Meetings don't always go to plan. Sometimes you have to improvise.

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The following day.|

Loki POV:

soon enough, or rather too soon, we were alerted to meet in the council room, a large table displayed in the large hall opening. The light shone on the long tables and everyone began to pour into the room from the different realms chattering and bickering amongst themselves greeting those who haven't seen each other for centuries.

  The light shone on the long tables and everyone began to pour into the room from the different realms chattering and bickering amongst themselves greeting those who haven't seen each other for centuries

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Odin was positioned at the very end of the long table and everyone took their seats along the sides out of respect.

 "Welcome, to the council room" Father announced "I am sure you are all aware of why I have gathered you here today," as everyone had their attention on him unfalteringly.

 "An intruder has entered Asgard and is settled in as a threat, to the people if released and to all of Asgard if it returns to its original realm. We may discuss what sentence it will have in this meeting, the current options so far are Execution, you may speak now if you have any alternative options we can discuss" as steps sounded toward the door located behind him.

We watched on as the collar was laced around her neck once more and her large brown tail bristled with uneasiness from the attention as it swished just behind her legs as she was forced into the room for all to see.

She glared at anyone she could lock her eyes onto in the room and snarled causing a few to flinch or jump slightly in surprise. 

Her ears twitched and rotated picking up movements and sounds, her eyes focused on Odin who did not look pleased to see her. 

"How did she get out!?" one of the light elves from Álfheimr said as she stood pointing to her "that is what we do not know" Odin waited for more questions, "Impossible" a few mumbled.

I sat there confused about what they meant I didn't know what realm she was from but obviously her kind was despised greatly for this much negativity to fluctuate toward one being. "execution!" a dwarf stood from Niðavellir "we can use her for profit! we can sell her she would go for a lot!" another from Vanaheim said also standing to protest, Odin seemed to consider these options.

"it appears Execution is the best option here.." he trailed off "I agree!" another dwarf said, I couldn't bear it.

She stood quiet and looked to the floor in defeat her ears pressed against her head. I was about to say something when Thor stood "Father! she is just a woman!" He bellowed "you know not of her heritage her my son" he dismissed. 

"that's because you haven't told us!" I yelled standing up causing shocked glances and gasps, I looked over at her and her golden eyes filled with curiosity and interest as she watched me, I then looked back to Odin.

 "I suggest an arranged marriage" I demanded and the rooms filled with loud dramatic gasps. to be completely honest, which is not my forte, I did not even know if this was the right thing to proceed with, but she only had two options, and death seemed to be more likely at the time.

"You would wed a monster?!" one of the light elves asked, bewildered, and I looked over at her as she looked at me "she isn't a monster" I frowned and everyone looked uneasy or agitated as i glanced around.

 As I looked at her chained up form Her eyes widened slightly and I watched as one tear welled up in the corner of her eye but she blinked it back quickly to prevent it from falling. "My son to wed this creature?! preposterous!" Odin boomed but Mother approached him and placed a hand on his shoulder and whispered something in his ear.

He appeared to relax then whispered something back to her and she nodded, he sighed then looked back over to her and then to me "very well" he finished and a few in the room started to bicker angrily.

 "you can't be serious she is dangerous!" a light elf exclaimed "Enough!" Odin pounded a fist upon the table, silencing anyone "you are to wed in 3 days!" He looked to me harshly. "or I will have her head," he glared at her, and with that, he left the room and everyone broke into frantic chatter. Mother approached me and placed a hand on my forearm "darling.." she started "enough mother. I do not wish to discuss this" I pulled my arm away from her grasp and with that, I turned and headed in the direction they were holding her captive at the end of the room.

I nodded to one of the guards clutching the collar around her neck with the chain and he hesitantly undid it. 

she let out a breath and gently touched her neck and rubbed her wrists they held a red tint from the rubbing of them and her neck had scars, her ears were pinned back but not with anger more with fear as she eyed the spear the guard held firmly onto. 

I soon followed her eyes as they led to everyone standing around the meeting table clutching a weapon or two tightly "put them down" I commanded firmly and hesitantly they did but most of them left the room in a huff of how the decision had turned.

I looked back into her golden eyes "follow me" I instructed and walked off to a corridor checking behind to see that she was following me and she indeed was. we continued down a few halls and eventually came to my chambers.

 "here are my chambers, you will stay here for now to avoid any controversy about your sentence" I kept a strong facade on, firmly asserting dominance and she looked at me with wide eyes and nodded then silently entered the room while I held the door open. She was quieter than usual not even a peep but I put it down to the meetings tense aura that would have caused it.

 But I couldn't help the thought that came into my mind when I said she wasn't a monster she had a look of shock-like she had never heard the words leave anyone's mouth before.

Feral //  Loki Laufeyson x Wolf reader COMPLETED Editing!Where stories live. Discover now