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As we left the chambers of Prince Loki I glanced and got a better look at the golden hallways we walked down, a split left and right both turning off different ways. It was dark outside and the moonlight grazed the marbled floor slightly. The soft glow of red-tinted torches lined the golden patterned walls all symmetrical to one another as the small fires blazed atop each one.

Feya, I had noticed, was slightly shorter than myself, all the supposed maids wore cream-coloured garments that touched the floor and loosely hung around their figures. 

Needless to say, I felt way out of place and anxious about running into a variety of people living here. She smiled so often at me I was unsure if I was just imaging things to feel better, it was either that or she is overly used to escorting dangerous company, she might not even know I could rip her to shreds right now if I so pleased. 

However, I held back my urges because I would get glances from guards as I passed them with Feya leading the way. too risky.

 I followed behind her obediently because I had no idea where I was going to go otherwise and darting down random corridors would only increase the risk of the death penalty overriding the wed one. our small footsteps were all that was heard throughout the corridors that is until we came close to a pair of doors that muffled clatter and chatting had behind.

I glanced at Feya who still had a cheerful facade on but I felt my anxieties building up more and more as my hands fidgeted at my sides. I had never felt this nervous during a hunt yet that was my forte, people were not. 

I could not trust anyone here. not fully at least and now I am stuck in a palace full of people that so happen to despise my kind as I do theirs. If I tried to kill at least one of them my head would be on a spear of one of these palace guards. I am not of royalty, far from it actually. 

I began to find it hard to keep my composure and began to clench my fists. I didn't notice Feya glance at me worriedly as we approached the door, a small gasp made me snap out of my thoughts and I looked to my left to see Feya eyeing my hand with concern. 

Concern? at least that's what I'm sure it was. She quickly rushed over to my right hand and placed it in her palm forcing my fingers open and laying flat. I now only noticed the crimson blood seeping from my palm. 

I had cut my own hand open due to stress, a petty thing really. We had no worries in the forest nothing to fret over and nothing to certainly cause harm to ourselves over. "Oh my!" she exclaimed her voice quivering slightly, I raised an eyebrow and kept my calm facade on as the crimson blood dripped onto the marble floor with a small 'pit ' sound following each time. 

to my relief, she steered me away from the clatter behind the large doors to the feasting room and turned down a few more corridors till we approached a large oak wooden door. 

She sounded a small knock on the door and they opened to reveal a woman with high cheekbones and deep maroon hair depending on the lighting. it was tied up around her head in two bun-like shapes out of her pale complexion "Feya, what is it?" she said firmly "Eir, i-erm her hand" Freya stuttered and pulled my hand out in front of her to show the woman known as Eir. 

The blood was begging to dry but she huffed then looked up at me making eye contact and narrowed her eyes. my ears pinned back in suspicion and uneasiness but she then looked to Feya in front of me and nodded "enter" she instructed as she turned into the slightly darkened room.

I was cautious but Freya entered before me and so I followed after her looking around the room, some books lined the darkroom and a small desk sat to the side with open books and writing out splayed. In the center of the room was a stone table with small holograms above. Eir waved them away with the swipe of her hand and signaled for me to take a seat. 

I was cautious but Feya nodded to me so I walked over not breaking eye contact with Eir as I sat on the edge of the stone table facing her my palm out splayed before me.

Feral //  Loki Laufeyson x Wolf reader COMPLETED Editing!Where stories live. Discover now