[04] Old Memories

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Twisting around he puts his foot forward, intending to follow his loud statement on the shiny counter top, the counter top he would probably have to fix if he stayed working for them. Damn children, cant do anything for themselves. A hand reaches out, catching the boy that was about to run away, again. Although, the part where Jeongguk tumbles into Yoongi and they both fall on the concrete path, Jeongguk just stopping squishing him with his hands, was not planned. The boy on top gasps for breath, his breath fanning Yoongi's hair out of his face before whispering a soft, "Don't leave. Again." He was pretty busy admiring the younger's eyes, he hasn't ever been so close in his life. Yoongi was stuck still in surprise, doing the same until he uses his arm to push Jeongguk off into the soft, green grass. "Jesus Christ."

The rest run out, crowding around Yoongi in a barrier-like fashion. "We will keep chasing after you Yoongi. This is what it will be like every time." Said boy just lays on the path, reaching his arm over his eyes before groaning. "Well I'll just keep running away. I've done it my whole life." It was true, and he had accepted it. He would always run away, whether it was from Raymond and the agency or from the people he was protecting. The people that had happened to end him here, with a sore back and sun burning his eyes. Maybe he should go back to wearing hoodies. "Can't we come to a compromise or something? And if you haven't seen yet, there is a big ass wall out there. That's there for a reason. We love our fan base but some of them can be a little crazy. If you go out there in broad daylight you will be trampled. I mean it they are as strong as steel." Jimin exclaims clearly worried about Yoongi and the actions a lot ARMY will do for love and affection.

The boy on the ground just groans in response again, scratching his stomach. It was only now half of the boys if reminded fully of Yoongi's past life. Where his shirt was left up, scars and an old bullet wound stood on his skin. They could only imagine how many more littered his body. "Okay I have an idea." The white-head says, removing his arm from his eyes and sitting up a little as his shirt falls down. "If I stay, I don't want to work."


"You heard me."

"And you still want to get paid?"

"Yeah, of course."

"How about half of the money we usually pay?" Seokjin tries to haggle. Yoongi shakes his head sticking to a full price. "No, full price."

"Fine, three quarters and you can have free reign of the house." That sounded good enough for the younger.
"Fine." Smiles we're everywhere except for one face. He picks his bag up from next to him that fell off from the tumble. They really need to work on control.

Somehow now it really felt like a reunion. Yoongi didn't have to work for them and actually conversed, even if it was just one, without arguing, not that he talked much anyways. Seokjin picks out his wallet, shouting a loud "Shopping trip be back soon!" Before heading towards the front door. Yoongi suddenly shows up, stepping in front of the door. "I'll go instead."

"No, you will runaway."

A scoff automatically escapes the others mouth. "Please, I get paid just for staying here in this rich place. I can't stay in this house without going insane. It's just a shopping trip, I'll be back soon. And about the outsiders I'll put on a hoodie and a mask. I'll drive a car, no one will see me anyways." He convinces the man as best as he can even going so far as to put his hands behind his back, the most he would ever do to, like puppy dog eyes. It was definitely the cutest Seokjin had seen Yoongi, with his memory intact obviously. Though he was weak to his charms, he wasn't completely immune.

"Only if I go with you."

Rolling his eyes but agreeing anyways, Yoongi finally gets to leave the maze of a mansion. It was like they purposely made it confusing to navigate through that house. He had spent hours trying to remember the ways through the house when he had first arrived, though it seemed he still didn't remember a lot. For the first time in a full day, he had stepped outside the box of bricks. It felt like freedom. Even if it was only one day, compared to back then, a day was like a millisecond. Getting tortured was the usual. He really had softened up.

Driving didn't take long, almost too quick for Yoongi. Though the pestering Seokjin was doing was almost as bad as being in that house. "Come on, make sure your mask is on properly, and that you're hood is definitely covering face at all times." He stresses, leaning over to pull Yoongi's mask over his mouth. It was almost as if Seokjin thought the younger was just a kid. "I can do it myself." He hisses our, slapping the others hand away before opening the car door. "Although, I think you aren't ready, your showing your whole face." He says before shutting the door. Seokjin Let's our a small "Tsk this boy." Before pulling his own mask up and putting a hat on.

To say they didn't look like suspicious people was a lie. They looked like they were about to rob a store to any onlooker. That didn't stop the customers stares and comments.

"They look so scary, hide your children before they start something."

"They're probably going to rob this store!"

"Let's get out of here quickly."

Yoongi's eyes travelled to a random pair of teenagers, even if it was only a fleeting glance, the girls' eyes didn't dare look away until after he did.

"His eyes are so pretty!"

"They look feminine, it's not a boy you doofus! They're probably a tag team of robbers! Though I can't lie, her eyes did look pretty. Like cat eyes."

"I know right, let's quickly get out though."

Even if Yoongi had grown, he never failed to have his gender mixed up by others, making him Tsk quietly. His head hung low, basically sulking as he walked to the fresh fruits and vegetables aisle. "Stupid girls, stupid broccoli, stupid shelf." He kicked the bottom of the shelves, hurting his foot. When would he learn to wear something other than converse. He cursed quietly before turning around, ready to storm off before his eyes caught a familiar figure.

Even if it was a little different, more... grown up? A group of maybe seven or eight people crowded around the meat section, discussing in serious detail about something, and out of that group...


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