It was a normal day in the foundation. By normal I mean for the SCPs because they've breached containment again.
SCP 106 and SCP173 were chilling in the break room doing nothing. It was a boring day and they didn't feel like moving or go killing some D-bois. Which was a surprise and rare thing to see.
106 was on the couch, laying on his stomach. He was staring at the empty, white wall from across the room. He just laid there, doing nothing.
173 decided to plank on the pool table. They just laid there with their face squished against the pool table. Like 106, they just laid there doing nothing.
"Hey, 173." 106 asked out of nowhere.
"What." 173's voice was a bit muffled from having their face against the table.
There was a short silence in the room. Then Larry spoke. "How come you only move when the humans aren't looking at you?"
173 pushed his upper body up with his stubby arms. With an annoyed tone, they said, "I don't know Larry. Why don't you mind your own fucking business? Damn. It's my life." After that, they went back to planking.
"Oh my god. It was just a question."
173 turned to their side. "You know what, let's tell secrets about each other. I'll go first. I, hate you."
106 turned to his side like 173. "Geez wow. That's so nice of you. Here, I'll go next. I always wanted you to go Kermit suicide."
"Oh yeah. Let me just yeet off the building. That'll be nice. Then I won't have to hear your annoying voice anymore."
"What the fuck does yeet mean!?"
"I don't know! It just came out of my mouth!"
The room went silent. The two were having an intense glare off. Neither of them moving from their position. Just glaring each other.
Until Larry spoke. "Miss me with that gay shit."
Then they exploded......
Not really. They just started strangling each other.
"Stop trying to strangle me! I don't have a neck!"
"Stop trying to strangle me! I'm already dead!"
They kept trying to strangle each other until a D-boi came. D-boi tried standing very still so the two SCPs wouldn't notice him but failed. 173 saw him from their side view and for the first time in their life, they kept moving in front of someone.
The two turned their full attention towards the D-boi. D-boi was petrified and couldn't move.
Larry then yelled. "FIRST TO KILL D-BOI BECOMES KING!"
Then they both went after the D-boi.
I'm so sorry.
SCP Short Stories
Historia CortaThis book contains short stories of SCPs, researchers, guards, etc. These stories will be about their times at the facility, lives before or after the SCPs were captured, beginnings of untold stories from interviews, or anything that comes to mind...