[14] Free Falling

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It had been going on for two weeks, maybe three. I got a cup of coffee, a sandwich and a routine to follow. It was like jail but add the nice showers and I don't have to do chores. If I was conscious that is. It didn't make me feel any better though. It made me feel like I was an unwanted child. It reminded me of the dream I had last night. Maybe the situation caused the dream, the memory.

Glass split into a million pieces as soon as the bottle hit the wall. Like the cooked sand hated what it had become. I know I didn't. My head was covered in cheap alcohol and glass shards as he made my way towards me.

"You little shit you think you can dodge it?! Stand still against the wall or I'll nail you into it!" He grips my arm with gorilla strength as I writhe against it. It wasn't fair that he was an ex-militant. I think I know why he got the sack.

"Let go of me! It's hurting!" I scream at him as I try to pinch his hand off. He throws another punch into my cheek, I almost fall unconscious until a broken bottle digs itself into my side. I let out the loudest scream a five-year-old-me could grabbing his hand again to try and pull away.

"That's what you get for trying to talk back to me you killer! You killed her so you pay the price!" And wriggles the bottle into me as I coil as hard as my broken and battered body could. My tear-filled gaze fixates upon one of the glass shards on the ground. I don't care as it cuts my hand when I pick it up, I'll only care if it misses. It lodges itself into his cheek before I rip it out and stick it in his chest. I pull out my own bloody bottle from my side and toss it as I stagger up and for the front door. My feet barely got about a kilometre away before I was picked up. Not by Dad, and most definitely by my biological mother, but a dude named Eddie.
Maybe I should have never stepped out that house. Is Dad even dead? Knowing my luck probably not.

I look down at my bruised wrists. I tried to escape again while I was unconscious. Now that I had my brain back I could think again. I hadn't been in this prison willingly for a month, maybe it was a week? Well, it wasn't for nothing. I looked at the door for what would be the last time today, maybe ever. I had already unlocked the chains on my wrists and ankles, though nobody could tell, I hope. The doctor looked at me as he entered and locked the door behind him. Like that would help. As soon as his body dropped in the chair I pounced. In his disarray I threw him into the chair with as little force as I could and locked his first wrist in. I forgot that he had a mouth.

"AAHGH-" I cut him off with a punch to the cheek and stuffed my sock in his mouth. I forced his other wrist onto the chair and clasping it, all the while avoiding his kicks. I grabbed a pen from the table a foot away and stabbed it in his leg.

"Sorry!" I said as he screamed into the sock and finally strapped his legs to the chair before making my escape. I didn't forget to grab his access card either. I got pretty far until the the alarm went off and security came rushing down the hallways like SWAT teams. It was a mess, but I can't say I'm not used to it. It was surprising I didn't see Bangtan on the way out, or should I say up? The stairs were tiring but the multitudes of armed guards kept me going. I finally scraped my way to the roof ending on the edge of the building in a stand off.

"Yoongi!" I barely heard the screams of six boys over the raging wind around my ears. It felt like it wanted to push me off the railing.

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