dangerous and tattered with scars of battle

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Loki POV:

Thor and I reluctantly left the throne room, out of the large golden doors, we knew how father was and that he could not be reasoned with at a time such as this...

The maiden looked scarred, her body was littered with wounds which only caused me to want to discover more, I knew Thor felt some sort of way toward her.

But she has left a mystery to us both. 

Thor soon broke the silence "I wish to know more of her, if only father would discuss where she has ventured from" He thought aloud "as do I, I have never seen a maiden such as herself before" I commented.

 "what section of the dungeon do you think they will be keeping her in?" Thor, inquired knowing my capabilities "I am not sure" I responded blankly knowing well he would venture down there to capture her heart as he wanted the love of everybody to boost his ever-growing ego.

"oh come on brother I'm sure you can figure something with your magic" Thor teased.

"I need not know of her whereabouts" I stated becoming irritated, "so you do not feel the same attraction to her as I do?" He asked, "we know nothing of her Thor" I said firmly. It was the truth, it baffled my mind on how quickly Thor had managed to want her attention in only a matter of moments.

 He chuckled which caused my blood to boil but I held back and we went our separate ways later on heading back to each of our chambers. As I entered mine I sighed as I closed the doors behind me, "Loki, darling I must speak with you" the voice came from on a chair in my chambers.

 I looked up a bit startled but regained my composure "What is it, mother?" I ventured kindly "it is about the maiden they brought in earlier" I listened now more intently.

 "what of her?" I quizzed "I see how you look toward her son" she affirmed almost teasingly.

 "I know not of what you mean mother" I lied. 

"You Maybe the god of mischief my son, but even I, can decipher when you fail to tell the truth" she noted and I exhaled softly seating myself on the edge of my bed "I have come to let you know of important news, Odin has prompted an idea of an execution..." she trailed off and my eyes went wide.

"What?!" I nearly yelled "I understand your frustration, please be calm darling I have discussed the issue with him and we have decided to take it to the council to discuss.. however there are not many options for her" she cautioned, "what are the options thus far?" I hesitated to ask.

 "from my knowledge, some from other realms wish to have her and use her as entertainment for profit, others wish for execution..." she vacillated. My heart struggled at the thought of such an alluring woman being sold off as if some trinket, it was not right the mere thought made me uneasy.

"Why have you come to tell me this?" I blurted out "well my son, you see, there is another option although i fear you may not accept the idea of such an extreme leap... " I awaited an answer to follow.

"an arranged marriage can be suggested," she added quietly and I stood up in shock "mother no, I can not!" I declared.

how preposterous! that would be throwing away my choice at finding love for myself! Banishing my decision to find a maiden suited for myself and for ruling the kingdom in future.

She stood up as well "Loki, I know but it is the only way I can envision unshackling her" she pleaded "mother, This marriage would give away my freedom to love another!" I argued. 

She sighed and looked down conflicted, 

"mother she does not even speak" I whispered in a softer tone almost pleading for her to look past this option and try to see my reasoning for protest. 

"I am aware, but please I ask for you to visit her at the very least" she offered and I met her eyes and nodded gently, "she is located in the dungeons left-wing," she mentioned quietly "thank you" I murmured as she turned and left.

Undeniably the maiden, was breathtaking, although, she was part canine! and appeared feral like a wild animal, She hasn't even spoken and yet I am already expected to wed her in hopes to save her? 

I am not sure I could go through with the idea. I huffed in frustration but later found myself leaving my room and heading to the dungeons after contemplating it for some time. The least I can do is go and see her, Mother is right.

Feral //  Loki Laufeyson x Wolf reader COMPLETED Editing!Where stories live. Discover now