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A day later 

Loki POV:

Today a war had been resolved in Vanaheim and everyone was agreeing to a large feast tonight. I am not particularly fond of the large oversized meals but had to comply. Today I had been working on a recent spell one of invisibility with mother. In her chambers, she was teaching me whilst discussing the topics of the wild wolf inhabiting my room.

"She has not yet spoken?" She inquired while her eyes were glued to the book before her "not a word" I muttered in annoyance. "It will take time, she is quite clearly not from a civilisation of sorts," mother informed "I suppose not" I replied, "any tips?" I blurted out.

She looked up at me and smiled "Just patience my son, she will get used to the changes over time" she said whole heartily. With a sigh, I added "I suppose so", 

"do you know of her heritage? Any links or connections?" I continued pestering mother, needing to know more of the mysterious woman. "Unfortunately no dear I have nothing of a sort, it appears your father has not spoken of her true origin" just hearing his name made my fists clench at my sides.

With a sigh we eventually finished the lesson, I could hold the invisibility spell for a few minutes and mother was proud. After thanking her I took my leave and headed back to my chambers bracing for another chaotic mess.

I pushed open the doors and glanced around only to find everything in order, I looked over to the desk and sure enough, a large brown wolf inhabited the space entirely. Her fur-covered chest rising and falling softly as her ears twitched at my footsteps. She was truly magnificent, this form proved that significantly.

I wish to know more about her however I fear it will be long before I can even get a word from her. I longed to know of her heritage and her species but I could not find anything as such in the library. I strode toward my cupboards and glanced at the armour I could wear tonight and decided on my simple outfit of leather green black and gold.

I glanced over my shoulder to hear a light snuffle as her golden eyes met my emerald ones slightly dazed. She blinked a couple of times before stiffening at my presence. She sat up too quickly causing her head to hit hard on the top of the desk with a whine. 

"Maybe you shouldn't sleep under a desk to avoid such accidents" I jested unable to hide the smile rising on my face and she huffed through her nostrils in response, glancing away. I turned back to the cupboard and pulled out my outfit and took it to the bathroom to change giving us both privacy.

I came back out and she was glancing around the room sniffing occasionally, "there is a feast tonight" I said gaining her attention. "You are expected to attend," I added firmly but hoping she would comply, she didn't shift back and simply sat staring at me in confusion.

 "I will send two maids to dress you so expect them in a few moments after I leave to attend a few important matters" I continued and she glanced around again seemingly uninterested.

I clenched my jaw but called for two maids through the receiver turning to her "please do not harm them they do not wish to hurt you" I told her in a kinder tone and she lowered her head looking to the floor.

 Her wolf form was exceedingly large her ears bent over as she sat up due to the top of the desk being too short for her towering height.

I would have laughed had she not been so timid around me but it would take time as mother said. With that, I fled the room in search of the training grounds to use some of my time and to give her privacy. I could only hope she would not attack the maids however I did warn them to be more careful around her.

Megan POV:

Maids? For me? This most definitely felt unneeded, he said they did not wish to harm me so I will go by his word. I stepped out from under the desk and shifted into my more human form and looked down at my tattered clothes. 

We didn't wear full "attire" as such because we only needed to cover certain parts for reasons that need not be explained.

I wore leather undergarments as the people here say, they were tattered and slightly torn still showing my bare stomach which held many battle scars. Proud ones. In our kind, it shows you are a fearsome warrior the more scars you possess.

I had around 20-25 on my body currently. A large 3 gash marks down my back from a fight with a large Brine Wolf and enemy holding more strength and power. They had a werewolf structure with large claws protruding bony hands. The memory made me shiver.

It was after our meat while we were hunting but I was the first of our kind in history to take a Brine wolf down successfully. I was lost in thought for a moment when a small knock grazed the door "miss? We have come to fit you for a new garment" a woman echoed from the other side of the door. I tensed and crouched into a corner of the large room. She slowly opened the door with a shaky hand as I glanced at her with sharp eyes.

A small blonde woman and a red-haired one stepped in holding fabrics of different colours and sewing equipment. They both looked at my with wide eyes and the blonde-haired woman seemed very scared. I looked at them sternly shallowing my breath as they both proceeded to take the clothes and place them on the desk.

"Miss?" The blonde one said shakily "my name is Rona, this is Feya" she said signalling to the redhead.

I nodded briefly and the one known as Freya seemingly let out a small sigh of relief. "We have come to fit an outfit for you and have you cleaned up," Freya said her red hair framing her face as it streamed down her cream coloured dress. "Please step forward," Rona instructed her small dainty hands signalling for me to come closer. I continued to glare at them however not convinced "we won't harm you" she added trying to be reassuring.

The unfamiliar scents were putting me off that is until the red-haired woman pulled something out of a small bag. The scent drove me crazy and the fellow maid next to her looked at her a bit taken aback. A slab of fresh meat was positioned in her hand as she crouched to my level, "what are you doing Feya?!" Rona whispered angrily "shhh" Freya waved a free hand dismissively as she edged her way closer to me.

I licked my lips slightly in temptation causing a smile to break out on the redheads face. "Here,"  she shook it encouragingly as I crouched and made my way overtaking the meat
From her hands in my mouth and pulling back quickly holding it with my hands as I chewed on it. She appeared to breathe out once I had done so and Rona stood back in shock.

"I assume you haven't been eating properly?" Freya quizzed me as I chewed. I hesitantly shook my head and she smiled "well I know wolves, my father used to tell me such stories, they love their meat, so it's all yours" I glance at her slightly wide-eyed. No competition? You people are so strange.

Feral //  Loki Laufeyson x Wolf reader COMPLETED Editing!Where stories live. Discover now