fighting a goddess

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Soon enough Loki had delivered Megan back to the bed in his room and she snuggled into the covers as Loki kissed her sweet spot taking his leave to meet Thor to discuss something. It wasn't long that Megan awoke again not finding sleeping an easy task and set out to find Lady Sif for that challenge she had suggested. 

Feya had come knocking to fit a new outfit for her a little while ago, she knew that Lady Sif had not forgotten their deal to meet and fight one another and Megans wounds were healing well. "Good morning miss, I have come to make you a training outfit for the battle miss Sif has reminded me for" Feya entered, "thank you Freya I have an outfit designed with some ink I had found on Lokis desk"

During Megan's boring bed rest, she had picked up a small pot of ink with a brush and had practiced around with it until she came to the idea of an armor concept.

She had already hopped out of bed and had fixed her hair so braids lined her scalp and she had requested a few things from Feya to bring. Feya got to work lining the different fabrics out and making a side cloak of navy and white feathers that Megan had requested.

Feya went exactly off of what the paper had shown and placed two blue feathers in her hair as they dangled idly down the side of her head, Megan felt too exposed with bare arms so she scooped some black ink up and smeared it over her arms almost like a camouflage that they had back home.

Once she was content with the outfit she thanked Feya. Her bronzed tail swished side to side as she walked down the halls toward the training room, Sif had mentioned it before she had taken her leave when she had the feast with everyone.

She soon spotted Sif standing in the center battling a large bulky Volstagg with two metal swords clashing together both deep in concentration, her midnight hair tied back as her metal and maroon armor glinted in the light as the two exchanged grunts of frustration.

The training ground was a large stadium-like area the ground light dirt with a circular barrier made of stone, with seats just behind I,  an open roof for pure sunlight. 

Only then did they notice her when she stepped into the light, Loki was talking with Thor in the corner of the training grounds and followed everyone else's gaze to Megan who kept a strong stature despite mentally kicking herself for not realizing Loki could have very well been here to meet with Thor rather than in the library like she'd assumed he'd be.

Frandals jaw swung open and Hogun put his hand under Frandals chin shoving it closed rolling his eyes at his blonde friend's stupid nature.

 Sif turned and nodded curtly as Megan did the same in silent understanding appreciation. Loki came striding over with Thor in toe from the opposite side of the grounds "what in the gods are you doing here? I told you to rest!" Loki snapped rather harshly annoyance lining his princely features.

"and I came here to fight, I believe me and lady Sif made a promise?" Megan questioned looking past Loki to a nodding Sif who began to sharpen her sword. 

"That is correct" She tutted walking over to her, "what weapon do you choose to fight with?" she inquired 


Sif nodded and headed over to a weapons table containing daggers, swords shields, and maces, eventually walking over to the spears all leaning against the stone sidewall. 

Megan made her way over "take your pick"

she trailed a hand over the grips on each spear. Eventually deciding on a metal spear with a fabric grip and a sharp point, she would have chosen a wooden spear as it was more natural but it would be no match against a sword of metal. 

She picked it up tossing and spinning it in her hands as everyone watched intently with how lightweight it appeared to seem in her grip, "this one will do" Megan concluded looking to Sif who was clutching a sword next to her.

They both took their stances in the middle of the stadium readying themselves, everyone watched on eagerly, all but Loki who clenched his fists anxiously and chewed his inner cheek with a scowl. 

Instantly the two female warriors charged at one another, Megan's ears pinned back as the feathers on her cloak blew in the breeze and Sif's armor glinted with her sword in the light. 

The clash of metal echoed throughout the stadium, Sif went to pull down her sword on Megan but she held her spear out sideways so that it stopped it midway inches from her face. She harshly shoved it to the side causing Sif to stumble and a small cut to make its way onto Megan's other exposed shoulder.

Megan went to stab her with the spear end when Sif's Sheild that seemed to come out of nowhere but stopped her weapon efficiently. 

With that Sif kicked Megan's legs from out from underneath her causing her to fall flat on her back with a grunt as Sif straddled her.

 Megan quickly shifted all her weight causing her to shove Sif to the side swapping places so that Megan now straddled her hips.

She held the spear sideways up to her neck preventing movement as one foot kicked away her shield and the other handheld her sword flat on her wrist.

Both women were panting heavily and Sif smirked a proud glint in her eye "nice job" 

Megan got off from straddling her, "not many can beat me" Sif commented further and Megan raised a brow "I can see why you have great movement"

They both shared a smile and turned to the males behind them who looked somewhat taken aback "what?" they both asked in unison.

"that was outstanding lady Megan!" Volstagg boomed "eh, just forest practice," she shrugged secretly content that others were warming up to her now.

"I must admit you do have great form" Loki murmured in her ear sleekly, magically appearing from behind Megan causing her to jump. He snaked his arms around her waist pulling her to his broad chest "maybe you can teach me sometime" his voice came out husky and made a shiver run down the length of her spine. 

She felt her cheeks burn but broke out of his grasp as everyone made mocking "aww" sounds around the two. 

She frowned as she turned to him "in your dreams" she huffed "yes you are" 

her cheeks tinted even more as she stormed out after everyone laughed. 

Though she was fuming, she never felt so embarrassed and awkward before.

Then again, Loki had never used that tone with her, so it caught her off guard, but he wasn't done just yet. 

"where are you going my love?" his echoed in her head "out" she uttered dismissively leaving the doors of the palace and out down the streets as he trotted next to her.

"what do you mean out?" his voice became hard "for a run, I will be back later" she finished and shifted taking off into the forest before he could say anything further.

"what do you mean out?" his voice became hard "for a run, I will be back later" she finished and shifted taking off into the forest before he could say anything further

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