[05] Ace #2

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The boy whips his head around, seemingly surprised at whoever said his name. His hard gaze finds Yoongi's before turning surprised.

"Ace?" He chucks the packets of meat nonchalantly back on the shelf, as if he wasn't just debating which one he should buy, and stands straight. Yoongi strolls over, taking his time. His whole physic has changed. His frame used to be small, even when he was training. Now, even if he was still lean, he looked masculine. Muscles were defining his arms and legs, he could only guess his stomach had washboard abs. Maybe his balls finally dropped.

"Look at you kid." There was a trace of a smirk in his speech as his hand reached up to pat his head. He had gotten taller. Much taller. The gesture was enough to put a grin on Beomgyu's face. "I don't think I should be the kid in this situation."

The remark brought a glare which made the boy put his hands up in surrender. "By the way, shouldn't you be dead? I thought a building crashing on top of you would do that." He tilts his head in inquiry. He always had suspicions that he had somehow evaded his death and now that the mysterious boy was in front of him, he wanted a how. Maybe he would use it himself in future situations that involved a crashing building. "That, is a trade secret." Yoongi put a finger to his mouth in cheekiness. Beomgyu was surprised. He had never seen such emotion or silliness from the guy in front of him, except for when he temporarily lost his memory of course. Though willingly showing his humour shocked him. "You really did escape Raymond."

Before Yoongi could reply to the side comment, one of the people in Beomgyu's group spoke up. "Why does this kid know Raymond? And why does he know your real name Ace?" A dude steps in front of Beomgyu, seemingly sizing Yoongi up before scoffing at him. "Do we need to take care of this kid for you? Not like he'd be much trouble-" before he he could finish his insult, Beomgyu had hit him over the head, hard. He fell on the ground, cradling his head in pain.

"You really need to take care of your children better Ace. If I were you I'd do more than scold them." Yoongi 'joked' again. It would explain why Yoongi was never followed after his 'death'. Not to bash his escape artist skills.

"I am so sorry he said that. Half of them are all brawl no brain. Well, maybe neither. Shit, I really do need to train them better..." He trails off, mainly talking to himself. "Anyways, before we got rudely interrupted," he shoots a look towards the guy on the floor who looks away in embarrassment, "speaking of Raymond. He's come to town. Mainly due to the name Ace floating around. I took your name to get him off your back but I guess it back fired didn't it." He laughs nervously, worriedly looking at Yoongi for a reaction.

"Wait. That's the real Ace-" the guy that just got up got hit again, this time from his group.

"Come with me for a second." Yoongi says- commands to Beomgyu, the boy quickly following the boys footsteps. At this moment Seokjin rounds the corner. "Yoongi what are you doing-. Beomgyu?! What the heck? What is he doing her-"

"Stay here, I'll be back." Yoongi shoves his cart of food into Seokjin as he walks away, Seokjin standing still in shock.

"And who are you?" The guy that got hit had stood up again, trying to save his nonexistent pride. He stalks around a shocked Seokjin, eyeing him up and down. The other four go up to the confused man, ignoring the boy eyeing him in arrogance. "Sorry about him, Bangchan is a bit of an idiot. He has a good heart though. I'm Yeonjun, nice to formally meet you." He reaches out a hand as Seokjin takes it cautiously.

"What do you mean by 'formally'? And are you guys with Beomgyu? What are you guys doing here, and why did Yoongi take him outside?" Questions shoot out of the elders mouth. Yeonjun laughs at the flurry of questions, answering them.

"I saw you when the agency was still up and running. I was one of Beomgyu's friends back then, still am. We moved around a lot but ended up here where our base is. I don't really know why they went outside but I don't think it is good by the look on Ace's face."

"Which Ace?" Bangchan asked in curiosity.


"Raymond's alive?!" Yoongi shoves his hand on Beomgyu's throat. Even if he didn't carry a weapon anymore, he was still scary as hell, if not more using his hands in Beomgyu's eyes.

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