Chapter 36- Finally

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'Shoutout to Stasi_Officer'

Russia had been waiting next to his house's door for the past three hours. Of course, he wasn't just staring at the door looking like a creep. He was checking his phone, talking with his sisters etc. America was supposed to come yesterday but according to his sisters he didn't come while Russia was out.

He was losing hope, so he decided to go to his room. He sighed loudly which caught Ukraine's attention. When she saw him getting up and heading toward the stairs, she figured she should lift him up a little. Or, at least, talk to him.

"Bad luck, huh?". She stopped him by getting infront of him. He nodded. "He probably had something to do." "Just call him already." Russia eyerolled. "I can't." "Yes, because you're stupid." She joked. "If you don't do it, then I will". "DON'T!". She jumped at the sudden change of volume on Russia's voice. "Calm your ass down, I won't." Russia looked down. She huffed. "Stop worrying about him, okay? Even if he doesn't show up, you can get over him.". Russia crossed his arms. "Wow, thanks Ukraine." "Don't give me that tone. What am I supposed to do?! Just let you grieve over an asshole? You can find another man to hook up with". Russia chuckled. "I thought you didn't want me to get with other men?". Ukraine smirked. "Well either I accept you or you'll die a virgin". "I'm not ga-!" She hushed him by placing her finger on his lips. "I know, but no girl with an IQ over 10 will date you." He snickered and got Ukraine's finger away from his mouth. "Oh so guys can date me just fine?" "Boys are stupid." Russia gave her an unimpressed look. "Hey look, we've got a feminist over here." She crossed her arms again. "Shut up Росія (Russia), shut up."

Russia was about to start walking up the stairs, satisfied, but then remembered something. He turned around. "I almost forgot..". He started going through his phone's gallery, while Ukraine was waiting for something to happen, a hint of nervousness surrounding her. "Ah-huh!" He showed her his phone's screen. "What's this?". Ukraine took his phone to look at the phone's picture. It was the photo Russia took of her and Canada. "Oh yeah, we're dating now". Russia felt like collapsing.
"Что?". Ukraine smirked. 'You really though you could make fun of me like that, mortal?'. "He asked me out on a date yesterday." "And you didn't tell me?!". "No". Russia felt straight-up betrayed. "Why?" "Because I knew you'd begin with the wedding thing". Russia eyerolled, a smile on his face. "I swear you'll actually get married one day and you won't tell me because of this very reason.". They both laughed. "If you need me for anything, I'll be in my room." Russia reassure Ukraine, in which she just nodded.


"No way" "Yes way!". America hugged Canada. "Congrats man!" Exclaimed America. He was so happy for his little brother, it was his first realationship. The noise of a door opening interrupted their conversation. Australia came back from his dangerous trip to the Super Market. Everything was 10% off today, the place was crowded. He was carrying 5 bags and looked like he just fought a puma. He kicked the door open and almost collapsed to he floor. Canada imedietly ran and helped him. He took the bags and brought them to the kitchen, while Australia jumped face-first to the couch and screeched like a dying dog. "Jesus, did you get possessed?" Said America. "Wooorse" He stopped for a few seconds. "I had to deal a pack of angry grandmas." America laughed and so did Canada, from what he could hear from the kitchen. "Why were there so many grandmas? And why were they angry?" "They were probably buying stuff for their grandkids and were angry because they were impatient as F*CK." Said Australia again, with his face still buried on the cough's pillow. "How angry were they?". "Demon spawns." America bursted out laughing. "Stop heckling the poor grandmas!" Could be heard from the kitchen. Australia lifted his head. "Poor grandmas?!". "Dude I'm definitely making them raid area 51." said America, with a little too much excitement."The meme is dead already, Ame". "Never."

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