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It was the night of Taehyung's birthday. Just newly turned eighteen and was with his friends who planned a surprise birthday party for him. At first there weren't many people but as the night went on, more people arrived and the more Taehyung started to become uncomfortable. Even though it was technically his party, Taehyung wasn't much of a partier or a drinker.

Taehyung would rather focus on his studies so he could set a good future for him and his future lover and kids. Besides, the first time he tried a cigarette was when he was thirteen and he absolutely hated it but maybe that was because he almost inhaled the cigarette and was coughing his lung outs for a whole five minutes, never again.

For now, Taehyung swirled the vodka in his cup and mentally cursed at himself for taking the drink that would probably fuck him up. It was a Friday night so he decided to just let loose- a little bit at least. Taehyung leaned on the railing of the staircase and quickly took a sip, gagging as he tried to take the vodka down and eventually, he did but had to chase it with the orange juice.

Orange juice with the pulp that is. He was pretty sure he told his friends that he hated the pulp orange juice but it distracted him from the burning feeling in his chest which he had no idea if that was normal. Almost puking it out, Taehyung turned to hunch over the stairs and waiting for his supper to flow but nothing came and he was quite thankful for that.

"Can't handle your alcohol I see." A voice was heard as the male leaned on the other side of the stairs. Taehyung took more of the pulped orange juice and turned to the male as he slowly nodded his head and hisses when he downed the orange juice. "Drinking is not my thing. Never was, never will be." Taehyung explained to the male who nodded.

"Jeon Jungkook, and you?" Jungkook, the light browned hair with blonde streaks spoke as he held out his hand after slipping his cup into his other hand. Taehyung gladly shook the boy's hand. "Kim Taehyung," Taehyung spoke before a burp cut him off, causing him to blush from embarrassment. "Excuse me- I'm sorry," Taehyung mumbled.

Jungkook managed to laugh as he shook his head. "It's a human thing to do, don't worry about it cutes." Jungkook pulled his hand away and shoved his hand in his pocket, humming as he took a looked at Taehyung. "Kim Taehyung as in, the birthday boy?" Jungkook asked with an eyebrow raised. That caused Taehyung to force a smile. "That's me."

"I would have expected you to be inside, in your party." Jungkook hummed as he cocked his head, Taehyung giving a light shrug. "I don't know half the people in there and it just makes me very uncomfortable." Taehyung rolled his eyes. "Especially when they're already shitfaced and just plain annoying," Taehyung said, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Sounds like you're not having any fun at all." Jungkook pushed his hair back and licked his bottom lip from the alcohol that was left from the sip he took. "I was having fun. Then... I don't know. I'm not much of a people person." Taehyung mumbled as Jungkook hummed. "Neither am I. I prefer to have a small circle of friends, to keep to myself. Focus on my schooling." Jungkook spoke up about himself.

That caught Taehyung's attention as he turned to face Jungkook who smiled when noticing he had caught Taehyung's attention. "What school do you attend?" Taehyung asked curiously. Jungkook looked at his fingernails as he cocked his head to the side. "Not wanting to brag but, University of Seoul." Jungkook looked up at Taehyung to see his reaction.

Taehyung's eyes lit up as his mouth dropped. "U-University of Seoul? No way! How is it there? How is the campus? What about the dorms?" Taehyung's list of questions went on and on until Jungkook stopped the male. "Woah there buckaroo, one question at a time yeah?" Jungkook watched Taehyung nod although the word made them both give a chuckle. "Sorry.. that is just... one place I hope to attend next fall," Taehyung confessed sheepishly.

With that, the two were speaking about everything and anything. They didn't notice the time until the music had died down and rarely anyone was around. "You have a motorcycle?!" Taehyung seemed to be very impressed by the male named Jeon Jungkook considering how many times his eyes bulged out of his eye sockets which made Jungkook adore the male in front of him like crazy.

"I do. It's parked right in the front if you'd like to see, or even come for a ride with me." Jungkook suggested with a shrug. Yes- he indeed drinks but he was confident in himself to drive. Considering how many years he had driven it even while intoxicated. Though unlike other times, he was only tipsy. "Oh hell yeah!" Taehyung scoffed and was hurrying down the stairs as he pulled down his sleeves from his sweater.

Forgetting the drink was vodka, Taehyung took a big gulp just to spit it onto the ground and gag, Jungkook looking at the male from the middle of the stairs as he continued walking down, holding back his laughter as Taehyung was quick to down his orange juice, gaging at that too. Seeing throw up all over the snow was not pleasing, not one bit.

In that case, Jungkook busted into laughter as he made it to Taehyung's side. "Weak." He teased and Taehyung groaned from the stinging in his throat and chest. After some time, Taehyung was checking out the motorcycle. "This is so... wow. It's... wow. Can I touch it?" Taehyung asked with pleading eyes.

"Go for it." Jungkook chuckled at the boy with amazed eyes. The excitement Taehyung held in him was so cute. "the Harley-Davidson Low Rider S." Jungkook licked his lips and folded his arms over his chest. "Year twenty sixteen." He told to Taehyung who bit his lip and grabbed onto the helmet. Jungkook getting the clue, he helped Taehyung with the helmet.

Both the boys chuckled before they were getting on. The motorcycle was not fit for two people but they made it work, Taehyung pressed up against Jungkook. "I need you to hold on tightly okay?" Jungkook took Taehyung who nodded. "Yes, sir!" Taehyung chuckled as Jungkook smiled.

Starting it up, Jungkook looked to the side for any vehicles before he was making his way down the road, careful with his driving since the roads could be quite slippery. Jungkook felt Taehyung tighten his hold and he patted the boys hand for reassurance but put his hand back in place. Though, Taehyung loved every second of it.

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