[08] Another One Bites the Dust

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It was back to the old times. Research, train, kill. The only difference being the target. And the difficulty. It seemed Raymond never existed, never controlled the hundreds of children and adults in a certain abandoned building. It pissed me off. I almost took another jab at the innocent laptop, stopping an inch before the screen. Instead I closed the laptop in frustration.

"Yoongi? Are you still in here?" A figure moved from behind the doorway. I ignored Seokjin. I've avoided him ever since we had an argument two days ago, and I wasn't about to stop now. He was about to speak again before Taehyung pushed past him.

"Yoongi! It's time for lunch, not games." He whines,

"We are going out to eat!" He pulled me up by my arm and out of the room. I did not forget to knock Seokjin's shoulder as I walked away. I heard him tsk and it made me snarl.

"Are you okay Yoongi?" Taehyung put his face in front of mine, curiosity shone through his eyes. I rolled my eyes and sigh at the puppy,

"Yeah, I jus-" I stopped my words, I have been thinking of this the wrong way. I grabbed Taehyung by his shoulder, guiding him gracefully through the hallway. Why have I been thinking about Seokjin? There are six of them. The oldest doesn't mean the most mature.

"Taehyung, I need your help. But, before I disclose anything, I need you to promise you won't tell anyone until I say." Taehyung, thinking that this is just for him, stands tall. Obviously if I phrase it like a top secret mission/secret, anyone with the slightest hint of child-like personality wants in on it. So bringing him to the closest room and locking the door was easy. So was explaining everything to him in full detail. The excitement?, not so much.

"Taehyung shush, no one is supposed to know about this okay? And you remember why I told you to do this with me?" He straightened, I could almost see the ghost of him saluting proudly.

"Because I am the most reliable and strong to take back what was stolen from you." He smiled at me, until he frowned and looked me up and down suspiciously.

"And you promise nothing illegal is happening? Like guns, and.. murder?" He whispered quietly, like the walls where watching, trying to hear what he was saying.

"Of course. Why would I lie?" He smiled again before he dragged me out of the locked room.

"Good, because we are missing out on hot food!" Okay, so I bent the truth a bit, but it is for his safety, and sanity too. And so he doesn't spill to the group. And that's how it went. We ate hot food and my first 'shift' at my new, 'job' was that night. Taehyung covered and I literally ducked for cover from bullets. It was a great compromise in my eyes. I roamed the most suspicious looking parts of downtown, in search of the man himself with nothing for hours.

"Ugh Raymond Get off your arse! Your getting more annoying than McCoffin! And that's saying something!" I shouted drunkenly into the almost pitch black alleyway, a small lamp on the wall barely glowed on the concrete. Two cloaked figures glided into the scene. I already saw them pull out knifes.

"What is this, it couldn't get anymore cliché than a teenage romance book." I drunkenly rolled my eyes at the approaching figures, staring at the disgustingly tall one.

"What you think that you're taller than me that you can take me on little man? I wanna see you try." I slurred out, taking out a gun I had stole from a random druggie a couple of hours ago, it still had blood on it. They sprint forward as I pointed the gun. I pull the trigger lazily as the short person knocked it out of my hand. The force makes me accidentally drop the liquor bottle on the ground as it smashes.

"Now look what you've done imbeciles! That took time and effort to take from the drug rat." Not caring that my life was in danger, I tried to gather up the broken glass pieces and put it back together.

"Are you sure this is Ace?"

"I don't know, R said that he was here from the cameras. He might have just left." I look up at them out of the corner of my eye, and clumsily stood up.

"Excuse me, did you say Ace?"

"What does it matter-" I stabbed the tall guy in the leg.

"No so tough now are ya you oaf-" a leg is kicked underneath me, knocking my knees to the ground. The wind gets knocked out of me as I see a foot coming down to my face. I grabbed the shoe, staring at it momentarily.

"Are those timberlands? Are you sure you're not Jeongguk under there?" I stabbed this leg with the bloody glass piece. He pulled back with a snarl.

"What is it with you and legs!"

"What is it with you guys and height?!" I scolded them before scrambling to the the tall one, I kicked  him in the stomach. He groaned before falling back. I wrestled with the two for a good two minutes before getting knocked to the ground and bombarded with a flurry of assault. The thing is, I noticed when I ingest enough alcohol, I go numb. I can't feel physical pain like at all. I think a full bottle of liquor would be enough. I reached for the extra pistol in my pants, pulling it out and pulling the trigger, only to find the safety was on. I get kicked in the face as I turned the safety off and shot the tall guy point blank in the brain and blindly shot the shorter.

"Fuckers, go tell 'Mr R' I want to see him face to face." I stumbled up and lazily kicked the shorter person in the back, almost falling over the shaking body. She lets out a groan.

"Look miss I need you to relay the message don't be a pussy. Ready I know a great fix for a bulletin wound. Let me just ah, there we go." I looked for the broken liquor bottle, picking up the bottom that still had a bit of alcohol and brought it back to the body.

"Where'd you get shot? It was kinda a guess so you gotta show me. Oh wait I see where the blood is hehe." I ripped the pants open before pouring the alcohol on the wound. She screamed in pain and I pulled out a box out of my pocket.

"Look I always have these because the boys always get hurt." I wiggled the box of bandaids in front of her body, she didn't look.

"Fine then don't look." I slapped a Dora bandaid on her leg before taking the rips pants and tying it around her wound.

"See? Tip top shape don't you think? Now go. Wait, let me leave first. It's cooler." I stumbled out, half sobering up on my way home.

Raymond finds children quickly. He also found me quickly too.

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