[01] Meet again

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"Yoongi?" The usually pale face had stripped of colour. Was it really them? He has asked himself, visible disbelief covering his normally stoic expression. Their faces had changed dramatically. Longer and more mature faces were seated before him, their hair had been died crazy colours as well for show business. Well maybe they just wanted to do it, I mean his hair was now a mint green. He had paid for the hair dye this time though.

"Hello~? Earth to Yoongi?" Jimin waves his small hand in front of the man's face, bringing him back from his inner thoughts. As soon as he saw their faces come back into focus he pivoted on his heel, like someone in a marching band, broke out into a full tilt sprint and let himself out the door. It was kind of like the time they had tried to follow him out of the school on their second encounter as a group. "Chase after him!" Seokjin yells chaotically, further disturbing the peace in the small café as they run out of the door.

The black fabric of his work suit was barely glimpsed by Namjoon, yelling a loud, "This way!" As he moved his legs as fast as they'd let him in his burst of adrenaline. Knocked over trash cans and tipped carts had been placed on their path, continuing to jump over or run around more obstacles as they carried on their chase for the supposedly dead boy. What felt like hours had only been minutes of chasing the man that had seemed to get further away until their luck had finally caught up. Yoongi had skidded to a stop, almost getting run over by a speeding truck, traffic not far behind. He couldn't get through that if he tried. Turning around swiftly to find another escape, Bangtan barely around the corner as he ran behind a crowd of people.

Their eyes had scanned the area carefully. Nothing except a small commotion of people. "Hey! Who the fuck are you!" Was definitely heard by everyone around them, a few, "Don't touch me!"'s and, "Get away!"'s as well. It wasn't until a short guy was pushed from the group onto the ground did Bangtan acknowledge the group. "There he is!" Taehyung says, excitement clear in his voice as he points to where everyone was already looking. "Stupid people, why didn't you let me just stand there." Yoongi mumbles, angrily pouting as he wipes dust off of his backside. Clearly, he needed to brush up on his escaping skills. "Is it really you Yoongi?" A small, hopeful voice comes from behind the grumbling man. Mentally groaning, said man turns around slowly at the voice to meet six pairs of eyes. "Surprise!" He says quietly, waving his hands side to side a little.

Yoongi was wrapped up like a present, except the wrapping was arms and he was the gift. He had gotten better at proximity with people, but being hugged by six practical strangers was not good. They could not help embracing him though. "We thought that you had died!" Jeongguk exclaims, rubbing his head into his shoulder, breathing in his scent as if it was a scented candle. "Get off!" Was enough for them to stop their meaningful embrace. Straightening out his apron and fixing his hair by running his hand through it, he sighs. "What the hell are you doing her-"

"Is that Bangtan!"

"Oh my god it is!"

"Bangtan I love you!"

Hoseok grabs Yoongi's wrist pulling him away. "Let's go talk somewhere more private."

Running into an alleyway as girls and boys run past, finally losing their fans. Yoongi wipes off nonexistent dust off of his clothes as Bangtan wheeze. "Will tell me what you are doing here please?" Annoyedly voicing his thoughts, all the while tapping his foot. "That's what we should be asking you! We thought you had died!"

"That was kind of the point."

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

"No, I'm not fucking kidding you. I didn't fully know if I would survive either you know." His stubbornness as clear as day. Who knew their first encounter after his 'death' would be running away and arguing? Well, who knew they would meet again? "I don't even get a thank you for saving your stupid arses." He mumbles, adding fuel to the already large fire. "I would have gladly died if you had a chance of dying!"

"Shut up!" Seokjin yells, silencing the bickering group. It's like they were still children. "All that matters is that Yoongi is alive now."

"Oh no." Said boy interrupts. "I'm not staying anywhere near you people. Do you even remember what happened last time? Now I have to quit my job. Again. Thank you so much." He says, already stomping away towards the street. "Stop Yoongi, what do you mean again? What about Raymond? Are you still with those teenag-"

"First of all, they wouldn't be teenagers anymore that was three whole years ago. Second, stop asking so many questions, I wouldn't be able to process them all if I was going to answer any. Third stop fucking meddling in my life. Last time you tried, my life was torn to pieces. Anything I'd ever known had disappeared. You still don't fucking know me at all and you never will." He knew he was putting the blame on him but he couldn't help it. McCoffin's choices had impacted Yoongi too much. Eddie had died as well. He had virtually know one. So he put the blame on Bangtan.

"Yoongi, please what can we do just to make you trust us?"

"Nothing." And that was it. He had walked off, not looking back towards the pitiful faces behind him. He was as cold and calloused as before. Bangtan had let him slip away through their fingers yet again. Though they didn't want to let him go this time.

"Your getting kicked out that's what." The skanky old lady screeched to the younger man. "Are you fucking serious? Why can't you let one of the bozos go instead of me? I've kept it clean and tidy, paid the bills on time and you want to kick me out!" Yoongi exclaims throwing his hands in the air. "Exactly, we have an expensive man coming in and you have the best room. So pack your things boy, and out you go." Her scratchy old throat was like nails on a chalkboard in Yoongi's ears. He audibly groans before slamming the door in her face. This was the cheapest room he could get, still dear on the market, and he was getting kicked out for some expensive man to come in. Fate never seemed to go in his way. I mean he just encountered those six idiots today. Now he was homeless, and had no job because he had quit, also half fired because of the disturbance today.

Walking out with a large bag on my back and a phone and pillow in my hand, I make his way down the cold street, lit by the sunset. "Maybe I'll crash with the homeless guys tonight." Thinking out loud for a minute. Stumbling past a pole with a work tag on it. It was a job in the rich part of town.

Interested in working for high class? No experience needed. High pay. Cleaning hours from 6am to 9pm!

Call this number to apply!

I guess fate was finally giving me slack. It was far away from where I lived too. Finding a public phone, he drops a quarter in to call the number.

"Hello? Is this the job offer in cleaning?"

"Hello, yes it is. Are you perhaps interested? Because we are in need, we can sign you up straight away if you would like. We can come pick you up whenever." The response from a simple 'hello' was surprising.

"Uhm yes sure I'll be at the convenience store on... Dave street, if you can pick me up now."

"Yes. Although I may inform you that you will be staying with us. As in living with the people you clean for."

"Yeah that's okay." I was ready anyways. And living in a rich house didn't sound bad either. A few more words with the guy and he hung up, walking towards the convenience store he said he would be at. The sun had set behind the horizon, the street now being lit by the lights and stars. It was only a few minutes before a rich looking car rolled in front of the store. Did he speed to get here? A man gets out of the drivers seat, his suit pristine.

"Sir Han?" My fake name. He looks at the small amount of people covering the area, until I stand up. "Just Han is fine." I say, walking towards him. He shakes my hand before get in the car.

Fate was definitely not cutting me slack. Six boys stand in front of me, their faces just as astonished as I was feeling. I had just willingly agreed to move in with six lunatics whilst I just said they will never see me again.

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