a quiet 'yeah'. The meeting had started, so they didn't want to make too much noise. "Do you remember why?". He nodded again. "Why did you hang up?" "It wasn't a good timing." Japan tilted her head. "何故なの (why not)?" "Because.. ehm, it's not really.. it's personal, okay?" He said, eating his words. "Okaay.. So can America come over on Saturday?". Russia made a questionable face. "No?" "Why not?" "Because" "Because, what?". "Because I said so!" He whisper-yelled. "What the hell is up with you? Why do you care about my relationship with America all of a sudden? Go back into minding your own business or something." "Why I care? Because". Russia eyerolled. "какой бы ни (Whatever). Also, if America wanted to 'come over' he'd tell me himself, not make you tell me." Japan flicked her tongue. "He calls you and you don't answer." Russia felt a little guilty. "Well he could come here today, but he didn't." "Because his leg is paralysed, ジャー (jerk)" "His leg is what now" Japan wanted to laugh at how surprised Russia was, but she knew she had to keep her semi-serious tone. "His leg is paralyzed because he got shot. He hasn't left his house for a month. He gets to walk on Saturday." Russia covered his moth with his hand, eyes wide open. "Oh my God, I had no idea..". Japan patted his back. "You could have known if you picked up your phone though. Seriously why don't you pick up?" Russia opened his mouth, like he was about to answear, but he sighed instead. "So?" Japan asked again. "I was angry at him. We had a fight and I told him to call me when he feels okay, but he did after a month. I didn't want to answer him". "I get it, I really do. But America is not doing well mentally and he needs you right now. I don't know the reason you had a fight but I'm more than sure that if he was okay he'd have visited you ages ago!". Russia didn't know what to think anymore. Okay or not you can't just say things like that fluently, right? He needed to be alone to think about it but he couldn't at the moment, and he needed to think of something to answer Japan. "You sure take long to answer" "I'm sorry, I don't know what to think of this. You can't prove what you're saying". Japan seemed annoyed. "Then come over tomorrow to see for yourself." "I can't" "Why not?". Russia gave her a tired look to shut her up. She eyerolled and started mattering, thinking that Russia couldn't hear her. "- God damn it, how could America fall for this guy? Canada was part right-" "I don't know either to be honest". Japan jumped. "Oh my, I'm sorry I didn't know you heard m- I mean I didn't mean it!". Russia looked down and shut his eyes. "It's okay Japan, you're not the first one to not like me." He smiled, probably to not look too sad and miserable. "I'm surprised I even got a chance with him, nobody really even wants to look at me." He gulped and dropped the smile. "I've never met someone who doesn't hate me, so you are no big difference" "No no no, I didn't mean it! For real!". He looked up again, a tear threatening to roll down. "Ask everyone, they hate my guts. I don't blame them though, I hate myself too." "Russia-" Germany walked up to them, not letting Japan finish. "Can you keep quiet, bitte (please)? We have a meeting and if you don't want to take part in it then you can just walk out." Japan glanced at Russia. He didn't seem like he wanted to go outside. She nodded no. "ごめんなさい, ドイツ (I'm sorry, Germany). We'll be quiet." She smiled a friendly smile. "Danke (Thanks)." He turned around and left. Japan sighed and turned to Russia again. She wanted to talk to him to make him feel better, but she had to wait until the meeting ended.


I was normally going to make this bigger, but I know you are just waiting for another chapter. So yes, I'm alive! As I said, I spent my holidays almost off of all social media because I wanted to spend my time doing something else. Suuuper sorry I made you wait for so long! Also OMG 100K+ READS IM DYIIING!! 😃😃 I will not say all the thank yous now, I'll do it in the next chapter. And here is where you come in. What should I do for the special chapter? Give me ideas, because I ran out. And last things last, I want to say I'm a little salty about something. I know you prefer memes, so here:

I know people died in Russia and it was tragic and all that, but eh what can I do

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I know people died in Russia and it was tragic and all that, but eh what can I do. Okay see you all lovely people in the next chapter.


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