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As the weeks went on, Taehyung and Jungkook began to grow closer. Almost every day they were hanging out and Jimin noticed this. Jimin only lived next door so when he heard the motorcycle roaring from a block away, he would get up from his bed and look outside to see Taehyung getting on. Jimin was not sure if he should be concerned or happy.

One reason was that Taehyung was typically not like this. The boy didn't go out late at night or ever! Taehyung was the type of person to stay home and whenever you ask him to go out he would say he was sick when he'd really be watching some cartoons. So Jimin was quite confused about why Taehyung suddenly changed.

Was he like this? Jimin tried to think back when he started dating Misun but was stumped considering they started dating in grade nine. Three years later they were like a married couple but Jimin wouldn't change it for the world. The three grew up together and so everything just fit into place for Jimin when he grew feelings for Misun.

Now they were all hoping to get into the same university so that meant they would usually study every Friday and help each other out with assignments. It was like a little pack and Jimin loved it. Talking about little packs, he heard the doorbell ring several times, already knowing who was the cause of the seizing doorbell.

Jimin took his time as he made his way to the door and unlocked it. "Dumbass, why'd you lock the door." Taehyung walked in and Misun was still laughing. "Babe, why are you laughing?" Jimin asked as the girl wiped away her tears and gave Jimin her phone. "T-Tae was trying to walk into your house and we were going to catch him saying 'I'm home' with the caption 'walking into your best friends house like-' but-"

Misun laughed before she could finish as Jimin watched the video of Taehyung hurrying towards the door, turning the knob and expecting to make it inside as he put up a peace sign but instead Taehyung banged his head against the door. "You fucking idiot." Jimin laughed as he watched the video over and over.

Taehyung only gave them both fingers as he took out his books and all the other necessities. After the couples laughing fit, they were gathered around the table, all focused on their books- more of Jimin and Misun though. As for Taehyung, he was focused- or semi-focused but whenever his phone made a 'ding' he'd pick it up.

This might have annoyed Jimin so he stared at Taehyung until Taehyung noticed and gave a dramatic look. "Problem?" Taehyung asked and Jimin nodded. "Get off your phone. Text your mystery guy later." Jimin rolled his eyes and went back to his work as Misun made an 'oooh' noise. "He's not my mystery guy," Taehyung mumbled and put his phone down.

"Oh come on, the whole neighborhood can hear him coming from a block down." Jimin looked up at Taehyung who scoffed. "The guy you forced out of my house when I was drunk, do you recall him?" Taehyung asked and Jimin took a minute to think before he nodded. "Yes, why?" He asked while Taehyung mentally facepalmed himself.

"Mystery guy is the guy that had his tongue down Taehyung's throat is what Taehyung is saying." Misun butt into the conversation as Taehyung choked on nothing but air. "Okay- I would have put that in different wording but okay." Taehyung huffed out and Jimin gasped. "Him? Damn.. if I was gay... man I would wanna hop on that." Jimin admitted.

Taehyung looked at Misun who was trying to touch her nose with her tongue before she nodded. "Okay, but me too like.. he can hit me from behind if he wanted," Misun spoke and Jimin leaned back in his chair with a serious face. "He can what?" Jimin clicked his tongue.

Misun only smiled. "You can hit it harder, don't worry." Misun grabbed onto Jimin's hand and Jimin only glared. "Ew, straight things." Taehyung faked a gag while Jimin rolled his eyes. Within minutes, the three were back at it with the work on the table. Finishing up what they needed to do. Eventually, they were all tired out so Taehyung left the house alone as Misun stayed the night.

Just then his phone rang and within an instant, Taehyung answered the phone knowing damn well who it was. "That was not even a full ring." Jungkook laughed as he rolled his eyes. "Coming to get me or not?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook hummed. "I'll be there in a few, bossy pants," Jungkook spoke through the phone and Taehyung smiled. "Yeah, whatever, ugly." Taehyung hung up the phone.

Though as mean as he sounded, he hated how his heart raced and how he felt like he was going to burst anytime he heard Jungkook's voice. Even just holding onto Jungkook made his cheeks heat up and turn into blush or- Taehyung shook his head. "This is so gay," Taehyung grunted as he hurried into his house. Well— to be fair, he was gay.

When hearing the motorcycle, Taehyung hurried outside and was slipping on the helmet with the help of Jungkook. "Good?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung gave a thumbs up before hopping onto the back and held onto Jungkook who was making sure Taehyung was holding on tightly before he drove off, of course, careful not to hit any ice patches and such.

Jungkook started to slow down, using his legs to slightly walk with the motorcycle as he came to a stop near the campus. Over the weeks, Taehyung and Jungkook would usually hang out in public places, going to the movies or the arcade. Anything that kept them busy with each other but they both managed to feel like it wasn't enough.

Don't get them wrong. They loved hanging out in public places and just genuinely getting to know each other but.. it's been a long time since they were able to actually get in a make out. First being because Taehyung was shy and being in public and making out was just weird, for Taehyung. Jungkook didn't mind but he didn't want to overstep either so they usually only ever held hands or snuck in quick kisses which was all they needed.

Though that night, Jungkook invited Taehyung over to his dorm. Of course, it was going to be hard to sneak in Taehyung but he was determined. Besides, Jungkook knew how much Taehyung looked forward to coming to school here and so he just gave him a tease of the dorms.

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