Accidents happen i guess

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War. Death. Anguish.
The words echoed in my head as I ran, charging toward the serpent in my sight across the damp forest. My pack running side by side as we charged baring strong jaws and growling as we dashed through the foliage our paws pounding on the ground like no tomorrow.

This was the way of life.

For all, we knew at least, ever since the banishment of dangerous creatures to this 10th realm everything has been pure chaos. The merpeople control the waters and we are only allowed to drink from them under the agreement we had formed with them. 

The serpents are the worst of the lot, they feel they should own the trees and the forest floors that we stand on. They are half-human or at least the top half is and the rest of them is the body of a scaly snake. They hiss and bare long fangs making attacking them prove more difficult.

Go for the neck is what we are told. Or at least the alpha of our pack says so, our pack is strong compared to the western one.

 I personally have a deep chocolate brown fur coat and golden piercing eyes, I'm said to be the strongest warrior as I can fight even in human form. With a strong wooden crafted spear of course.

We all line up with low growls and charge, I go for the neck of the closest female serpent. Causing her to cry out in agony as I crush her windpipe with my jaws. Blood drips from my mouth as I unlatch them from her now lifeless body pale and tinged blue from the lack of air and now blood loss. I watch as the rest of my pack charges and kill nearly every serpent insight and range.

We loose 2 of our pack members but we have successfully taken down 13 serpents. Another win, another day. 

We mourn the loss of two members and lift their bodies to small burial grounds and light fires to burn the bodies of our warriors. "Rest easy, the fight is over we give you our word, have faith, be strong, we won't be far gone" we chant the burial remembrance words sending the body's souls to a better place. 

Soon enough we congratulate each other on the win and we all shift and trod back to camp In human form. From the distance of the cave opening i spotted my most trusted friend running over twirling her dagger gleefully

"Megan! You alright?" Yelled Maya my trusted friend "yeah I'm alright May, others come back with a meal yet?" I asked and she smiled "yep, fresh Nulla" she answered with a smirk. 

Nulla is a bird and cow hybrid, tough to catch but their meat is very tender and best eaten raw. I grinned "big?" I asked, "of course!" She cheered gleefully and sat down her dagger that she was twirling "let's go then", we headed over to the cave and shifted full wolf and sat together as two of the men from our tribe hauled a large Nulla in. We all looked on hungrily and as soon as it was in the center everyone was growling for a spot as we tore through the flesh of the feathered cow carcass.

Needless to say. We were animals, true tribal creatures and when it came to feeding time there was no backing down unless it came or a spot around me of course.

As I chomped on the tender red meat I felt a presence and my ears twitched I looked just behind me to see a younger less dominant grey coated male attempt to crawl in between me and May. 

Obviously very inexperienced getting between two of the strongest tribe members so I looked him dead in the eye and released a Low growl which translated to "come any closer to my section and I will rip your poor excuse for a body apart", I watched triumphantly as his blue eyes widened and he whimpered in fear tail between his legs looked to fit in elsewhere. I grinned a wolfish grin and went back to my meat enjoying every bite of the catch.

Once finished I and May decided to go for a patrol if the forest edge.

 We both darted off, my brown wolf body weaving in between trees as her snowy white one mimicked. We both had nicknames for each other too when we needed to lighten the mood, Snow was mine for her, and hers for me was Vixen. I called her snow for obvious reasons, that and when snowfall came in the forest she was mesmerized by it. She called me Vixen after a female fox because of my cunning wit and fast speed.

As wolves in our tribe, we can communicate telepathically although new kin will have to learn. 

"Hey Snow!" I called when we reached the tree line "what's up Vixen?" She called and ran over to me, "what's that?" I asked and she looked to where I was looking and we noticed a rainbow beam seemingly stuck in the middle of the forest. "I have no idea" Snow's eyes narrowed, I sniffed it and approached it "Vix be careful," 

 "calm it Snow it's fine I'm just checking it out" I responded as she slowly took steps toward me and I took steps toward the rainbow glowing beam as it hummed and the rainbow light was mesmerizing.

"Woah.."  sparks lit up my front paws seemingly drawing me toward it "what's going on Vix?" Snow called coming closer "I don't really Ah-WH" and before I could finish I was tugged by some invisible force into the light beam the last thing I saw was Snow's terrified eyes as I was dragged into the light beam by some strong force.

Feral //  Loki Laufeyson x Wolf reader COMPLETED Editing!Where stories live. Discover now