[07] Prime Times

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"Fucking Baby Boomers." I covered my mouth with my sleeves, the poisonous fumes burnt my lungs as I took another breath. I wondered what would it be like with no crime, no pollution, peace evading every inch of the world. Then I shook the thought away and chuckled.

"Like humanity could achieve peace." Especially, with my unwritten record roaming around. I kick over yet the umpteenth red cup loitering the concrete before my feet landed on the front porch of a familiar building. It was in a bad part of town, it still looked like the industrial revolution ended yesterday. I kick down the door, quite literally, and take two steps into the apartment.

"Get the fuck out!" I yelled, just as the music stopped and eyes landed on me. Not a second later a gun went off, the gun in my hand. I roll my eyes at the screaming. Like they had never heard a gunshot before.

Another bullet sounds, this time from the other end of the area. Even more screaming. Even if it was a small chance, I was ready to suspect Raymond. I walk forward, dodging the falling people, the ones taking their guns out, and especially the grabby, baby-like ones. More gunshots. I would have to be more careful now. Or I could just kill them all. It was an odd thought, I hadn't thought like that since, well, last time.

A gun is pointed at my head, point blank range. My eyes lock in hers, before I reach my hand up and hit the gun out of her hand as she hisses in pain. I hit her over the head with the back of my gun as she falls over, soon getting back up again to jump at me.

"Just stay down you stupid bitch." Before I could stop myself the gun sounds off, a bullet rips through one of her eyes.

My eyes travel to the rest of the room, they glaze over as I become enraged. It was like a switch that just flicked off. Bullets rip through the air, hitting every target they were aimed at until there were only dead bodies laying on the floor.

"If you'd just listened the first time."

"Ace!" An upset voice interrupts my enraged breathing.

"Look what you did to my party! It's ruined." The guy whines. I ignore his complaint as I get to the point.

"Raymond is in town." The words make his eyes widen.

"Look man, I had no clue where you were I haven't seen you in three years! Though nothing has changed much, especially the height." I loosely point my gun at him, blood dripping from the barrel. He puts his hands up and takes a step back in fear. "Can't we talk this out? I swear I'll tell you everything I know. Ju-Just don't pull the trigger!"

"See? Now, are we even? I have to get the bodies out before it starts to smell-" a bang interrupts his words, blood dripping from his chest down his torso.

"We are even. Though seeing my face would jeopardise my whole plan you see? So, to make sure this stays quiet, you have to stay quiet. Okay?, no hard feelings." I pat his shoulder before he slumps over into the ground. Looks like that smell would have to stay.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Do I look like I am? I had no choice anyways."

"You killed them!"

"Well at least I told you."

"Oh yeah right, it's a choice if you want to tell me or not." Seokjin whisper-yells in my face. The others were in the living room, waiting for sweet potato chips, and telling them did not seem like the right thing to do at this point in time.

"Yes it is my choice, your not my fucking dad!"

"Yeah? And how would he feel about you killing people?"

"Seeing how I was on the street, I think he wouldn't really fucking care." I glare at him, before ignoring his silent presence.

"So how are those chips coming along-. Did something happen that I should know about?" Taehyung's entering figure stares at ours confusedly before Seokjin jumps up.

"Oh I forgot about them! I hope they aren't burnt." He pulls the oven door open to perfectly cooked chips.

"I'm not hungry." I shove past Seokjin as I walk down the hallway to my room, slamming the door shut like a stereotypical teenager. Oh I could just kill him! I angrily stare at my bed before taking out my anger on the sheets. I jump on the bed, thrashing in the many blankets and sheets as I punch it. It only made myself angrier as I got caught in the sheets, making me twist and turn quicker. I sloppily get off the bed before throwing the blankets to the floor.

"Stupid son of a bitch."

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