Tonight we feast!

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I headed back to my chambers deep in ponder, I lay on my bed contemplating the next move. 

Should I go back? Would I go back? 

Oh, how I hated this irritating tenderness I had somehow gathered. Before I could do any more considering I pulled out a favorable book of mine and began to read, unfortunately, I found myself re-reading a word, then a sentence, then paragraphs, I just could not focus. I slammed the book closed and threw it onto my side desk with a thud.

All that circled through my mind was if she was alright and if she was hurt maybe I could help her I- no- she won't even speak to me

I bickered in my own head, I was lost in thought until a knock came from my door "enter" I called and a maid walked in quietly "prince Loki you have been requested at the dining room for supper" she said gently her hands clasped together tightly in a nervous format, I nodded to her. "Thank you" I acknowledge and she smiled tightly and shut the door as she left.

I removed myself from my bed and straightened my armor and tunic, glancing at my slick black hair in a mirror and tucking back a stray strand that had fallen across my forehead.

 I soon found myself entering the familiar dining room meeting the gazes of familiar faces. I seated myself next to Thor and the warriors 3 as we ate and talked. "Have you discovered a way to her cell?" Thor whispered nudging my side with his elbow "no" I sneered not willing to give him the whereabouts of where she was being kept.

He sighed and then continued to rip into a leg of mutton, "I heard a maiden has been brought into Asgard? Is she worth it?" Frandal interjected pesteringly "yes, she is quite ravishing," Thor reassured smugly. 

Oh, how I wanted to wipe that smile off of his face "enough" Father declared quickly silencing the hall of chatter "there will be no more speaking of the prisoner" he concluded firmly daring one to disagree with his order and everyone was silent and nodding in hushed agreement.

The silence was uncomfortable but soon Thor kicked off again about slaying more large creatures out of the realm, the room irrupted in laugher and interest as I sat quietly still encircling any other alternatives to my next choices with the girl.

 a gentle familiar voice snapped me from my thoughts "darling have you ventured to the dungeons?" my mother whispered next to me on my right-hand side "yes" I murmured back "she has said nothing and shows only hatred for our kind" I seethed frustratedly and my mother seemed to consider what I had said for a moment.

"at least give her a chance, my son" she stated softly and I exhaled but nodded picking at the meal atop my plate "very well" I answered, and I excused myself from the table shortly after but swiped a leg of meat and a buttered roll of bread before I left. 

I was careful to hide it with an illusion spell and took myself back down to the dungeons, I came back across her cell, this time she was laying uncomfortably her back facing me seemingly not noticing me. 

I took the time to look over the scars littering her back the gashes and cuts and bruises stuck out like a sore thumb as i leaned in as far as the barrier would allow.

she eventually shifted her body around and her nose seemed to guide her upright as she sniffed in the air with closed eyes then turned to face me and opening them. 

Upon realization, and recognition, she growled threateningly but then looked at the meat in my hand at my side and held only a glare with silence.

 "I bring you some food" I cautioned but was met with no response.

 I sighed but risked opening her cell, to my surprise she only sat on the floor and stared at me as the golden shimmer faded briefly.  She would occasionally glance at the food in my hand but seemed hesitant as of to what my motives were, she doubted me.

"here" i faltered softly and held the meat out to her crouching, truth be told I feared she would take my handoff. she sniffed it and slowly crouch or-crawled? over very wearily taking the meat from my hand with her mouth her golden eyes never leaving my emerald ones, she really was wild. 

I held myself still as she did so, watching her pupils spike as she viciously ripped it from my hand and scurried back to as far as the chain would take her and ripped it apart with her sharp canines, I watched in fascination and was a little taken aback.

I broke the stillness after she began to gnaw on the bone of the meat, "you are to be executed although there can be an agreement made to prevent it" I breathed out and her ears perked up at this so i could tell she was listening even if her eyes were not on me.

 "an arranged marriage can be made so that you will not suffer a fate of death" she looked up at me with perked ears and narrowed eyes as if confused. I was about to say something more when I heard footsteps and I teleported out of her cell quickly being sure to put in the code for the door and cloaked myself around the corner as a guard passed. 

I watched as a guard came up to the barrier of her cell and sneered "petty mutt where did you get that?! Odin gave us orders not to feed your mangy kind" he spat. I was furious, to say the least, but I kept quiet and watched as she growled at him her ears pinned back and she backed as far as the chains could take her with her bone in her mouth possessively and instinctively. 

"where!?" the guard demanded infuriated by her lack of answer, but only her low animalistic growl could be heard.

He stormed off and she sighed in defeat as she crumpled to the floor. I watched as she took the bone from her mouth angrily and threw it hard against the barrier causing it to burn and shrivel into dust. I watched as she paced a few times the metal chain dangling and jingling against each other as she did so, then lay back down back facing the barrier tail covering her legs tightly providing a small sense of comfort.

I sighed looking at her form littered with bruises and thought over my options again. This was near impossible.

Feral //  Loki Laufeyson x Wolf reader COMPLETED Editing!Where stories live. Discover now